
Introducing SunnyTV, the worlds first live TV Neopets news network! Launching April 2nd, 2019, SunnyNeo Inc. is excited to announce our partnership with Neovision. SunnyTV will be broadcasting LIVE from our new 35,000 square foot studio in Hollywood, California. SunnyTV will be broadcasting 24/7 with local and international news coverage throughout Neopia. Discover what’s happening across Neopia with SunnyTV.

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SunnyTV’s worldwide news coverage ensures you’ll be informed of all events, conflicts, plots, new goods, Neoboards drama, and more! We’ve hired 4,900 loyal Neopian journalists around Neopia to report on important local events.

Altador cup

Can’t get enough of the Altador Cup or games? We have you covered! SunnyTV will be broadcasting 24/7 coverage of all games. Oh, and we LOVE the Altador Cup so you can expect a lot of reruns of old Altador Cup coverage.

SunnyTV datacenter

Behind the scenes are SunnyTV’s powerful super computers in our industry-standard datacenter. Using the revolutionary middle-out compression algorithm, you can experience coverage in a crisp, high-quality image.
Some would even say it’s magic!

honestly is this even important?

SunnyTV has thousands of exclusive channels, including your favourite sports, games, news, concerts and more. Consider entering our new hit show, So you think you can customize?


.....and if you couldn’t think it’d get better, SunnyTV has an exclusive documentary channel broadcasting Neopia’s most wealthiest Neopians. Ever wondered what it’s like to have 500 million NP, or enough royal paintbrushes to paint the entire world? Well now you can!


Enjoy SunnyTV whenever, and where ever you go. You have unlimited streaming on all your devices for free, including your 35 year old computer, smart refrigerator and toaster!

Congratulations! For being a loyal SunnyNeo member, we’ve granted you an EXCLUSIVE beta preview of SunnyTV! Check it out!

Feeling lucky?