News Archive

Posted by anuarisa on 22nd of April 2011 at 01:39 AM NST
There is a new freebie that you can collect at the NC Mall. It is a Pink Striped Plastic Negg. This negg is an extra prize in the Neggstravaganza Surprise. If you have the plastic negg in your inventory, and you click on the negg with a question mark on it (on the ribbon of the basket), you will receive a Flower Star Wand. The negg also counts as your third collected negg on the Festival of Neggs.

For those who cannot access the NC Mall, you can find your negg for the Festival of Neggs at Roo Island. Use our Map links page for help finding it.
Thank you mustpupsik for this info!

+ =
It's a simple equation.

Response from TNT regarding collecting the 3rd Negg on side accounts to only get the bonus Flower Star Wand:

As explained in the FAQs for this event and all Mall events -- if it's NC-only, you can collect on your sides. This answer is true for any event. If it's NC-only, it is fine for side accounts. We encourage you to read the FAQs for general questions regarding events before writing in to us, as your question is probably already answered there (as we've answered this question in the FAQs many times). Thank you!

Abbey S.