News Archive

Posted by anuarisa on 23rd of January 2010 at 02:59 AM NST
As you can read in the newest issue of the Neopian Times, TNT will be deleting accounts soon that have not been logged into for years. If you have a side account that you haven't logged into in a while, it may be best to log into is soon before it's gone.

Purge the pitiful! Why don't you guys just kill the old accounts whose owners don't go on anymore? It would make lots of people happy because they could finally make a Neopet with the name they have always wanted, plus it would clear up the servers and make Neopets faster, right? ~peppermint_patty_14
We're actually planning another account purge soon, probably during the upcoming months. So if there are any accounts that you haven't visited for years and would like to keep, we suggest logging into them to let us know you'd like to keep them.

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