News Archive

Posted by anuarisa on 29th of January 2008 at 04:45 AM NST
First of all, OMG!! Sloth is back with a new plot! It's been so long since there was a Dr. Sloth plot. Personally I'm totally excited about it! Of course you will be able to find a full plot coverage about this plot right here on SunnyNeo. Return of Dr. Sloth plot cover. Be sure to follow the plot because you will most likely be able to win avatars, site themes, items and trophies from it.

Muhahahaha! Im back to take over Neopia! You cannot stop me!

Second of all, Neopets has a sponsor offer up for players from the United Kingdom to promote the film The Dark is Rising. In this sponsor offer you have to collect 6 signs, if you complete the offer, you will receive a Bottled Faerie. Want to know more? Visit SunnyNeo's Dark is Rising guide.