News Archive

Posted by caileanmalfoy on 16th of May 2018 at 12:22 AM NST

The Daily Dare currently is giving out last years prizes, we would advise you to wait to collect them until TNT fixes this glitch!

If you have already received the wrong prizes it would be best to just leave them in your inventory until we hear back from TNT about it. Be sure not to use or sell them, since that would be counted as abusing a glitch, which is against the rules!

UPDATE: It seems the old prizes are no longer being awarded, but so far neither are the new ones. Don't panic, apparently TNT is already working on it.

UPDATE #2: Those that were mistakenly awarded last years prizes will now also find the new prizes (and most most likely some dublicates) in their inventory. Others will still have to be patient for their rewards. For the dublicates, the same goes as for the old prizes: Don't abuse the glitch by using or selling them or you will risk you account!

UPDATE #3: The correct prizes are now being awarded on the Daily Dare page, including the Chadley Site Theme and the old 2007 Gamesmaster AAA avatar! There are still some who are not actually receiving the avatar or the BG, but TNT will surely work on fixing these last few bugs. If you have received any prizes you should not have (take a look at out Daily Dare guide to check this years prizes) you should now discard those extras.


Wait, so now Chadley took over the DD again? o.O