News Archive

Posted by jujipup on 1st of February 2015 at 05:12 AM NST
TNT has given out some items, neopoints, and neocash to say thanks for being patient about the lag and glitches.  It was launched before, but because of a glitch, it was pushed back.  People were wondering if it was ok to get these prizes on side accounts.  That has been cleared up in the Neopian Times Editorial # 678:

Hi, TNT. Hopefully you address this by the next Editorial, but if not, I was wondering what to do with the lag prizes awarded on (one of) my sides. The Neocash I can't do anything about, but should I discard the items? Should I donate the Neopoints, or is it mine to do with it what I like? I'd just save it, but now my side is too rich to use the Soup Kitchen to feed my 'pets. I'm just wondering how I should handle this, and if it happens again in the future! *knock on wood* ~perfected_cube
It is all right to collect these rewards for the site lag on your side account. We don't want to forbid you from logging into your sides!