News Archive

Posted by furball892 on 26th of October 2009 at 06:14 PM NST
The second NC Mall Goodie bag has been spotted!  It's free and it's called the Korbats in the Meowclops Goodie Bag.  You may get two NC items, a wearable Sparkling Jack-o-Lantern and a food item (Candy Corn Cupcake).  You can also get a bonus discount code for a neocash purchase (150 NC off a purchase of 1,000 NC or more before November 9).   The code seems to be the same for everyone, but will only work if you opened the bag and were awarded the code on your account.  Remember, don't collect on side accounts!

I'm feeling batty!
Update: We've gotten a few questions about the "don't collect on side accounts" part, so we now have a NC Goodie Bags page that lists TNT's recent opinions on this matter.