News Archive

Posted by anuarisa on 23rd of October 2008 at 12:48 AM NST
Remember the Petpet Park plot? Naturally the plot was supposed to lead to the opening of Petpet Park. While everyone assumed it was going to be on the neopets website, its not! Petpet Park can be found at
As for now, not much can be found on the site. It does say that you will be able to login using your neopets account, so you will not need a new account. But since it's not on the Neopets website, we're unsure what the relation between the two will be. There are two pages that are open for visit, they are: About Petpet Park and Petpet Park FAQ. Especially the FAQ page is quite interesting, as it gives you some insights on what the area will be like and which features there will be.

Yurius: They'll never pull this off! I'll make sure of it!

Also a friendly reminder for the players of Keyquest. If you are not a premium member do not play the Premium version of keyquest. People are getting suspended for doing so, so stick to the regular version.