News Archive

Posted by anuarisa on 29th of April 2008 at 06:21 AM NST
After receiving many many neomails about why the Petpet Laboratory wouldn't work even though people had all the map pieces, it was time to create a guide about the Petpet Laboratory. We hope that this guide will give you all the information you've been wanting to know about the Petpet Lab.

Thank you dragonsflame_uk, katie_the_greatest, uue and bosniannerd for your help!

Also, Neopets placed a message in their news about the pound opening today instead of yesterday because the site went down because of it. We've noticed that TNT has slowly been deleting all pets that were placed in the pound. We don't know if these pets are gone for good, or if they will be placed back into the pound at a later time when things are more settled.

The Pound is open!

Update! TNT changed the rules of paint brush clothing transfers. You can now ONLY transfer paint brush clothes from the colour the pet is currently painted. For example, you can only transfer island techo clothes on an island techo, if you painted your techo starry afterwards, the island clothes cannot be transferred!