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Posted by kaileecool500 on 12th of October 2014 at 09:17 PM NST
Hello there, I'm Kailee, one of the Neoboard Leads here at SunnyNeo. You can find me and fellow Neoboard Leads on the Neoboards looking for your help.  We currently have an active Neoboard searching for information regarding the prizes given from the Coltzan's Shrine.

TNT has been quoted with the following statement regarding Coltzan's Shrine from question 3322, archived from Editorial Issue 208:

"Hehe, well the time of day does alter the prizes, but there is no one time when you are totally guaranteed to get good stuff."

To help us out, please visit our active Neoboard and follow the directions from there. Thank you for all your help in our search for Coltzan's Shrine prize information!

No, it's not a mirage..