Festival of Neggs

Festival of Neggs

Beginning March of 2010 (month of Running, Y12), Kari the Negg Faerie started hosting a daily activity called the Festival of Neggs. In April 2009, Rosie the Dancing Grarrl hosted the Springtime Celebration at the same time of year. The event included a daily gift and Negg Hunt, prizes were a mixture of neopoint and NC items. Click on the "2009" below for a complete list of Springtime Celebration 2009 activities.

2024 Festival of Neggs

This event was involved in The Void Within plot, checkout SunnyNeo's coverage guide for more details!

The 2024 Festival of Neggs began on April 22nd, 2024 and ends on May 8th 2024. The first day will last a day and a half.

Each year, as winter draws to a close, the Festival of Neggs turns everyone's attention toward this most magnificent and versatile of all Neopian foods. Offering a bountiful array of Negg-inspired activities and treats, in just a few years this celebration has quickly become one of Neopia's most popular events.

From The Void Within livestream, TNT hinted at paying attention to the Festival of Neggs because there could be plot-related events.

Negg Hunt & Clues

Every day this year, you will be able to find missing Neggs based off a clue. In turn, Kari will offer you one of three neggs. Each negg has different prizes. There is a daily tracker for this event which increases by one each day you participate. If you missed a day of the event, you can go back to the links from the previous day(s) and collect your prize.

April 22nd-23rd

It's the start of another festival, so I hid the neggs somewhere central. Near some treats that no one would call inedible.
Location: Neopian Fresh Foods

Text: You find the neggs just sort of placed on the counter.
Kari sort of shly picks them up. "Great job finding these! Which one would you like?"

April 24th

You'll easily find these neggs somewhere sweet if you think lakes are neat.
Location: Kiko Lake Treats

Text: The neggs are in a bowl next to some chocolate. Hopefully, the shopkeep wasn't about to cook them! Kari pours the neggs out of the bowl. "Maybe a treat will help cheer me up...but first which negg do you want?"

April 25th

You'll sure be bouncy if you...ah, I can't think of a rhyme! The neggs are in the Roo Island Souvenirs shop.
Location: Roo Island Souvenirs

Text: Kari is already there holding the neggs.
Kari holds them out to you. "Sorry, about today. I'll do better tomorrow I promise. In the meantime, which negg do you want?"

April 26th

Our good friend Orion is here to help! The neggs are now hidden someplace no one should hear you yelp!
Location: Booktastic Books

Text: You cheer when you find the neggs hidden among the book stacks! Bernard, the shopkeeper, shushes you. Kari picks up a book titled 'Space Exploration'. "Oh, Mira has been wanting me to read this. Maybe I'll buy it. After you pick a negg, of course."

April 27th

If you consider yourself a connoisseur of classical decor, you'll find these neggs where you go shopping galore!
Location: Chesterdrawer's Antiques

Text: The stash of neggs is hidden up high on an Ornate Chandelier.
Kari gets them down for you. "Of course, Orion hides some here, this is one of his favourite shops! Anyways, which negg do you want?"

April 28th

Surrounded by trinkets these neggs do lay, to find them you may have to talk to a shopkeeper who speaks in a peculiar way!
Location: Ugga Shinies

Text: Hoka smiles jokingly as you ask to see the neggs hidden behind his back.
Kari thanks him for keeping them safe as he gets back to work. "This is a very popular shop, I'm glad he kept these close by. Which negg would you like?"

April 29th

These neggs are protected by some of the most glorious buddies around. If you're lucky enough to take one home you won't be let down!
Location: Legendary Petpets

Text: A Hydruplit is guarding the stash as though it is his very own hoard.
Kari quickly replaces the neggs with lookalikes. "I wouldn't want him to be sad his first hoard was disrupted. Perhaps I'll also give him the neggs you don't choose."

April 30th

There's no need to take the neggs up as a sacrifice, but if you have a couple of stones you could throw them in for a price!
Location: Mystery Island Volcano

Text: The neggs are balanced precariously next to the edge of the volcano...
Kari has you walk a bit away from the volcano before talking. "I'll have to speak with Orion about ensuring your safety after this. But for now, choose a negg!"

May 1st

Where delights are so enticing you'd sprout wings and fly, these neggs are next to some heavenly pie!
Location: Faerie Foods

Text: The scent of the Faerie Apple Pie they were next to is what drew you to these neggs right away!
The shopkeeper gives Kari the pie along with the neggs. Kari thanks her and turns to you. "Pie should lift my spirits some. Oh, here, choose a negg!"

May 2nd

If all the merchandise has a small smile, you'll know you're close to finding the next negg pile!
Location: Brightvale Motery

Text: The shopkeep seems to have drawn smiley faces on them to help them blend in!
Kari cleans them up before talking with you. "Sorry if you liked the smiles, you can draw them back on after you pick one if you want."

May 3rd

Finding these neggs does not depend on your methodology, but if you know where you can find arms of quality!
Location: Wonderous Weaponry

Text: The negg stash is hidden amongst a barrel of weapons.
Kari carefully picks them all up. "Look at that! Not even a scratch. Which of the neggs would you like?"

May 4th

You can learn all the insights of those long-gone, after you find these neggs amongst parchments with curses upon.
Location: Sutek's Scrolls

Text: The neggs are wrapped up in papyrus.
Kari unwraps them. "Like opening a present! Which one do you want?"

May 5th

These neggs aren't by the seashore, but she does sell them for sure!
Location: Collectable Sea Shells

Text: The negg stash is inside a real big shell! You put your ear to it but can't hear the ocean. Perhaps cause you are already in it!
Kari grabs the neggs out of the shell. "In shell-ebration for all your hard work, you can now pick a negg!"

May 6th

Sometimes the best offence is defence, so these neggs are up somewhere that will keep them safe no matter the expense.
Location: Space Armour

Text: You almost grab a Laugh Grenade before seeing the stash elsewhere in the shop.
Kari seems shaken from the grenade incident but shakes it off and holds up the neggs. "Which would you like?"

May 7th

Hopefully, these neggs don't end up in a magical brew, or else we'll have to travel back in time to make them anew.
Location: Kayla's Potion Shop

Text: The neggs sitting amongst the potion bottles.
Kari seems distracted by all the potions but comes to and holds up the neggs. "There hasn't been any luck with potions helping with the grey, but you never know. For now, focus on choosing a negg!"

May 8th

Nothing gets the gears moving like a nice game of wit! You'll find these last neggs where you can try on the hottest new outfit!
Location: Cog's Togs

Text: Cog picks up around the shop as soon as you find the neggs hidden in a pile of clothes.
Kari holds the neggs up. "Good job! This means we are officially done with the negg search. That means once you pick the negg you want, we can return to Orion to see if he needs any more help."

Negg Hunt Prizes

When visiting a location with Neggs, you will be given the choice of receiving a random prize from 3 of the 5 different neggs. Once chosen, the prize will automatically be added to your inventory.

Glitch Negg

This is a real smoothie bowl, right? Berry Glitchy Smoothie Bowl View Details
If you want your Pet to look interdimensional, this is the filter for you! Glitch Filter See Preview
This plushie looks a little suspicious... Glitched Topsi Plushie View Details

Grey Negg

Step inside, if you dare... Inside Ednas Tower Background See Preview
This wont actually play music... Grey Ukulele View Details
Look at how cute and sad this stamp is! Nostalgic Grey Draik Stamp View Details

Plushie Negg

Look at this cute little Carmariller! Plushie Carmariller View Details
The perfect plushie negg! Plushie Negg HandheldSee Preview
Peekaboo! Bikiwan sees you! Peeking Bikiwan Toy View Details

Spa Negg

Because self care is important! Self Care Book View Details
The gift of rest and relaxation! Thoughtful Spa Gift View Details
This body butter is super colourful and smells divine! Umbra Body Butter View Details

Time Travel Negg

Marked with Bruce, this special prize box is overflowing with tasty and twisted treats. Baby Bruce Candy Box View Details
This delightful garland is comprised of spring flowers and pastel Petpet cut-outs. This was given out as a prize for the Y15 Festival of Neggs. Colourful Spring Petpet Garland See Preview
Mix in the essence of negg and some food dye... This was given out as a prize for the Y14 Festival of Neggs. Easter Concoction View Details

Quest Dialogue

A recap of the 2024 Festival of Neggs quest dialogue. From The Void Within (March 2024) livestream, TNT hinted at paying attention to the Festival of Neggs because there could be plot-related events.

Scene 1 (April 22nd)


Oh, another festival-goer...it is very good to see you.


I am sorry if I am not myself. As I'm sure you can see I have been one of the victims of the unknown grey curse, and well...it has affected me more than I would like to admit.


Unfortunately, I was struck by this curse before I could get much headway on this year's event...


Luckily, I started on the creation of the neggs long before, but as for the hiding of the neggs and clues to find them...let's just say I am sort of winging it this year.


...an unfortunate choice of words.


Anyways, I sincerely apologise if I am unable to muster up my usual colourful self, but I hope you are still able to enjoy this year's festivities for the both of us!

Scene 2 (April 26th)


I...I'm sorry for yesterday. I just can't seem to get myself together. Just give me a moment here, and I'll be ready with a decent clue today. I promise.


Hello, Kari. May I bother you for a moment?


Orion? What are you doing here?


Mira asked me if I could stop by. She said she would do it herself, but you already told her "Under no circumstances should she busy herself with the festival when the world needs her right now." And when she went to protest, you said if she even tried to stop by you'd "make her regret it". Which she refused to elaborate on.


Yes, I know that last part. I was there.


Right. Of course. My apologies.


No, no. I'm sorry. I don't mean to be so curt. I'm just...well, you know.


No need to apologise. I fully understand.


It is to that point that I have come here. I would like to accompany you and aid in another year's festivities. If you will have me that is.


Thank you for the offer Orion, but I heard about what happened during the Advent Calendar. Are you sure you are feeling well enough?


Yes! I admit I was in rough shape there for a time, but the intense dreams and visions subsided soon after. I was plagued for a bit once again during the month of Awakening, but neither I nor Queen Fyora could make sense of those visions. And ever since then not even the playing of the Lyre has brought forth a revelation.


So you're doing better? You still look rather...tired.


Now my studies for answers is what keeps me up most nights, but no need to worry about that. Let's get back to the matter at hand.


I heard you were struggling to hide the neggs and provide adequate riddles for them? I shall happily take up those tasks for you, and all you need to worry about is seeing the smiling faces of those who find them! Sound good?


...I don't know what to say.


Just say today's riddle. I already have it written out for you!

Scene 3 (April 29th)


Kari...I, I had another dream last night...a strong one.


Oh no, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?


Yes...I'm sorry. I shouldn't be bringing this up during the festival.


It's okay, if there's one thing I know about my festival-goers, it is that they are often happy to help out whenever needed.


So, if you feel comfortable doing so maybe you can tell me about your dream.


It was strange, it was the first one I've had that has so clearly been about some place in Neopia.


Oh, yeah? Where was it?


I suppose I can't be certain, but the dream was dark besides that of the glow of molten lava. That has to be Moltara, right?


Seems like it. What does that mean though?


I don't know. I guess I can travel there tonight after I hide tomorrow's neggs.


Do you want me to come with you?


No, that's okay. You stay focused on the festival! I'll be back before you know it.

Scene 4 (April 30th)


Hi, Kari. I've got news on my mission.


Did you go to Moltara?


Yes, but I couldn't find anything.


Have you tried playing the Lyre again?


It hasn't done much since the intense visions of the Advent Calendar, and Queen Fyora has advised me to refrain from playing the Lyre whenever possible. But...yes, I did.


However, I had barely started when there was a big quake in the city. After that, I was bombarded by multiple visions!


Oh my! Was everyone okay?


Yes, luckily the shaking didn't last long and wasn't too intense, but now I can't seem to see the original vision from my dream.


These new visions are far too weak for me to make much out, and they are all so scrambled together that I can't make any sense of them. However, the small parts I can see seem as though they are flashes of places all around Neopia!


So what now?


I'm not sure. Even if I wasn't helping with the festival, I don't think I could possibly travel all across Neopia in hopes of answers. I can already feel the drain from the visions starting to affect me.


If you need to focus on this I would understand!


No, I gave my word to the great Space Faerie that I would help. Besides, I would not abandon my friend in her time of need!




Hush now! Not another word on the matter. Besides, the festival may be just what I need for these circumstances.


I can't manage this search on my own, but perhaps your festival-goers can help out!


I can keep an eye out as I hide the neggs, but if they could also look around as they search for them, then we would cover a lot of ground fairly quickly!


That's a great idea, but only if they feel up to it!


Of course! All that is needed is for them to keep an eye out for anything odd around Neopia and to report back to me if they happen to see anything. The festival can still go on like normal, and I can preserve energy. As well as look into why the visions are back and what they could mean!


The visions are too jumbled for me to pinpoint a starting place, so please don't overwork yourself. Even if you can only report back one strange occurences a day that would be enough to help me out!

Strange Figures

A strange tentacle-like figure on the right side of the screen on the Mystery Island Volcano

On April 30th, Orion returned from Moltara and found nothing. He told Kari he played his Lyre (even though Queen Fyora advised him not to) and Moltara had a big quake when he played and received several visions. Orion was unable to see the original vision but it was scattered around Neopia. Orion then asks the festival goers to help him by reporting any strangeness around Neopia.

Scattered around various Neopian shops and pages, there is a strange tentacle or claw on the side of the screen.

The message from Orion

When you click on the strange figure, Orion sends you a message, claiming his visions are a bit more clear and wants you to return to him:

A Message From Orion!
I don't know what just happened, but my visions are a bit more clear! It seems like there are now only 7 places around Neopia flashing before my eyes. Come visit me so we can discuss the next steps!

Returning back to the festival and speaking to Orion, he states his vision got better when we saw the strange figure and asks us to keep an eye out:

Below is a compilation of all updates that Orion gives us after finding the strange figure from the seven fragments:

Eight Neopian Discoveries


(April 30th) First Discovery Response: So you saw something strange around the same time my visions got slightly clearer? But you didn't get a good look at it? Okay, well, that is something to work off of! Keep an eye out for more; maybe we can figure out how it's all connected


(May 1st) Second Discovery Response: Hmm, so the strange thing is some sort of creature but it disappeared before you could get too close? Well, I suppose it's only a theory at this point but this seems connected. Maybe try and figure out if there is any sort of connection between the places it shows up.


(May 2nd) Third Discovery Response: Okay, this strange creature you keep seeing has to be connected to my visions. It seems like each time you chase it away my visions dwindle. It's almost as if the creature is being chased away for good. But why would it go there in the first place?


(May 3rd) Fourth Discovery Response: It seems like this creature appears in warm places, often at places that have food as well. That doesn't narrow it down too much, but it is certainly something! Keep up the good work!


(May 4th) Fifth Discovery Response: The visions of places around Neopia are too hectic for me to really take in, no matter the number. Yet, one place is getting clearer and clearer as we progress. Perhaps, once we eliminate all the other locations, I'll be able to make sense of it all.


(May 5th) Sixth Discovery Response: I can't help but think that this creature is lost or something...maybe once we figure out what is going on we can help it. For now, though, we are almost there, I can feel it!


(May 6th) Seventh Discovery Response:These visions have taken a lot out of me, but I get the sense that this is all for something important. Please keep searching a little bit longer!


(May 7th) Eighth Discovery Response: Thank you for all your hard work! It seems like my visions followed the creature wherever it went, I wonder how it travelled so fast. But I suppose it must be done moving now, as most of the visions have stopped. I know we may be short on time, but I need a little while alone to hone in on what is left! Please come back soon, and I'll have more information, I promise!

Orion Updates Kari

On May 3rd, Neopians helped Orion and reported 4 places where they found some strange anomaly. Orion checks in on Kari and she reveals everyday Neopian citizens are being affected by the grey curse. Kari mentions nothing helps, not even the fountain or paint brushes. Kari mentions how Orion is the only hope for Neopia.

Scene 5 (May 3rd)


Kari, if I may ask. How are you doing? I know there isn't much known about...what is happening, but I thought you may want to talk about it anyway.


I'm sorry Orion, I'm not sure I'm up for talking about me...but I do worry for the rest of Neopia.


There have been a few well-known cases, but everyday citizens are starting to be affected at random. So there's no way to figure out how everyone could be connected.


I've talked with Naia and nothing seems to be able to help. Not the fountain, paintbrushes...nothing.


If something isn't done soon, I don't know what it could mean for Neopia.


You might actually be one of our best hopes, Orion.


What do you mean?


Those visions of yours had you convinced something terrible was coming to Neopia. Perhaps they were meant to warn us of this grey curse?


I...I don't know. The things I've seen...they didn't really show anything useful.


I'm sure they did. In some way.


I don't even know why or how they happened. Or why they are back now...I'm not sure I can take much more of this.


I believed in your abilities back when we first met, and I believe in you now. You'll figure something out!


Alright, if you can smile even through all this. Then I suppose I can keep pushing on as well.

Orion's Realization & Lyre Theory

Neopians help Orion by identify 5 strange observations up until May 5th. Orion had the realization that his visions are strongest whenever Neopians gather together. During the Advent Calendar, his visions were the strongest and during the Neopies he also had visions but they weren't as strong. The festival is nearly over, so Kari and Orion urge us to find the remaining 2 places to find some answers.

Scene 6 (May 5th)


What you said to me the other day, about believing in my abilities back during last year's festivities. It got me got me thinking.


Ever since I found the Lyre I have consulted my cards many a time, but never garnered much information from them when it came to anything pertaining to the Lyre or my visions.


But during last year's festival, I was able to gather more power through the help of a festival-goer.


So do you need them to interact with your cards again?


No, sadly I think even with the help of many festival-goers, we would not be able to crack the secrets behind the Lyre with just my cards alone. But the premise behind the help I received is what struck an idea in my head.


The strongest visions I've had happened during the Advent Calendar, one of the biggest events of the year. Tons of Neopians gather together to celebrate it.


No visions I've had yet have matched the ones during that event, but I did encounter another bout of dreams and visions during the month of Awakening. They weren't nearly as strong, but they lasted for some time. And what was happening that entire month?


The Neopies?


Exactly! Another large gathering of Neopians!


Just like I needed to gather power from another to make my card readings stronger, I think the Lyre must need the power of all of us gathered together to power it enough to send these messages!


That seems a little farfetched...


I know...it's just a theory. My other is that since it's a musical instrument, maybe the Lyre likes having a crowd to put on a show for. However, that one mainly seems silly.


Well, either way, if your theory on crowds of Neopians triggering your visions is correct, I'm afraid we are running out of time. There are only a few days left until the Festival of Neggs ends.


Yeah...if it ends so might my visions, and we won't know why I am receiving them once more.


In that case, we all need to get back out there! I can feel that we are close to answers!

Scene 7 (May 7th)


The event is ending soon...How are things going with your visions?


I haven't felt them fading, but I suppose if my theory is correct they wouldn't be yet.


But please festival-goers, if you haven't yet, go search around Neopia for anything strange and report back to me as soon as you do!


After investigating all 8 strange places, Orion was able to piece together the 8 fragments of his vision and wanted us to checkout the location of the original vision in Moltara City near some tall building.

Scene 8


Now that the visions have calmed down, the original one of lava returned. And this time, much stronger. I was able to play the Lyre to intensify it for myself and saw what looked like a crevasse next to a very tall building.


This is the last time I'll ask this of you I promise, but could you please take a look around anywhere that may fit this description and report back to me if you find anything?

Visiting Moltara City, in the background there is a tall building with smoke coming out of it. Only for this brief moment does this building have the text Moltara Obsidian Company appear.

When you clicked on the building, a popup appeared with the newly discovered petpet!

You enter a small, newly formed crevasse at the base of the building, and find a sort of cave at the bottom. It seems like this cavern must have been sealed up before the crack formed. Inside you discover a rather large petpet asleep by the flowing lava. Better bring it back to Orion to see if this has anything to do with his vision!

Clicking on the "Lets Go" button would return you to the Festival of Neggs landing page. Kari and Orion concluded their discoveries for the festival.

Scene 8 (May 8th)


This creature seems fairly large for your average petpet, and who knows how old she must be if she was trapped below the surface until now...


With how you described the crevasse it seems like the construction of the Obsidion Co. building made the cave she lived in no longer structurally sound. Breaking it open and allowing lava within once again.


I'm no petpet expert but she seems to thrive off lava, perhaps that is how she travelled around. Going all over in search of food?


Whatever the case is, I am unsure why my visions would have led us to her...


Wait, Orion what is that in the spikes on her back?


It...it sort of looks like a musical cylinder. Like the kind music boxes use to play songs, but it's a rather odd shape.


And made of lava.


Yes, and made of lava. I have no clue what sort of music box could play this.


But as soon as I touched it it was like a weight lifted off my shoulders. I think this must be what the visions were leading me to.


And this little, big gal must have had it stuck on her while she ran all over. But how did she get it?


I don't know...I suppose we are left with more questions. For now!

Popup transcription:

I can feel as though there is more to this mystery, but thanks to you we found something that could lead us to the answers!

Perhaps the next big gathering will help us unlock even more of this quandary...such as the Altador Cup? I'll be sure to check in, and I hope to see you there!

To reward your hard work, here are some wonderful prizes for you:
Lava Musical Cylinder
Orions Prophecie

Your prizes have been placed in your inventory. And a trophy to mark your interesting discovery has been added to your Site Event Trophies!

For helping out Orion and his discoveries, several rewards were given out, after the 8th dialogue scene. We learned this petpet's name is Tuffala and received it for helping with its discovery.

Orion's Discovery Rewards

TuffalaView Details
Lava Musical CylinderView Details
Orions Prophecies(Site Event Trophy)

NOTE: The image for the site event trophy, Orions Prophecies, was changed by TNT later in the day. The original image had some red/brown colour and looked like this:

Bonus Prizes

At the end of the Negg Festival, extra prizes will be handed out to everyone who participates in the event. We'll update this section with the bonus prizes when they're available.

Festival of Neggs 2024 Final PrizesRewarded for participating in the festival
Last Updated: May 09, 2024
Total Items: 6
This negg is working correctly... I think...

Glitch Negg

1,900 NP
This negg looks kinda down...

Grey Negg

4,300 NP
This negg looks so cuddly!

Plushie Negg

1,100 NP
This snowglobe emits a kind of awful stench...

Rotten Negg Snowglobe

81 NP
Everyone loves a spa day!

Spa Negg

1,100 NP
Be careful... this negg may transport you to another time...

Time Travel Negg

2,900 NP

In addition to these item prizes, everyone who participated was awarded the Festival of Neggs Site Theme as well as the following avatar.

Rewarded for participating in the Festival of Neggs in 2024.

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    ✿ grey

Dip & Dye Neggs (NC)

Help the fountain faerie in this year's Dip & Dye Neggs NC component. This event will run from April 25th until May 25th. To unlock the prizes you will need Dyeing Passes, which you can buy in the NC Mall.
Here are all the tools you will need to dip and dye a single Negg! Click on any Negg that is without dye to apply this one and get a chance to pick a special single prize from that Negg! Note: Negg Dyeing Kits will only be valid for this years Dip & Dye Neggs and are available until May 25th at 11:59:59 PM NST. Please read the Dip & Dye Neggs FAQ for more information before purchasing! Single Negg Dyeing Kit 2024 150 NC
View Details
Here are all the tools you will need to dip and dye a Ribbons and Bowlas Negg! Note: Negg Dyeing Kits will only be valid for this years Dip & Dye Neggs and are available until May 25th at 11:59:59 PM NST. Please read the Dip & Dye Neggs FAQ for more information before purchasing! Ribbons and Bowlas Negg Dyeing Kit 650 NC
View Details
Here are all the tools you will need to dip and dye a Breakfast in Bed Negg! Note: Negg Dyeing Kits will only be valid for this years Dip & Dye Neggs and are available until May 25th at 11:59:59 PM NST. Please read the Dip & Dye Neggs FAQ for more information before purchasing! Breakfast in Bed Negg Dyeing Kit 650 NC
View Details
Here are all the tools you will need to dip and dye a Duck, Duck, Mallard Negg! Note: Negg Dyeing Kits will only be valid for this years Dip & Dye Neggs and are available until May 25th at 11:59:59 PM NST. Please read the Dip & Dye Neggs FAQ for more information before purchasing! Duck, Duck, Mallard Negg Dyeing Kit 650 NC
View Details
Here are all the tools you will need to dip and dye all 3 types of Neggs! With this bundle you will get the Duck, Duck, Mallard, Breakfast in Bed & Ribbons and Bowlas Negg Dyeing Kit! Negg Dyeing Kits will only be valid for this years Dip & Dye Neggs and are available until May 25th at 11:59:59 PM NST. Please read the Dip & Dye Neggs FAQ for more information before purchasing! Bundle Negg Dyeing Kit 2024 1,500 NC
View Details

Duck, Duck, Mallard Negg

April 25th

Quack! Quack! Yellow Mallard Bucket HatSee Preview

April 26th

You wont be able to get over how cute these Mallard Overalls are! Mallard OverallsSee Preview

April 27th

This plushie looks just as cute as a Mallard petpet, maybe even cuter! Mallard Plushie HandheldSee Preview

April 28th

Now you can walk in a Mallards shoes....literally! Fuzzy Mallard Feet SlippersSee Preview

April 29th

Dont mind this adorable Mallard, they seem to be enjoying some tasty bread! Munching Mallard Petpet ForegroundSee Preview


The cherry blossoms are in bloom and the Mallards are swimming in the pond, Spring is definitely here! Mallard Spring Bridge BackgroundSee Preview

Breakfast in Bed Negg

April 29th

This pajama top is sure to communicate your love for breakfast! If only you had some matching bottoms... Breakfast in Bed Pajama TopSee Preview

April 30th

Guess the breakfast really IS in bed! If only you had a matching top... Breakfast in Bed Pajama BottomsSee Preview

May 1st

Maybe a little ironic, but this sunny-side up mask will definitely block the morning sun while you sleep! Sunny-Side Up Sleeping MaskSee Preview

May 2nd

This wig looks like you just rolled out of bed after a long slumber... Messy Bed-Head WigSee Preview

May 3rd

Yummy! Breakfast in bed is one of lifes many great comforts! Breakfast in Bed ForegroundSee Preview


So pretty! Breakfast with a view! Breakfast on the Balcony BackgroundSee Preview

Ribbons & Bowlas Negg

May 3rd

The little pink bows compliment this curly wig so well! Cute Pink Wig with RibbonsSee Preview

May 4th

This dress screams I love pink and bows! Frilly Ribbon DressSee Preview

May 5th

These shoes are too cute and look so good with these leggings! Pink Leggings and ShoesSee Preview

May 6th

This Bowla is a cute Petpet and accessory! Pink Bowla Petpet CompanionSee Preview

May 7th

Look at all the colourful Bowla Petpets! Bowla Petpets GarlandSee Preview


Do you think this room needs more pink? Pink Drapery BackgroundSee Preview

Bonus Prize (collecting all 3 neggs)

Oh look, a negg! You can use this Gift Box to give a NC item to another Neopets user as a gift! Sprouting Negg GiftboxView Details
What a great day for gardening, and there looks to be many neggs ready for picking! Negg Garden BackgroundSee Preview


These questions & answers were obtained from the support knowledge base.

Will there be any special bonus prizes?

Yes! There will be bonus prizes awarded to users who managed to find all of the Neggs on each day they were released.

I think I found where the neggs should be, but Kari is not here! What do I do?

Some of Kari’s clues could refer to two different places in Neopia, so if you don't spot them at first, keep looking!

I found the Negg Stash! How do I collect my prize?

Once you have found the Negg Stash for the day, Kari will offer you three of the special themed Neggs in that stash and allow you to choose whichever one you want. Once you choose, Kari will give you a random one of the three prizes from that Negg, what fun! There are 5 different themed Neggs that you can be offered, but each time you find the Neggs, Kari will randomly choose which three to offer you, so choose wisely.

Do I have to find Neggs every day?

You can find Neggs in any order or on any day once that location has been made available for as long as the Festival lasts. However, if you decipher Kari's clues and track them down on the day she releases that clue, they just might grant you an extra prize at the end of the Festival!

Who is Kari?

Kari is the Negg Faerie! In her spare time, she runs the Neggery in the Ice Caves! She is the original host of the Festival of Neggs!

How long will the Festival of Neggs last?

This year’s festival will begin on April 22nd and end on May 8th, end of day. Day 1 of the event will actually be a day and a half, running through April 23rd.

What is the Festival of Neggs?

The Festival of Neggs is an annual event celebrating spring and, of course, Neggs! Kari is thrilled to celebrate with her old friend Mira the Space Faerie this year, who found several unidentified negg-like objects during her travels across the cosmos… Since Kari and Mira have already begun investigating these strange objects, this year’s Festival will be held up at the Virtupets Station!

What's wrong with Kari?

Kari has been affected by what many in Neopia are calling the grey curse. However, no one really knows anything about it so we can't be sure if it's a curse, an aliment, or what! All we know is that it is somehow affecting Neopians all over the lands and nothing seems to be able to cure it. Things such as Paint Brushes and Morphing Potions seem to have no effect. Not even Naia's Rainbow Fountain can change one back from being grey!

Dip & Dye FAQ

These questions & answers were obtained from the support knowledge base.

Can I participate in Dip & Dye Neggs and earn prizes on my side accounts?

Yes, but only because you do not need to join the Festival of Neggs Hunt to participate in the Dip & Dye Neggs. Remember, you cannot do the Festival of Neggs event on side accounts.

Can I give Negg Dyeing Kits to another player?

Yes, these Kits are like any other NC item and gift-able via NC Gift Box (one item per NC Gift Box).

How do I purchase these "Negg Dyeing Kits" you speak of?

There are two ways you can purchase your Kits. Visit the NC Mall or the Dip & Dye Neggs page to purchase your Kits. Once your purchase is complete, go to your inventory and activate it. Then it’s time to dye some neggs!

What are Dip & Dye Negg Dyeing Kits?

Dip & Dye Negg Dyeing Kits are different kinds of bundles that you can purchase. They allow you to enter Naia's Rainbow Fountain to dip neggs into the magical water to see how it changes its colour! You pick which neggs you would like to see transformed and get fun, unique prizes from them!

What is the duration of Dip & Dye Neggs?

The event will start on April 25th and be available till May 25th, end of day. You can participate any time within that period by visiting the Dip & Dye Neggs page with any of the Dip & Dye Negg Dyeing Kits from this year, which will be available for purchase starting April 25th.

What is Dip & Dye Neggs?

The Dip & Dye Neggs event is an NC Mall event where you can dye neggs into the Rainbow Fountain, allowing you to receive new NC prizes. Naia will be there to help you along the way and watch over all users of her beautiful fountain! Want to Dip & Dye neggs this year? All you need is a Dip & Dye Negg Dyeing Kit from the NC Mall to see what the Neggs will bring!

How does the Single Negg Dyeing Kit Work?

The Single Negg Dyeing Kit will allow you to participate in the negg-dyeing fun without committing to dyeing a full negg! After purchasing and activating this item, you can apply it to any cleared Negg, or Negg that does not have an activated Negg Dyeing Kit already applied to it. So, simply click on a greyed negg of your choice and cycle through the prizes to pick the single prize you like most! Note: applying this kit will allow you to choose prizes that have already been revealed, so if you don't see a prize you like, then try coming back to that negg another day!