Shout out to all these amazing people for their efforts during these unhinged times. If your name is missing, or would like it removed/changed, please poke toe_bob.
- TNT Ivy/Jamie & TNT Fallie: for the the fun puzzle and making us go crazy trying to understand "sing."
- _itsAJ (aka: itsAJ): for literally carrying the entire team and discovering many clues. As well, thank you for creating and maintaining the FreakSh0w petpage to summarize all clues 💙
- skullkidmajora (aka: reannamatedd): for the amazing banner inspiration, discovering the braille
on Birdie's face, and helping solve clues. - chai7705 (aka: -cupcake): for discovering the braille
on Birdie's face (a week before it was accepted) and helping out with clues. - cat_luvr_4evr (aka: Em): for lots of referenced material and helping organise a lovely timeline 💙
- lai_sinsi (aka: Sinsi): for organising a super important Google Doc containing all clues and theories 💙
- sam: for moral support and trying to analyze and solve the clues
- nguyeplm (aka: rosebud): testing theories, pitching ideas, sending tweets to Birdie for those who didn't have twitter, and asking neo_truths to check the status of the avatar (otherwise this would be a chef bonju 2.0 avatar and we'd be at this for years not knowing it was broken 😂)
- ....and everyone else who pitched crazy ideas, analyzed data, tried different grundo warehouse codes, providing moral support, and sacrificed countless hours of sleep trying to interpret "sing"