News Archive

Posted by anuarisa on 14th of March 2008 at 04:14 PM NST
There is a minor plot update going on. It appears that all purple pets, who formerly had orange spots, are now spotless! This currently only affects the flash images on petlookups, not the images on userlookups or search. In the Neopian Times editorial #217 neopets hinted about this being part of the Sloth plot that was cancelled ages ago but has now been pulled to live (better known as Return of Sloth).

If I may ask, why is there a need for there to be orange spots on your pet when you paint it purple? There is already a split paint brush which has the colors orange and purple.
Ahhh, the Purple question. Without revealing too much, this was originally done in preparation for the Dr. Sloth plot in which Orange and Purple Grundos played quite a large role. Since then, the spots have been added to new Purple pets to remain consistent with the ones that were given spots during that time. There was hope that the plot would be ressurected, at which time the secret behind the Orange spots would be revealed. This may no longer be the case though. We'll check with the powers that be and see where we stand on the whole thing.