News Archive

Posted by jujipup on 23rd of November 2015 at 09:20 PM NST
Update: Aside from the normal Daily Challenges you are also able to earn another check mark on your progress page by playing the opposing teams challenge. There is no further item prize and it is not yet known if this will also be the case for future days, but we will keep you informed. All challenges can be found on our GMC Guide.

Update #2: The extra checkmark no longer shows up, looks like it was just a glitch that got fixed. You no longer have to play the challenges of the opposide team for full completion!
The challenges for Day 2 are currently still locked. We will update our guide once they are available.

The Games Master Challenge is back this year with Team Fire and Team Snow.  We have our GMC Guide ready for this years event and the NC Challenge Guide coming shortly.

As long as the battle doesn't result in any sunken cities...

For signing up with a team, you get a sign up gift.  If you get either of these items, please help us by Modeling For SunnyNeo.

Aisha Blumaroo Buzz Chia
Elephante Flotsam Gnorbu Grarrl
Grundo Hissi Ixi Jubjub
Koi Lutari Moehog Mynci
Nimmo Ogrin Peophin Pteri
Quiggle Ruki Scorchio Skeith
Tonu Tuskaninny Uni Wocky
Xweetok Yurble Vandagyre

Aisha Buzz Chia Elephante
Flotsam Gnorbu Grarrl Grundo
Hissi Ixi Jubjub Koi
Moehog Mynci Nimmo Ogrin
Pteri Quiggle Ruki Scorchio
Skeith Tonu Tuskaninny Uni
Wocky Yurble Vandagyre