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Job Description

SunnyNeo has a daughter site called The Plushie Guide. This site is all about plushies. Plushie addicts can use this site to check which plushies they own and which ones they still have to buy. The site also shows the price ranges of the plushies, which makes it easier for people to complete their collection.

For the Plushie Guide we are looking for someone who is a plushie fanatic who would like to help out staffmember Jamie (xylops) to add the new plushies and keep the prices up to date.

The most important part of the job would be to add the newest plushies, plushie items, plushie pets, plushie petpets, plushie avatars, real life plushies and unreleased plushies. Keeping the prices of the plushies up to date is another part of the job. Because there are thousands of items to check the prices of, it is impossible to do this very regularly. We expect the person doing this job to be able to update the price categories of the plushies a few times a year.


The person we are looking for must meet the following qualifications.

  • You have a Plushie Guide account which you use regularly. (We will check to see if you added your plushies). It's important you know your way around.

  • You enjoy looking up prices of items on the shop wizard, trading post and auctions.

  • You know how to find out which new plushies (and related items) are released.

  • You know how to find out which real life plushies are released.

  • You are able to add new plushies (and related items) to the database within a few days after release.

  • You understand the difference between an item being announced on the news, and an item that is actually released and for sale in shops.

  • You plan on doing this job for quite a long time. We are not looking for people who will quit after a month. Please only apply if you're sure you will enjoy this job.

  • You do not work for another Neopets related website.


Below you can see a list of our preferences. You do not need to meet these preferences, but it's a big bonus if you do. If you don't meet our preferences you can still apply, after all, they're preferences, not requirements.

  • You are 15 years or older.

  • You have MSN/Windows Live Messenger.

  • You can join our staff guild on your main account. In the guild we chat about the site and we prefer it if you can actively take part in these discussions. Checking to see what's going on once a month on a side account won't be sufficient.

Finally, make sure that your neomail is not on neofriends-only. If we like your work we will contact you for some further details.

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