News Archive

Posted by sherriwashere on 25th of June 2009 at 03:01 PM NST
It seems that the infamous cookiegrabber had found a new way to get some victims. People have been putting cookiegrabbers in their shops and then putting items, such as codestones and dubloons, in their shop for under the price, and then hiding them with coding to get lots of visits. This scam seems to mostly be targeting premium members with access to the Super Shop Wizard, listing the cheapest in shops. Be careful when sniping!

Arr, ye be payin' the price later even if you pay 1 neopoint for me...

**UPDATE** As of June 27th, the CGers are back on lookups. They've somehow gotten around the coding and made it possible. Please be extra careful :(

If you think you have been CGed change your password. This will change your login cookie rendering the stolen one useless.