News Archive

Posted by anuarisa on 1st of April 2008 at 02:54 AM NST
Today seems to be a busy day on neopets! Firstly with the Return of Dr. Sloth Prize shop that Jeroen already mentioned. On SunnyNeo you can now view our updated Plot Trophies and Prizes page. Our Site Themes page has also been updated with the newest site theme.

Then, today is also the day that you can get your Quiguki April Fools Avatar. You can receive it by viewing the Neopets News on April 1st. That is.. when TNT decides to release it, currently it's not working, but try again later today.

Thirdly there is also the annual neopets april fools joke, this time TNT has created a fictional Buddy System. You will be able to read more about this later today on our April Fools page.
Also, for the Battledomers among us. Today it's raining in Maraqua so you can get The Drenched as your challenger.

Last but not least, the Monthly Freebies.