News Archive

Posted by anuarisa on 12th of June 2013 at 02:43 PM NST
Hey everyone! We are very sorry about the troubles that have been going on at the site in the last few days. We've had a software update go horribly bad... Kind of like this:


Whoops! Thank goodness for backups! We're currently trying to fix all the loose ends around the site that are still not working and we will also be trying to update all the pages we have not been able to update for the last few days. Please bare with us while we try and catch up!

Here's a short summary on what you missed:

1. Pick a side at the Battleground of the Obelisk, because a new Skirmish Battle is about to begin.
2. Lots of excitement over the Fanatic's Museum Collector's Corner because the beloved Altadorian Wig with Gold Ribbon got re-released Tuesday. (It's still available if you want it you can still buy the entrance ticket).
3. A new bracket at the Altador Cup has started today.