News Archive

Posted by anuarisa on 31st of January 2011 at 11:09 AM NST
A short while ago TNT activated a new coding filter for Userlookups and Petpages. This may cause your layouts to look a bit strange. So far we've found the following solutions:
  1. Make sure your css style tags are <style> and </style>. Any variations on this, like <style /> and </style /> no longer work on most lookups.
  2. You can no longer use shortened links to neopets pages such as
    <a href="gamesroom.phtml">Games</a>
    You must add a slash, like so:
    <a href="/gamesroom.phtml">Games</a>
We will try to fix our Userlookups and Pet Pages soon. Though there are more problems we haven't yet found solutions for.

Where is the 'fix coding because TNT changed the filters again'-Zombie when you need her? :(