Chef Bonju Project

Cyodrake Gaze plot

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The beginning

Cyodrakes gaze plot began on 3th of August 2006 when TNT told in the news that a mysterious ship has arrived on Krawk Island.
The text in the news: As the mists of morning lift, the residents of Krawk Island have noticed a strange Ship in their harbour...

At the same day The Culinary Concoctions were released too.
Text in the news: A Blumaroo seems to be beckoning you to come and see his latest Culinary Concoctions. What could he be making...
Also game Kou-jong was released on that day.
Text in the news: On the ship, a Kougra appears to be playing a new game called Kou-jong.
Remarkable Restoratives was released on the same day too.
Text in the news: Well, at least if you did come in contact with something bad, there appears to be a medicine man on board ship. Hopefully he has some Remarkable Restoratives...
Exotic Foods -shop was released on the 3th of August too.
Text on the news:As some brave souls approach the ship, they are greated by the smell of strange Exotic Foods they have never smelled before...

So if you clicked the ship you got to it's desk which looked this:

You were also able to click Captain Tuan. When you clicked him, you got to speak with the captain (or you were able to read what he said about the place where they currently were). When you clicked any other pictures of the characters, you got to the shop (or to kou-jong when you clicked Linae and to the culinary concoctions when you clicked Bonju) which was kept by the character you clicked.

The captain sayings
You approach the bow of the ship where a rather large Gnorbu is standing. You're sure he's the captain of this vessel, and you're right.

"Welcome to the Cyodrake's Gaze. I'm Captain Tuan, and I'm afraid that will have to be the extent of our greetings. We're in a bit of a bind right now, so I'll have to ask you to come back later."

Bind? What kind of bind? His ship and his crew do look a bit worse for wear, but you have a feeling that's not what he means. It's quite obvious they're not from Krawk Island, either.

"I really am sorry, but this is important and I don't have time to talk. Please, leave me to my duties."

Dejected, you turn to leave, only to feel a tug on your sleeve. You look down to see a green Scorchio and he beckons you closer. He doesn't want anyone else to hear what he's about to tell you.

"Please, don't go! The Captain is just... worried. Very worried. I... I can't say much, but we could really use some help. Please, just offer your assistance. I'm sure he'll talk to you then. I'm sure of it!"

Ah ha! So there is more going on! Clever one, you are. You hesitate for a moment, though, if only because you remember previous times you've offered to help a strangers. Volcanoes... and spike traps... and flooded cities. *shudder* They really do look like they could use a hand, though, so you follow the advice of the Scorchio and offer your services to the Captain.

"Help us? Well, I guess we could use all the help we can get. Very well, friend. I'll tell you our story, though I don't know how much good it'll do. I would be grateful if you could help, but I don't think that's possible."

He lets out a big sigh begins to tell you the tale of how his ship and his crew ended up on the shores of Krawk Island.

The Characters

Tuan is a blue gnorbu, and he's ship's captain.

Shumi is a green scorchio, who's place in the ship is First mate.

Hoban is a yellow aisha. Hoban is the navigator of the ship. Hoban gets pushed over the ship in the plot. Hoban hates Bonju's foods.

Chef Bonju
Chef Bonju is an orange blumaroo. He is the chef of the ship. He's also known as master chef. Bonju pushed Hoban over the ship. He's also the "keeper" of Culinary Concoctions.

Orrin is a red nimmo, who keeps the Exotic foods shop.

Kentari is a yellow shoyru, who's the keeper of Wonderous weaponry -shop.


Linae is a pink kougra. In the ship you was able to play Kou-jong. Linae is the master of Kou-jong.

Anshu is a (old) brown ruki. Anshu keeps the Remarkable Restoratives shop.

Next weeks

During the next weeks of the plot the ship sailed to different lands, and left them after few days of being there. There is nothing big to point out, the ship just landed and disappeared different places.

6th of August the ship left krawk island.

8th of August the ship arrived to the Mystery Island. There was also a new chapter of the comic (#2) and the NeoBoard of this plot was here. Chef Bonju avatar was released on this day too.

The captain sayings
You approach Captain Tuan, eager to hear the news of their Navigator's return. Unfortunately, he doesn't look very happy, but that could just be how he always looks.

"Ah, we meet again. What of Hoban? The news is not good, I'm afraid. We've searched for two days but have yet to discover his whereabouts. We caught sight of Mystery Island and thought he might have made it here, but it does not appear so. We'll not give up that easily, however. We plan to head out again as soon as we rest a bit and resupply."

Unless you find your own ship and your own crew to search the vast Neopian oceans, you'll not actually be much help here. You press Captain Tuan again, asking if there's anything you can do aside from that.

"Well, I've been thinking... we know nothing of when or where Hoban fell. Orrin does not know the time, nor is he sure through which portal he witnessed the fall. He was tossed about quite a bit in the... *ahem* locked storeroom during the storm. Perhaps by speaking to the rest of the crew, we could retrace Hoban's steps during the storm and figure out when he disappeared. Knowing that may help us narrow our search, giving us a much better chance of finding him."

Brilliant! You could easily do that. You've always had a knack for asking the right questions. Well, not really, but how hard could it be?

"Very well. I'll ask you to speak to Kentari, then. He is the weapons vendor aboard this vessel. He also provides security, which is why I think it wise to speak to him first. You'll find him off the port bow... though, I'm not quite sure what he's doing there, exactly."

You salute the Captain with a hearty, "aye, aye," then make your way to Kentari.

11th of August the ship left mystery island.

15th of August the ship was found in the faerieland - Also the fact that the ship can fly was now known.

The captain sayings
The... the ship! It flies! How could he have kept that to himself?!

"Of course it flies! We can't restrict our voyages to the sea, now can we?"

You should have known, really. Nothing about these Neopets has been as it appears. Still... it flies! How cool is that?

"Back to the issue at hand, friend. Once again, we have failed to locate Hoban. I fear we are taking too long, and our chances of finding him grow weaker with each passing day. I am now stronger in my belief that our only chance of locating him is by gathering information and narrowing our search."

He has a point. With Neopian seas as vast as they are, simply sailing (or even flying) around randomly isn't going to do much.

"Let us talk with Bonju, the ship's cook. While not the most... learned Neopet, he can be quite sagacious at times. He may provide some knowledge we have not yet obtained."

19th of August ship left Faerieland.

23th of August ship got to the lost desert. Also another (#3) comic was released.

The captain sayings
As dependable as ever, the Captain is on the bow as he always is. You already know they've not found their navigator.

"The crew is increasingly concerned, as expected, but even though we've yet to find Hoban, we are starting to narrow our search using the information you've collected, which gives us hope. We are now quite certain he fell during the storm and not before, reducing the search area by quite a bit. Speaking with the rest of the crew will help to narrow it even further."

You've already talked to Kentari, the weapons master and Neopet in charge of security, and Chef Bonju was second to provide information. Both were quite helpful, and meeting more of this mysterious crew would be quite exciting.

"I would suggest Linae next. She's yet to be beaten at a game of Kou-Jong, proving she has a keen eye and can be quite observant. She may be able to provide some more information."

Linae it is! If you recall, she's the Kougra you frequently see on deck. You turn to leave, but Captain Tuan calls out your name before you can get very far.

"I... would like to thank you for your help so far. I must admit I was skeptical at first, but you've proven to be quite genuine in your willingness to help and I am grateful. If more Neopians were like you... perhaps we could..."

He trails off... lost in thought. You're about to ask him what he means exactly when he speaks up again.

"In any case, you have our thanks. Please know we will not rest until we find our navigator, and we hope you'll continue to assist us."

First Mate Shumi nods quite heartily in agreement. Alright, then! You're more determined than ever, now. It's time to talk to the next crew member.

27th of August the ship left Lost desert.

29th of August the ship was back on the Mystery island. You were also able to use the map room (if you used the map room, you were able to guess the right cordinates on next day's puzzle).

The captain sayings
Though they're lost, they've made it back to Mystery Island safely. Without their Navigator, however, they may be stuck here.

"We're running out of time... and patience. I've been going over the statements from various crew members and, though I can't quite put my finger on it, the pieces don't fit. I'm now quite convinced that someone on my vessel knows more than they are letting on. I'm not sure who, but with your help, we can figure this out. We must find Hoban... for his sake and for ours."
Not that he wasn't before, but Captain Tuan is quite serious now. He suspects this was no accident, and that's quite unsettling.

"I believe we've only Anshu left to question. He is the physician on board, which makes me hesitant to believe he had any involvement in this, but I'm not ruling anyone out just yet. Please, speak with him and see what you make of it."

You nod your head to Captain Tuan in agreement as First Mate Shumi pulls a small object from his pocket. He hands it to the Captain and the Captain addresses you once more before you leave.

"Ah, yes. I wanted to give you something. This is a key to Hoban's map room. It would appear he went over with most of his precious maps in his possession since there is little left in the room itself. I've been going through the maps hoping for a clue, but I've had no luck. There may be something I've overlooked. Please, feel free to see what you can find. He is quite obessed with those maps of his, but I'm sure he'd prefer a rescue and a disorganized map room than losing his life while lost at sea."

30th of August you were able to guess who pushed Hoban over, and where.

The captain sayings
You've spoken with everyone, so you return to the Captain, who is still on the bow.

"That's it, then. Everyone is questioned, thanks to you, but we're still no closer to finding Hoban. Our only course of action is to settle here in Mystery Island, our original destination. Perhaps one day he will return here and we can... well, I won't get my hopes up. I cannot speak for the crew, but I am grateful for all the help you've given, despite the outcome. I have no qualms about living here on Mystery Island knowing the average Neopian would help even a stranger in need."

It seems he's finally given up, but not for lack of trying. He's searched for weeks. He's done all he can to find Hoban. There's still the question of where they came from in the first place, but it's probably best you don't ask about that right now. There'll be time for that if they're going to make a home here.

Then it hits you. Not like a ton of bricks, because you'd be dead, but it's still a pretty big epiphany... you know what happened! Even better, you know where to find Hoban. Who knew you were so smart?

"What?! This is no time for jokes, friend. You... you're serious. How do you know? Well, nevermind all that right now. If you know where he is, lets go get him!"

He rallies the crew and they prepare to set sail while you reveal Hoban's location...

End of the plot

Hoban was found on 9th of September (2006). Hoban's comic was released on that day.
Also Shenkuu was released on this day.

13th of September (2006) The prizes of the plot were released.

Lucky Guesser
(2 correct answers)

(3 correct answers)

(4 correct answers)

Master Sleuth
(5 correct answers)

Hobans Leftovers
(3 correct answers)

Hobans Map Book
(4 correct answers)

Hobans Hat
(5 correct answers)

If you guessed two or more right answers, you were also able to get Cyodrakes gaze site theme, and leaf on the wind avatar:

Correct answers to the questions:
Who pushed Hoban? - Bonju
When did he fall? - 4:00
Where on the ship did he fall? - Cargo crates
Where is Hoban now? - G14
Do you like Hoban's hat? - yes, it's very stylish