Apple Bobbing

What is Apple Bobbing?
Apple Bobbing is located in Neovia, just outside of the Haunted Woods. Apple Bobbing is a new daily where you can "Bob for Apples" and hopefully win a prize! It's run by Vandebart Biggsby the green Gnorbu, but you can call him Bart for short.

Before Apple Bobbing was located in Neovia, it was an activity to do during October 2010's Haunted Faire. To learn more about the original Apple Bobbing, and the rest of the Haunted Faire, visit our Haunted Faire Guide.
Since this is a site feature that gives out neopoint rewards and prizes, you may not visit Apple Bobbing on your side accounts. For more information look at our side accounts guide.

How Do You Play Apple Bobbing?
To start Apple Bobbing, you need to click on the "Bob For Apples" button below the image of Bart.
Apple Bobbing

Got a hankering for apples? Have I got the barrel for you! That's right, step up and get bobbing with Apple Bobbing Bart - yours truly. I reckon you might even rustle up something marvellous...
Hi! I'm Bart, and this is my Apple Bobbing Tank. If you don't mind getting a little wet, you can bob for one of its magnificent prizes! In addition to a huge array of apples, my tank also offers a wide variety of other spooky delights. Give it a shot!


Once you click on the "Bob For Apples" button, you will find out whether or not you earned a prize.

Although it seems like you would get an apple for apple bobbing, there are actually many different prizes you can receive. You could get items, you could lose Neopoints, your pet could get sick, you can lose an item in your inventory, or you might not get any prize at all!

Exclusive and Normal Item Prizes
Apple Bobbing

Got a hankering for apples? Have I got the barrel for you! That's right, step up and get bobbing with Apple Bobbing Bart - yours truly. I reckon you might even rustle up something marvellous...
How'd that get - I mean, bully for you!

Flat Apple Fruit

I'll just put that in your inventory for you. Wouldn't want it to get stolen, after all. Downright saddening, that would be. I might even shed a tear. So how about that? I reckon your apple bobbing skills have no match.


You can win exclusive items that you can only receive while Apple Bobbing, which means you cannot restock them from Neopian shops or get them from Random Events.  Here is a list of those exclusive items.  Did you get an item not listed here ?  Please let us know.
Apple Bobbing ExclusiveExclusive items you can get while bobbing for apples
Last Updated: January 21, 2024
Total Items: 91
Its like an apple within an apple! *BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHM*

Apple Apple

Tasty with no nasty surprises in it at all! How suspicious! It must be poison.

Apple Bobbing Bart Bark

It cant be THE hat... could it?

Apple Bobbing Bart Hat
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Apple bobbing stand comes separately.

Apple Bobbing Bart Plushie

All you ever wanted to know about Vandebart Biggsby... except his hat, that is.

Apple Bobbing Bart: A Biography

Annoy your sibling by incessantly prodding them with this handy cane!

Apple Bobbing Cane
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You could get a trick, treat, or both from this barrel!

Apple Bobbing Foreground
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...They make manuals for everything, dont they?

Apple Bobbing Manual

So tasty! Theyre not edible?! OH NO!!!

Apple Mitts
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Ohh...this Spyder is creepy...make sure your Neopet isnt afraid of it!!!

Apple Spyder

A delicious apple cobbler without all that apple hassle!

Apple-Free Apple Cobbler

The result of an apple bobbing gone wrong.

Applehead Bart Plushie

This apple has seen better days. Perhaps last year.

Beaten Old Apple

I hope the inside is not as black as the outside.


Blueberry! Apple! No, blueberry! No, apple!

Blue Berry Apple

A common yet pretty apple made out of bronze!

Bronze Apple

Its-- ouch! Well-- ouch! ... Ouch, just ouch.

Cactus Apple

These cherries taste like apples. I mean these apples taste like cherries.

Cherry Apple

Finally, a witch hat you can eat! Though if you pester Sophie enough, she might make you eat hers...

Chocolate Cone Witch Hat

Made out of clay. I doubt you want to eat it.

Clay Apple

Is the Spyder real? Try it and find out - if you dare!

Cobweb Cake

A refreshing sweet cider made of fresh apples.

Cold Apple Cider

The best kind of apple melts right in your mouth!

Cotton Apple

Crabby apple is CRABBY!

Crabby Apple

How... refreshing?

Cup of Stagnant Water

Aww... How could you possibly eat an apple that is wearing clothes?

Customised Apple

This apple is sure to be a sweet treat!

Dappled Apple

Watch out! This slicer is quite sharp.

Dark Apple Slicer

This dagger could aid you in battle if you dare to wield it.

Dark Dagger

You probably need a digital mouth to eat this apple.

Digital Apple

This fence is barely keeping together.

Dilapidated Fence Foreground
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Disco is life for this apple.

Disco Apple

This apple is sure to be a sweet--... HEEEY, waitaminute!!!

Dopple Dapple Apple

It only zaps you when you eat it.

Electric Apple

Only your reflection can eat this apple.

Elppa Apple

Its incredibly juicy, and also keeps the doctor away.

Flat Apple Fruit

An apple created from various parts of the most villainous apples imaginable!

Franken Apple

A super crunchy treat if you can wrap your teeth around it!

Frozen Apple

Aw, its spooky AND cute!

Ghost Aisha Plushie

This apple is back for revenge!

Ghostly Apple

A rare and beautiful apple made out of pure gold!

Golden Apple

This dangerous apple cannot be beaten or eaten!

Grapple Apple

Warning: May turn your paper green when used.

Green Tentacle Eraser

It doesnt do a clean job of it, but it does end up sharp!

Grobrin Pencil Sharpener

Ghostly apples like to hang out next to this haunted apple.

Haunted Apple

Someone lost a hand in this cookie jar.

Haunted Cookie Jar

This drum echos rather unnaturally...

Haunted Drums

A soothing sweet cider made of fresh apples.

Hot Apple Cider

Thats no apple!

Imposter Apple

To get the best candy on Halloween, you need to venture into the forest...

Into the Forest

Has this been splashed with paint?

Jumble Apple

This apple is perfectly comfortable underwater.

Maraquan Apple

If you want to eat it, you have to cut it by its grooves.

Melon Berry Apple

Its looking at me! D:

Meowclops Candy Apple

Perfect for when you dont want to leave home to bob for apples!

Mini Apple Bobbing Game

It smells kind of funny but if youre thirsty you wont be complaining!

Mug of Apple Bobbing Water

Perfect substitute for the Muntando Fruit. And easily available too.

Muntando Apple

Are those Barts teeth?

My First Dentures

It sings the song of the apples.

Operatic Apple

This pear tastes best when dipped in chocolate or caramel.


A petrified apple a day keeps the dentist well paid!

Petrified Apple

That must be some pretty old laundry!

Pile of Spooky Laundry
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A dream come true for any apple lover.

Piles of Apples Background
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Spiky on the outside, soft and juicy on the inside.

Pine Apple

You may not feel like yourself anymore once you have these eyes...

Possessed Eyes
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Eww. This is one apple you really dont want to sink your teeth into.

Rotten Apple

Who could possibly be the scariest Neopian of all? *eek!* Its YOU!

Scariest Neopian

Oooh... Shiiiiny.

Shiny Apple
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An uncommon and pretty apple made out of pure silver!

Silver Apple

Its amazing anyone managed to pick this one up at all.

Slimy Apple

It looks an awful lot like a normal apple.

Speckled Apple

This muffin looks a bit waterlogged...

Spooky Apple Muffin

Made from the wood of real (angry) haunted trees!

Spooky Tree Flute

What are you looking at?

Spy Apple

No cupcake should have this many legs!

Spyder Cupcakes

There is something not quite right with those Neopians...

Strange Behaviors

Not the best looking apple out there, but at least its edible.

Tarnished Apple

Didnt you know it takes skill to bob for apples?

The Art of Apple Bobbing

Oh, um... It has a nice gradient?

Unconverted Apple

This apple can frighten anyone to the core.

Undead Apple

Watch out for falling apples - they bite!

Undead Apple Tree Foreground
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Sometimes Neopians go missing for no reason at all...

Unexplained Disappearances

It mostly unnerves others when you wear it...

Unnerving Hat

This apple is flawless!

Untarnished Apple

Luckily it only attacks other apples.

Vampire Apple


Villainous Apple

It probably tastes watery.

Water Apple

Just an ordinary white apple, Im sure you must have seen these before.

White Apple

Now you can have your revenge on those troublesome little ghosts that are always stealing your Neopoints!

White Chocolate Ghosts

A cookie! Whoot!

Whoot Cookies

Its made out of wood. I don’t think its edible - at least to most.

Wooden Apple

You can also receive normal items as a prize, such as food, books, plushies, furniture and as well as a few other types of items. Here's a list of the different items you can receive.  Did you get an item not listed here ?  Please let us know.
Apple Bobbing NormalItems you can get while bobbing for apples
Last Updated: March 08, 2024
Total Items: 121
This isnt an ordinary toffee apple, this one looks like an Aisha!

Aisha Toffee Apple

Said to once be worn by the great dark faerie herself, if you wear this you will be immune to light attacks.

Amulet of Darkness

This sulky looking pumpkin will glow all year round.

Angry Pumpkin

The perfect autumn harvest collection!

Autumn Harvest Foreground
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Place your favourite plant in this attractive autumn planter.

Autumn Planter

Ewww.. Avocado... actually its rather nice!

Avocado Gummy Korbat Tail

Someone accidentally dropped a pumpkin on these loaves, but the Breadmaster baked them anyway.

Baked Pumpkin Bread

This cute little fella goes meep! when you squeeze its tummy!

Blue Korbat Plushie

Celebrate Korbat day in style with this delicious gummy treat.

Blueberry Gummy Korbat Tail

Darkness is much more powerful when bound. Unleash the power of darkness upon your opponents!

Bound Darkness Scroll

This snazzy table is made from an old cauldron.

Cauldron Table

Its chewy and cherry, how can you not like it?

Cherry Gummy Korbat Tail

Possibly the most menacing looking dessert you will ever find!

Chocolate Ice Cream Apple Lantern

A spooky looking Korbat ice cream that has been dipped in milk chocolate.

Chocolate Korbat Ice Lolly

This pumpkin bean bag will add a splash of colour to any room.

Comfy Pumpkin Bean Bag

Now you can try to see into the future as you relax in your Neohome.

Crystal Ball Table

Mmm... a solid piece of dark chocolate shaped just like a Gnorbu.

Dark Chocolate Gnorbu

Are you afraid of the Dark?  You will be... One Use.

Dark Nova

This candle will never burn down no matter how long you leave it lit for.

Dark Red Spooky Candle

This is an awfully spooky potion.

Dark Vine Potion

Just like a deviled egg, only made from pumpkins.

Deviled Delight

Wait til they get tired and fall asleep... then you can eat them.

Deviled Eggs

This fence is barely keeping together.

Dilapidated Fence Foreground
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Smell just like a Korbat when you spray this on.

Eau de Korbat

You never know what is going to end up in Ednas brew!

Ednas Spooky Brew

These chips are made from rather bizarre looking vegetables that have been baked to look like Eliv Thades tail.

Eliv Thade Chips

For when hair days arent just bad... but evil.

Evil Hair Clip

This evil muffin can be thrown at an opponent in the Battledome.  You can only use it once however, so stock up! One Use.

Evil Muffin

This snowflake has a particularly nasty air about it. One Use.

Evil Snowflake

Some pretty fun hexes that would come in handy if only they worked... like turning your little brother into a Mortog!

Evil Spells

MUAHAHAHA! You shall never defeat me!

Evil Twin Goatee
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It might be a good idea to put it out before eating.

Fire Apple

Odd, when you try to bite down on this burger, your teeth just pass right through it.

Ghost Burger

Stories that will send a shiver down your spine if you read them out loud.

Ghost Lupe Spooky Stories

Oh, that poor ghost is trapped forever in this soup...

Ghostly Soup

A Gingerbread Korbat in honour of Korbat Day - how nice!

Gingerbread Korbat

Who says balloon animals are just for Birthday parties?

Grarrl Balloon Pet

Eww even the seat is grassy.. this is tasteless!

Gravestone Chair

This cute little fella goes meep! when you squeeze its tummy!

Green Korbat Plushie

Hello, I am a cute Evil Fuzzle.  I want to take over the world *cough* I mean be your friend.

Grey Evil Fuzzle

When Aishas go bad...

Halloween Aisha Stamp

The eyes on this plushie glow red to help you see in dark, spooky places.

Halloween Bori Plushie

This fun plushie really seems to enjoy Halloween!

Halloween Dribblet Plushie

This ghostly Gelert plushie actually glows in the dark.

Halloween Gelert Plushie

Spooky stories set in the Haunted Woods at Halloween...

Halloween Ruki Tales

This milk floats and wails until you drink it.

Haunted Milk

Creepy ghost stories of ghost Myncies that prowl the night.

Haunted Mynci

Now what would haunt a pumpkin bar?

Haunted Pumpkin Bar

What better way to drink chocolate milk than out of a pulsing brain?

Haunted Woods Chocolate Milk Glass

Reading this paper out loud has been known to summon spirits, but dont let that scare you.  (Published by the Neovian Printing Press.)

Haunted Woods Reader

What kind of spirit would haunt a snowglobe? A tiny one!

Haunted Woods Snowglobe

Another evil plushie from the deserted fairground!  Somebody seems to have ripped off Von Roos head.

Headless Von Roo Plushie

Theyre STILL watching!

Jar of Meepit Eyes

Another evil plushie from the deserted fairground!  Koibat... hahaha.

Koibat Plushie

One cold wintery night the sky was filled with the sound of flapping wings... the Korbats had arrived ....

Korbat Halloween

This cake looks just like a moon!

Korbat Mooncake

This basket has all of the most delicious fruit of the season!

Korbat Seasonal Fruit Basket

Korbats Lab, the game where you have to destroy the boxes in Sloths Lab, is quite fun!

Korbats Lab Stamp

This Usuki is the perfect addition to any collection.

Little Witch Usuki

Local Happenings is the best way to stay informed on all notable events around Neopia.

Local Happenings

There is something awfully freaky about a lamp with eyes!

Meepit Lamp

This chair is all furry so it even feels like a Meowclops!

Meowclops Chair

A table that is classy and practical, the ears are slightly raised to help stop things sliding off the edges.

Meowclops Coffee Table

Scare away unwanted visitors with this hissing Meowclops statue!

Meowclops Statue

The true story about the Kikos mesmerizing gaze.

Mesmerizing Kikos

Chocolate Korbats!  Yummy, especially the raspberry fondant in the middle.

Milk Chocolate Korbat

A popular book penned by the Brain Tree himself revealing the truth behind Halloween.

Mystery Of Halloween

Legend has it each Night Stone contains a drop of pure evil.  This amulet will grant you protection from light.

Night Stone

Celebrate the mystical Nightsteed with a slice of this cake.

Nightsteed Cake

Only true Nightsteed fans would want to drink out of this spooky mug.

Nightsteed Mug

A terrifying tale that will send shivers down your Neopets spine.

One Scary Night

Milk chocolate, mixed with a tinge of orange to create a mighty tongue-twister!

Orange Chocolate Korbat

A rather fruity chewy treat that your pet will love.

Orange Gummy Korbat Tail

Perfect for Halloween decorating!

Organic Korbat Pumpkins

Plant em, eat em - either way youll get some yummy pumpkin flavour.

Pack o Pumpkin Seeds

Mmmmm... creamy pumpkin baby food.  You could probably use this to make some pumpkin pie!  Wouldnt that be lovely?

Pumpkin Baby Food

A carved pumpkin filled with pumpkin flavoured cookie dough and topped with chocolate chip icing.

Pumpkin Chip Surprise

Freshly baked pumpkin cookies with a crunchy frog interior.  Do not tell your friends about the surprise inside and watch them gag!

Pumpkin Cookies

This clever frame makes splatters of ink look just like pumpkins!

Pumpkin Ink Frame
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Disclaimer: One should not stick a candle in their mouth, even while wearing this hat.

Pumpkin Lid Hat
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Taste of pumpkin pie all day long!

Pumpkin Lip Gloss

You wont mistake this mocha for any other with this adorable mug.

Pumpkin Mocha

There is nothing Corn-ish about these pumpkin Pasties.

Pumpkin Pasty

Legends say that they used to make these pies out of something other than pumpkin in the past....

Pumpkin Pie

Perfect for a cool autumn morning.

Pumpkin Roll

Love pumpkin pie so much you want to smell it all day long? Now you can!

Pumpkin Spice Soap

A healthy breakfast that tastes just like pumpkin pie.

Pumpkin Waffles

Pumpkin on top, pumpkin in the middle - now if only there was some pumpkin on the bottom...

Pumpkin-Filled Doughnut

This cute little fella goes meep! when you squeeze its tummy!

Red Korbat Plushie

What makes this ink frame so scary? Stand under it and find out!

Scary Ink Frame
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This plushie might be difficult to find in the dark!

Shadow Korbat Plushie

This poor little guy is always hungry, no matter how much he eats.


Sophie is a very strange character that seems to love living alone in her rather damp hut, surrounded only by Meowclops.

Sophie the Swamp Witch

This coffee has a bit of pumpkin juice added and is simmered with spices.

Spiced Pumpkin Coffee

This fizzy concoction is only for the brave hearted!

Spirit Of The Ruins Fizz

Terrifyingly chilling tales featuring Buzzes of all shapes and sizes.

Spooky Buzz Tales

Those teeth look awfully sharp!

Spooky Comb

Yummy pumpkin sauce deliciously drizzled over a...erm strange black...what is that exactly?

Spooky Doughnut

Millions of easy ideas to turn any old item into a halloween treat.

Spooky Food Ideas

This Usuki is ready for some candy!

Spooky Ghost Usuki

If you look closely at the moon you can see a Korbat flying across the sky.

Spooky Gravestone Stamp

Add a touch of spookiness to your neohome with this bright green candle set.

Spooky Green Candles

A super scary story featuring a Halloween Kau!

Spooky Kau Story

Burns in 4 places for extra ambiance.

Spooky Korbat Candle

Spine tingling tales with a Korbat theme!

Spooky Korbat Stories

This lantern should cast quite an eerie light if you dont find the design itself unsettling...

Spooky Lantern
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This potion may heal your Neopet, then again it may do something quite nasty to it...

Spooky Looking Dark Potion

This will creep your opponent out if nothing else...

Spooky Ring

If your garden isnt spooky enough, try adding this rock to it.

Spooky Rock

A scary pop up book you wont want to read alone.

Spooky Skeith Adventures

What sort of noxious scent could be hidden within this spooky bottle?

Spooky Skull Perfume

A collection of short spooky stories in a rather attractive hard back cover.

Spooky Stories

Jetsams will eat anything. Now the truth is out!

The Scary Truth

The Ultra Dark Reflectorb will reflect half of a darkness attack back at an enemy. Fragile. You can only equip one of these.

Ultra Dark Reflectorb

Another evil plushie from the deserted fairground!

Von Kougra Plushie

One of the juiciest apples you will ever find!

Water Faerie Apple

Chocolate Korbats!  Yummy, especially the raspberry fondant in the middle.

White Chocolate Korbat

How to track down a witch through the darkest depths of the Spooky Woods.

Witch Hunting Techniques

One of Ednas best sellers with all her favourite recipes including the mysterious Gorerito!

Witchcraft Spells

A simple toy that has a rustic charm about it.

Wooden Korbat Bat and Ball Game

This cute little fella goes meep! when you squeeze its tummy!

Yellow Korbat Plushie

Other prizes

Oh no! It seems you've had a spot of bad luck, my friend.
I guess that's how it goes in life - sometimes you get the apple,
and then other times the apple gets you. Don't be discouraged, though...
after all, you never know: your next bob could be your best bob!
Visit your Inventory to see what you got..


Unlike receiving a normal item prize from Apple Bobbing, you may be unlucky and end up bobbing up a Gross Food, or some other unlucky item! Here is a list of all the items you can receive. Did you get an item not listed here ?  Please let us know.
Apple Bobbing UnluckySometimes you get the dregs of the barrel
Last Updated: December 11, 2023
Total Items: 18
Unless you pulled this out of your own pocket, we would advise *not* eating it.

Lint-Covered Peanut

Sometimes Bologna needs something extra, well this has something extra!

Linty Bologna

This magical snowball can be thrown at an opponent in the Battledome.  You can only use it once however, so stock up! One Use.

Poison Snowball

Bleaurgh this jelly looks and tastes disgusting!

Poisonous Jelly

Be vary careful when handling this snowflake, it is poisonous after all! One Use.

Poisonous Snowflake

Watch your opponent duck with fear as this putrid vegetable flies towards them. One Use.

Rotten Carrot

Perhaps you should visit an outhouse to get some fresh air after having this for lunch.

Rotten Egg Salad

This smelly dish is great for keeping other Neopets away from you.

Rotten Negg and Onion Quesadilla

Ewww... now that is just gross!

Rotten Negg Face Splat
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This omelette sandwich has been aged in a nice dark cave.

Rotten Omelette Sandwich

Eww if this radish hits your opponent they will smell bad for days. One Use.

Rotten Radish

Just ignore the flies and pretend that tomatoes are supposed to be that warm and squishy.  It is still healthy... right?

Rotten Tomato Salad

Ew! You may want to be wary of eating this cupcake... This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y17.

Rotten Wocky Day Cupcake

Eww this apple has rotted and now a worm is making a meal out of it!

Rotten Wormy Apple

This pizza slice tends to be a bit messy...

Snot Pizza Slice

It might keep the rain off, but you will be covered in snot.

Snot Umbrella

This tomato has been squished around and is all brown and smelly on the inside.

Very Rotten Tomato

The mixture of dirt and frozen yogurt with a couple of worms is quite unique!

Worms and Dirt Sundae

Pet Diseases

You lean over the barrel to see what apple looks the best and as you
lean over you drop something into the water and out pops an apple right
into your forehead. OUCH! You now seem to have Blurred Vision.


If you're very unlucky, your pet may become sick while Apple Bobbing. For more information about Pet Diseases an cures, visit our Diseases & Cures Guide.

Losing Items

While dipping your head in the cold, murky, apple-filled water,
you feel the belongings you were holding in your arms start to slip. *splash*
Oh no! Not your Tombola T-shirt.


While Apple Bobbing, you may end up losing an item. It's random which item you'll lose, but you can lose any item that is currently in your inventory!

Losing Neopoints

While bending over the water,
those Neopoints you were saving slide out of your pockets.
*Plop, plop, plop* Drat.
So much for that can of Neocola you were going to buy later.



As well as losing items, you can actually lose some Neopoints! Here is a list of how many Neopoints you can lose, and what text you'll receive:
While bending over the water, those Neopoints you were saving slide out of your pockets. *Plop, plop, plop* Drat. So much for that can of Neocola you were going to buy later.
Lose 300 neopoints
While you have your head thoroughly entrenched in a barrell full of musty water that others have been dunking their heads in all day, a member of the thieves guild decides to "relieve" you of some of those heavy Neopoints you've been carrying around.
Lose 300-3,000 neopoints

Losing HP

While bobbing for an apple you hiccup and snort in some of the murky water.
Gagging and coughing you really start to feel quite tired.


Another result you can receive from Apple Bobbing is losing HP. Your current active Neopet will lose 50% of his HP. Here is the text of the results that make your pet lose 50% of their HP:
  • While bobbing for an apple you hiccup and snort in some of the murky water. Gagging and coughing you really start to feel quite tired.
  • You dip your head into the apple barrell, gripping your prize firmly in your teeth. Upon emerging proudly with your prize, you are horrified to see that it's... someone's dentures?! You flail around in disgusted horror until you hit the fence and tumble headfirst over it. Ouch.

Getting Nothing

You get very greedy and try to wrestle with several items at once.
You lose your grip on all of them and end up with nothing at all. Pity!


Unfortunately, you can't always win a prize from Apple Bobbing. Although you can't always win a prize, there are many different results you can receive from not getting a prize. Here's a list of them:
  • As you finally pull out an item you had your eye on, a passing Batterfly flies around your head, causing you to flail and drop the prize back into the barrel. D'oh!
  • As you gaze into the water, about to bob your head in for a chance at appley-goodness, you notice a reflection in the water. It's Bart's hat. You're suddenly struck by a strange, uncomfortable feeling. Feeling ill at ease, you decide to skip bobbing for apples and head straight home. You don't sleep well.
  • As you hold your head over the murky water, you see a great prize slowly bobbing towards you. Suddenly, someone bumps into you from behind, causing you to lose your concentration and sight of your prize. Drat!!
  • As you move to get the item you had your eye on, you hear eerie music coming from far away. You leave the apple bobbing stall to follow the music, which disappears after a few moments.
  • It seems like just any other normal day for apple bobbing, but when you lean across the water, it begins to glow green. You stare in unease as the water glows brighter and brighter until it stops. You shrug and leave, forgetting all about getting a prize.
  • You eagerly reach for the perfect prize you have been waiting for, but only when you retrieve it do you realize it's nothing but some folded up rubbish. You toss it in the bin where it belongs.
  • You eagerly swish your head around in the water, and finally catch something in your teeth and bring it up. ARGH, you got a mouthful of Spyders! You spit them out in surprise, ending up with no prize at all.
  • You finally decide on which item to pick out when you suddenly see a flash of pink. A Meepit? You stare at the place you last saw the creature but nothing else happens. You leave the stall feeling a little perturbed.
  • You get very greedy and try to wrestle with several items at once. You lose your grip on all of them and end up with nothing at all. Pity!
  • You lean forward to take your prize when the water splashes up and into your eyes. You stumble back and spend the rest of your turn blinking the stagnant water out of your eyes.
  • You lean too far forward and fall head-first into the barrel! Bart grabs you by the collar and drags you out but now you are too drenched to continue on your search for the perfect prize.

Only One Bob Per Day

Because Apple Bobbing is a Daily, you're only allowed to go Apple Bobbing once a day. If you bob and return to the page later, you'll see different text, and the "Bob For Apples" button is gone.

Think I'm blind underneath this hat? 'Fraid not.
I've already let you have a go at Apple Bobbing today,
and I don't mean to give any folk advantages.
Away with you, then, until tomorrow.


The Avatar:

While Apple Bobbing, if you get very lucky and bob an Imposter Apple, you may receive an avatar. It also works the other way around. You can buy an Imposter Apple and keep it in your inventory. If you end up losing it while Apple Bobbing, you also get the avatar.

Randomly awarded when bobbing an 'Imposter Apple' or when losing an Imposter Apple from your inventory at Apple Bobbing.

Tip: Read SunnyNeo's Apple Bobbing guide for more information about Apple Bobbing.


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wait... IMPOSTER!