News Archive

Posted by anuarisa on 18th of September 2012 at 09:19 AM NST
A while ago we newsposted about a glitch in Habitarium that caused many people's habitariums to reset from level 50 to level 1. We have a sad update about this glitch :'( From TNT Support Staff:

We are presently investigating what may have caused this to happen so that it will not happen again in the future. Unfortunately we will not be able to restore your Habitarium to the level it was or return any resources, p3s or buildings.
We WILL, however, replace any NC items or paint drops that you may have lost. Please bear with us while we figure out the most efficient way to do this and make sure that everyone is included in this grant.
Thanks for your patience and understanding!

Rico S., The Neopets Team

Bye nest, bye house, bye barracks... :(

Edit: It seems quite a bit of people who did restart after having their Habitarium reset had the items in their bag, including buildings, eggs and NC items still intact. All the buildings had been reset to level 1 and needed to be build again, though.
Edit2: We've now added in some tips to our habitarium guide that should help you on leveling up again.