News Archive

Posted by anuarisa on 10th of May 2009 at 11:43 AM NST
We are looking for pet owners who would like to model NC Mall items for our NC Mall Database. As you may know, we have always displayed a picture of a pet modelling each NC Mall item to give viewers an idea of what the item looks like on a pet. Last week these model pictures were all turned into cogs, so we are looking for new models to show of all of these items.

In total there are over 600 NC Mall items that still need modelling. We have created a Model for SunnyNeo page that lists all these items, and has instructions on how your pet can be our model. If you own one or more NC Mall items and are interested in modelling these for us, please look at our special page and help us out. We would really appreciate it! Thanks a ton!

Update: We're finished!  Thanks to all who helped with this project.  We were able to complete it in little more than 24 hours.  You guys rock!