News Archive

Posted by anuarisa on 30th of April 2009 at 07:28 AM NST
Theres a new Keyquest beta test today, according to the neopets news:

Please join us for Double Key Spectacular on Thursday April 30th in Key Quest and receive free rare virtual wearable items. You must enter a Key Quest game sometime between 4pm and 5pm NST (Pacific Time) to qualify for the virtual prizes. In order to get all three prizes you will have to play for the entire hour.

These are the three prizes you can win:

Update: there won't be prizes given out after all :(

Many thanks to those of you who volunteered your time to play the Double Key Spectacular Unfortunately, due to a bit of a technical snafu, we will be unable to award prizes. However, we're planning to reschedule the event soon, so please keep an eye open for the new date.

There will also be a Petpet Park Play Test today.

Play Test on Thursday It's time for another test! However, instead of another load test, we'll be holding a play test on Thursday, April 30th from 2-5pm NST (PDT). For those who have never been in a play test, it simply means we ask you to test a specific feature of the Park to find any bugs. We'd then also like you to tell us what you think of that feature overall. Play tests are more fun than load tests, but don't tell the load tests we said that.

For this particular play test, we'd like to test Park Points. We've gone though and evened out the PP ratios for the mini-games and updated all the prices in the shops. So, please play the mini-games to earn Park Points and then go on a shopping spree! If you notice anything weird, like Park Points not updating or prices not matching up, please report it using the Bug Report Form. Then, once you're finished testing, we'd like to know what you think of the game payouts and shop prices overall. You can let us know using the Feedback Form.