News Archive

We are looking for your help with Dyeworks items. We hope there are some Neopians out there who are dye hard fans of dyeworks. That have these items and pets we are still in need of, who are willing to help us out. 

Please, if you have any of the pets or items consider Modeling them for us! You can have as many items as you want to model on your pet at once. You can also keep your pets regular customization on, you don't have to remove excess items. After saving your pet, go an Model them here by entering your pet's name. The page will then tell you which items you have successfully modeled. You can re-dress your pet normally again right away.

If you would like to see what other Flash and PNG models we are still in need of for other pet species an items, you can view them on our Models Needed Page.

PLEASE, Help Us Model These Dyeworks Items!

We are missing 343/372 flash previews for the following items.

( Last Updated : 19/04/16)

Dyeworks Blue: Delicate White Lace Wings
acara, flotsam, gnorbu, jubjub, koi, lenny, pteri, shoyru, tuskaninny, wocky

Dyeworks Blue: Elegant Holiday Tree Dress
acara, bori, buzz, elephante, flotsam, jubjub, kau, kiko, kyrii, lenny, lutari, moehog, nimmo, ogrin, peophin, pteri, scorchio, techo, tonu, tuskaninny


Dyeworks Blue: Floral Ink Facepaint
acara, aisha, blumaroo, bori, bruce, buzz, chia, chomby, draik, elephante, eyrie, flotsam, gelert, gnorbu, grarrl, grundo, hissi, ixi, jetsam, jubjub, kacheek, kau, kiko, koi, korbat, kougra, krawk, kyrii, lenny, lupe, lutari, meerca, moehog, nimmo, ogrin, peophin, poogle, pteri, quiggle, ruki, scorchio, shoyru, skeith, techo, tonu, tuskaninny, uni, usul, wocky, yurble, zafara, vandagyre


Dyeworks Blue: Games Master Challenge NC Challenge 2010 Lulu Wig
buzz, jubjub, kau, kougra, moehog, pteri

Dyeworks Blue: Lovely Layered Lilac Dress
flotsam, jetsam, lenny, moehog, nimmo, scorchio, tuskaninny, wocky


Dyeworks Blue: Lovely Rose Cardigan

Dyeworks Blue: New Year Celebration Wig
bori, bruce, buzz, chomby, elephante, flotsam, grundo, hissi, jubjub, kau, kiko, korbat, kougra, kyrii, lenny, lupe, meerca, moehog, mynci, nimmo, ogrin, pteri, scorchio, shoyru, techo, tonu


Dyeworks Blue: Pretty Little Daisy
flotsam, gnorbu, jetsam, kiko, meerca, nimmo, quiggle,  scorchio, yurble


Dyeworks Blue: Sparkling Red Holiday Dress
elephante, grarrl, jubjub, kiko, meerca, moehog, nimmo, ogrin, pteri, quiggle, techo, tonu


Dyeworks Blue: Stars and Glitter Facepaint
bori, buzz, cybunny, flotsam, jubjub, kau, kiko, lenny, lupe, moehog, mynci, nimmo, ogrin, peophin, pteri, techo, tonu, xweetok


Dyeworks Green: Abundant Heart Dress
koi, wocky

Dyeworks Green: Dainty Faerie Wing Skirt
acara, usul


Dyeworks Green: Dazzling Midnight Wig
bori, bruce, buzz, cybunny, flotsam, jubjub, kougra, lutari, moehog, mynci, ogrin

Dyeworks Green: Elaborate Ninja Dress
bori, bruce, buzz, cybunny, flotsam, jubjub, kau, kiko, lenny, meerca, nimmo, ogrin, pteri, techo, tonu, tuskaninny


Dyeworks Green: Lavender Faerietale Dress
acara, bori, bruce, buzz, chia, cybunny, flotsam, gnorbu, grarrl, grundo, hissi, jetsam, jubjub, kau, kiko, koi, kougra, lenny, lutari, meerca, moehog, mynci, nimmo, peophin, pteri, quiggle, scorchio, shoyru, techo, tonu, tuskaninny, xweetok, yurble, zafara


Dyeworks Green: Lovely Rose Cardigan

Dyeworks Green: Mutant Blue Glowing Contacts
aisha, chomby, cybunny, jetsam, kau, kougra, lutari, peophin, pteri, quiggle, scorchio, shoyru, skeith, tuskaninny, usul, xweetok, yurble

Dyeworks Green: Radiant Wig and Crown
acara, bori, bruce, buzz, cybunny, elephante, eyrie, flotsam, gelert, grarrl, grundo, hissi, ixi, jetsam, jubjub, kau, kiko, koi, kougra, krawk, lenny, lutari, moehog, mynci, nimmo, ogrin, peophin, poogle, pteri, quiggle, ruki, scorchio, shoyru, skeith, techo, tonu, tuskaninny, wocky, xweetok, yurble, zafara

Dyeworks Green: Shimmery Seashell Dress
elephante, flotsam, gnorbu, hissi, jetsam, kau, kiko, kougra, krawk, kyrii, lenny, lupe, moehog, mynci, nimmo, quiggle, scorchio, tuskaninny, uni, wocky, xweetok, yurble, vandagyre

Dyeworks Green: Sparkling Red Holiday Dress
bori, flotsam, grarrl, kau, kiko, kyrii, lenny, meerca, nimmo, ogrin, poogle, pteri, quiggle, skeith, tonu, tuskaninny



Dyeworks Green: Stars and Glitter Facepaint
bori, buzz, elephante, flotsam, jubjub, kau, kiko, kougra, lenny, lupe, moehog, nimmo, ogrin, peophin, pteri, shoyru, techo, tonu, tuskaninny


Dyeworks Green: Winter Poinsettia Staff
bori, bruce, flotsam, gelert, gnorbu, grarrl, ixi, kau, kiko, koi, kougra, kyrii, lenny, lupe, meerca, moehog, mynci, nimmo, ogrin, pteri, quiggle, shoyru, skeith, tonu, tuskaninny, uni, wocky, vandagyre
Thank You! so much to all the Neopians out there who have taken the time to help us an have been Modeling their pets and items for us. You're Awesome! 

If you have any of these items or pets and would like to know what other pets or items need models, the Model page will tell you once you enter any pet into the box on the Modeling Page, or you can Contact Us and we can help you find out if you have any pets or items that are needed.

We also still have our Customization Preview Searcher position open and ready for a handful of Neopians who love customization and would love to help us keep our databases up to date.  No HTML/CSS knowledge needed!