News Archive

Posted by anuarisa on 21st of July 2008 at 03:45 AM NST
We just wanted to give you some heads up to a major neohome makeover that will be upon us soon. This neohome makeover is often referred to as Neohomes v2. On neopets different kinds of furniture have appeared at the employment agency, these furniture items are part of the new neohomes. You can see an overview of these items on our Neohomes version 2 page. You will see that there are many items for customising your walls and floors, which will make it easier for you to decorate your neohome. Apart from these items not much is known about neohomes v.2 yet. Rumour has it that neohome items will also be sold at the NC Mall.

This tile could go on your floor! Will neohomes be 3D? Time will tell.