Neopets Livestreams

Since October 2023, Neopets has been hosting monthly livestreams, typically led by a TNT staff member or a Neopets content creator. These hour-long sessions include an interview segment (usually featuring a TNT or community member), sneak peeks and teasers for upcoming events, merchandise, games, and more.

Each livestream concludes with Dominic Law (aka TNT Dom) providing various updates and announcements, followed by an important Q&A session. The Neopian community can submit and vote on questions for TNT Dom to answer, usually via Strawpoll, an off-site polling service. This poll is announced about a week before the livestream. At the end of each livestream, a secret code is displayed on screen, which can be redeemed at Grundo Warehouse for an exclusive item.

SunnyNeo has been covering these livestreams in our guide, offering recaps of events, screenshots, and time codes for all segments.