News Archive

Posted by anuarisa on 25th of September 2008 at 02:17 AM NST
Apparently there were too many people scamming people out of pets while doing an avatar pet trade or a normal pet trade, and TNT got a bit tired of looking through al the report forms. They have come up with a new solution: User-to-User Transfers.

For Premium members, their Transfer page has been modified. After you choose which pet you would like to transfer to which user, you are given two options.

Option 1 is to give your pet to the other person through safe transfer.
Option 2 is to select which of the other user's pets you would like in return for your own pet.

This means that if you're trading pets with someone else, there will be no chance of you being left empty handed and the other person running off with your pet.
Below you can see a screenshot of option 1 and 2.

In order to be able to to a User-to-User Transfer, both users need to have both their accept & send transfers still open. The fee of the transfer is the same for both: 1,000 neopoints plus the adoption costs. If you want, you can even block User-to-User Transfers at your Site Preferences.

This new option can also come in handy for people who want to trade but both have four pets, since both pets are switching places at the same time.

For those of you worried you might accept a transfer on the wrong pet by mistake. It's hard to miss which pet you are transferring: