News Archive

Posted by anuarisa on 12th of September 2008 at 03:04 AM NST
Thanks to hottendott we have learned that it is okay for non-Canadians to submit the Canadian Burger King Codes on Neopets in order to receive the non-trade backgrounds, balloons etc.

Below you can see a screenshot of TNT confirming this information.

The codes you can use are (Thank you sarika_ambrielle for these):
A967, T673, M547, M823, F213, K563, S246, H483, L392, S794, T415 & N176

You can submit each code 8 times on the Burger King page. In order to access it as a non-Canadian you must change your country to Canada first. A zip code for Quebec is G1C 2X4. If you're in the United States you do not have to change your country first. You can simply click on the grey Canadian flag.

You are also allowed to submit these codes on side accounts.