News Archive

Posted by faerieskater2 on 22nd of December 2007 at 01:55 PM NST
We have a new customisation page for everyones convenience. Our Customisation Deluxe page will show you the items that you can get from specific paint brush and pet colours. You can look up by pet or colour/pb, and then click on the individual items to see all the items in that set. It will also show you a picture of the converted customised pet with the clothes on. This is why we are looking for some of the urls of a few converted pets.

We are looking for some converted pet images. If you know of anyone with any of the following pets then please neomail either faerieskater2, anuarisa, or jocinto and let us know the name of the pet or the owner so we can get the url.

Glowing Jetsam - not yet active?
Pirate Ogrin

Cloud Ogrin -Thanks shalnya, belinda_xian, & luvkitties135
Checkered Moehog -Thanks denialk737
Chocolate Ogrin -Thanks atori
Checkered Ruki -Thanks pishon
Desert Moehog -Thanks colustia
Faerie Jetsam -Thanks penguined
Ice Lupe -Thanks mommasimo & the 10 others who sent one in as well after this one :o
Jelly Aisha -Thanks 3merald5hapeshifter
Orange Kyrii
Orange Korbat -Thanks hakuji & kingdom_hearts_ziela
Orange Tuskaninny -Thanks just_sapir
Robot Korbat -Thanks cryptic_burner & moomy_x
Shadow Gnorbu -Thanks skittlexwee
Speckled Grarrl
Speckled Lupe -Thanks ecw321
Pirate Acara -Thanks hakuji & mary9379
Pirate Bruce -Thanks dangxd, forcefactory, & wnxjoker
Pirate Nimmo -grahf