News Archive

Posted by anuarisa on 28th of March 2009 at 12:37 PM NST
At SunnyNeo we constantly try to improve our pages to make them easier to use or more interesting to visit. Today we are proud to release our new and improved Petpet Puddle (or should we say Petpet Puddle 2.0?).

In the new Petpet Puddle you can view the images of all petpets of a species or colour you've selected at the same time. This allows you to quickly compare the different kinds of petpets. 
Another new feature is that in the colours dropdown you can also select Unpainted. This will result in a list of all the petpets in their normal colour. This is especially useful if you are looking for a certain petpet but don't know the name. You will quickly be able to look at all the pictures of the petpets to find the one you are looking for.

Do you know my name? It's Gypmu!

Also (thanks to the many people who neomailed about this) Terror Mountain's Happy Valley has had a makeover! The same goes for the Ice Caves and the Mountain Top.