News Archive

Posted by faerieskater2 on 14th of January 2007 at 04:39 PM NST
For some odd reason someone has been going around slandering us and saying we have cookie grabbers on our site. This IS NOT true. There is a reason I put up and pay for the site without having any sort of advertisements or anything on here, and why we dont have any affliates since we can not vouch for other sites, it is because we DO NOT want there to even be a possibility of cookie grabbers or adware or anything being put on your computer or happening. I do not have a clue where this person got their info from, anyone can view the sources of our pages and see exactly how they are layed out and what content is on the pages, none of us even have the skills to be able to do something like a cookie grabber on here XD *all of us are quite computer script illerate ;-;*

Hope this clears up some issues.

Also, please neomail Rain if there's anything wrong/new with the New Accounts page.