News Archive

Posted by toe_bob on 17th of December 2022 at 12:00 AM NST


Cheery Days of SunnyNeo is continuing to bring something exciting for the Neopets Community! Today, we're thrilled to release our improved online eye dropper! This handy tool allows you to inspect any secret avatar and extract its colours to use in the Neoboards. We have completely rebuilt this tool from the ground up to make it easier to use and more efficient, with features including the ability to zoom in, easier navigation, and the option to quickly list all common colours in an avatar. We hope you will love these improvements and make it easier to create your own personalized Neoboards font!


Notice: it appears today the NC Mall is painfully slow or not responding at all. We've also observed that moving NC items from your inventory or via quickstock, doesn't do anything and causes the page to timeout and fail.