News Archive

Posted by anuarisa on 26th of April 2008 at 03:04 AM NST
The pound will be opening up on Monday April 28. Exactly one year after it was taken down. There are major improvements that will be taken place.
  • You will now have the option to safely transfer a Neopet to your side account or Neofriend. However, you can only do this once a month. You can transfer one & receive another.
  • Paint Brush Clothing can also transfered to other accounts, but can only be transfered with the Neopet you send to your side account/main account or Neofriend. Regular neopoint clothing can also be sent with the Neopet. The only exception is NC Mall items that wont leave the account they're on.
  • When you abandon a pet, everything that pet has on (PB clothing, NP clothing, NC Mall items & Battledome Weapons) will be put back into your inventories. Petpets & Petpetpets go with the pet once they are abandoned.

Neopets has a brand new game up for beta testing, it's called Petpetpet Habitats, better known as P3 Habitats. It's a downloadable game which you play offline on your desktop. You can build structures, name and take care of your Petpetpets and help them create items using the different resources provided.
We will be trying to make a guide about this new game as soon possible. However, the game is currently not downloadable for allmost all of the sunnyneo staff members due to an unknown error (yes we've tried every browser possible, it didn't help). Keep watching this space!