News Archive

Posted by jujipup on 9th of April 2015 at 09:24 AM NST
As of late, our Customisation Databases are falling behind.  We're looking for those of you who are enthusiastic about Customisation.  We have reopened our Customisation Preview Searcher position.  We are hoping to find a handful of people who can work well together to help find models and get our databases back up to date.

If you don't want to join our staff, we can still use your help my checking out what Models Are Needed and maybe Model a few items for us.  We appreciate all the help.  We do still have our Model For Us board as well as a Wonderclaw and Dyeworks board if you'd like to stop in and let us know what you've modeled.  We need your help to keep SunnyNeo great!

There are other positions open, so if customisation is not for you, feel free to check out our other openings and Apply!

Pretty please?