Atlas of the Ancients Plot Trophy and Prize Guide


What trophies are awarded for this plot?
The Atlas of the Ancients plot has four trophy levels. You get a better trophy if you completed more plot steps. Plot steps are indicated by the Quest Log.

Important: TNT has answered inquiries about trophy levels with the following neomail response:
thanks to bolbe6 for the screenshot

Rewarded to everyone who missed one of more steps from the first 11 steps in the log, these are the ones not related to pipe fixing at Moltara Meltdown.

Rewarded to everyone who completed the first 11 steps as they appear in your log. These are the steps not related to the pipe fixing at Moltara Meltdown.

Rewarded for completing all 16 Steps, including the pipe fixing at Moltara Meltdown.

Rewarded for completing all 16 Steps, including the pipe fixing at Moltara Meltdown. All steps must have been completed on release date.

Also, an Avatar and Site Theme were awarded for participation in this plot.

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0 You are now eligible to use the 'Atlas of the Ancients' theme when browsing the website! Check out your User Preferences to change your theme.

Something Has Happened!
You are now eligible to use 'Atlas Of The Ancients' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

Visit SunnyNeo's Site Themes page to see a preview of this site theme.

Prize Items:
Prize items were added to inventory, there is no prize shop for this plot. The more plot steps you completed, the more prizes you receive.

Note: Those with a Gold Trophy also receive all prizes indicated as Rock and Silver.
Those with a Magma Trophy also receive the prizes for Rock, Silver and Gold, basically they receive all prizes.

Travel Toiletry Set
Rock Trophy

Slush Making Kit
Rock Trophy

Bottle of Lava Keyring
Silver Trophy

Dark Cave Background

(Click to Preview)
Silver Trophy

Giant Book of Crosswords
Silver Trophy

Guide to Rare Mechanical Flowers
Gold Trophy

Doorknob of Power
Gold Trophy

Cozy Sleeping Bag
Gold Trophy

Jordie Bobblehead
Magma Trophy

Portable Steam Furnace
Magma Trophy

Magma Blaster
Magma Trophy

Steam Jacket

(Click to Preview)
Magma Trophy