News Archive

Posted by silly_mistake on 4th of January 2013 at 09:51 AM NST
It seems the bonus for the Stocking Stufftacular: Coal Contacts are having a little hiccup.

TNT has made a statement on The Official Neopets Team Message Board:

First off, happy new year! * frolic* 

Okay, frolicking complete? On to business! *nod* 

During the Stocking Stufftacular, enough stockings were hung to achieve a 'Full of Cheer' rating, which means all participants are eligible to receive the NC bonus prize - Coal Contacts. Hooray! You may have noticed, however, that we got a bit too excited and accidentally began awarding two items instead of one. Durp. 

So, two things are currently happening: 

1) We've stopped running the Coal Contacts Prize Script (#8275-X9) and are fixing it to properly award the one set of contacts to those of you still waiting for your bonus. You have not been forgotten! 

2) We are also beginning to remove the extra set of contacts that were already sent out. 

We're hoping to finish both up today (*fingers crossed*) but we might need through tomorrow to get everyone. We'll update you when all is done. 

Sorry for the confusion. We'll go ahead and blame this on the Neggnogg. 

- The Neopets Stocking Fixtacular Team
With the prices of coal these days, we're worth the wait!