News Archive

Posted by phoenixs_angel on 20th of August 2009 at 04:21 AM NST
Good news for everyone who likes to play keyquest! Now you can play on the all new summer themed Ti-Key board!

If you're don't know how to play keyquest, or need to brush up your skills a bit, have a look at our keyquest pages.

Celebrate the summer with the new Ti-Key board!

More exciting news! The first Mysterious Morphing Experiment has reached its final stage and has turned into a flower with either a blue or orange butterfly. If you bought one, you'll find the previous stages in you inventory, or you'll recieve them soon, If you're lucky, you'll also recieve a bonus item. To find more about MME's, check out our guide!

I always thought butterflies evolved from caterpillars, not worms, though...