News Archive

Posted by jujipup on 8th of December 2017 at 05:54 PM NST
Here at SunnyNeo there is much to do.  We have a ton of pages that need constant updating and others that are falling behind.  Unfortunately as of late, we've lost another main hardworking staff member.  So I reach out to you all now.  If you've ever wanted to join us here at SunnyNeo, please consider Applying For Staff.  We have many positions open and we need people in most places around the site.  Some graphics, art, html/css, some that need none of those things.  So check our apply page and see what might be the best fit for you.

SunnyNeo strives to help all of Neopia! Providing guides, graphics, fonts, and so much more to the community.  If you'd love to give back - would love to see people using graphics you've created, and so forth, SunnyNeo would be very happy to have you.  If you've ever thought about joining us, now is the time.

In order for SunnyNeo to keep on helping others, we need you!

Sunny Neo
Apply Today

Neopets is once again holding the Holiday Dream Neopet Giveaway.  Basically you can select a dream pet species/color combination on ONE of your pets on ONE of your accounts.  On December 25th, a select few will get their wish.  Best of luck to all of you.

Important Information:
  • You must enter by 11:59 AM NST on Friday, December 22nd. (This page will disappear after that!)
  • You can only enter on ONE account. It doesn't have to be your main, but you can't enter on more than one account or you will be disqualified!
  • If you win, any customisation items your Neopet is wearing will be placed into the closet automatically after the transformation.
  • If you select an unconverted Neopet to enter, the Neopet will NOT stay that way should you win the giveaway. All winners/transformations will be converted.
  • Forty winners in total will be randomly selected and will wake up to their dream Neopet on Day of Giving morning (December 25th). We'll be sure to announce the winners in New Features.

Incoming Flood Of MSP Requests!  *joins the masses*