News Archive

Posted by jujipup on 11th of October 2014 at 11:45 AM NST
We have created a new position here at SunnyNeo.  We are looking to fill our Neoboard Lead position with a few people.  We need people to create boards to gather information on dailies, ask for models, and information on plots or events that may come up.  A Neoboard Lead would be responsible for recording the information a board provides and distribute that information to the respective staff member.  So, if you are a frequent Neoboard person or just would like to help us out, please submit an application.

Its like taking a ton of short interviews.
We are always looking for more staff for other parts of the site, so please check out our Apply For Staff page to see if there is something that fits you better.  If you don't think you'd like to apply for staff but still want to help, consider joining the SunnyNeo public guild the Buzzing Bee.

Have you heard the buzz?