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Do my eyes deceive me? The results for Day 13 (June 7th) of the Altador Cup seem to be very solid wins or losses with hardly a Draw in sight! Amazing. Now onto our match report for yesterdays results…
This game could have gone either way as Team Terror Mountain took on Team Kiko Lake. The poor Kikos ended up trapped beneath a sheet of solid ice as Terror Mountain’s squad ploughed themselves four clear wins! “They had us cornered.” Team Captain “Poke” Cellers commented, wiping her forehead with the back of her hand. “Team Terror Mountain performed shockingly, although a clean-sweep against us was undesirable, they did put in a lot of effort.”
The knights raided Neopia’s core yesterday as Team Meridell entered the fray with Team Moltara, taking the Steampunk Squad by surprise. As quick as they entered, the Meridellians left victorious with a clean-sweep! Team Moltara are doing their best to remain optimistic but they have much to accustom to in the ways of the tournament.
Team Krawk Island had to trade their sea ship for a spaceship as they brawled it out with Team Virtupets yesterday, but it was worth the voyage as the pirates left with the loot. “Aye, us pirates don’t like bein’ outwitted by robots… So less than a clean-sweep wouldn’t ‘ave sufficed.” And a clean-sweep they did take – yarrg!
Neopia’s moon tried to cast a spell of lunacy upon the Darigan Citadel, but Team Kreludor could not beat the power of the orb. Team Darigan Citadel resisted by taking wins in Yooyuball, Slushie Slinger and Make Some Noise. The Kreludans redeemed themselves with a victory in Shootout Showdown.
Team Faerieland prevented themselves from being swept by Team Shenkuu yesterday as Team Captain Kakoni Worrill focused all of his energy into winning Shootout Showdown. A Faerieland fan said, “Yay! I knew he could do it!” Team Shenkuu held their pride by becoming the overall winners with victories in Yooyuball, Slushie Slinger and Make Some Noise.
The Rooligans really aren’t letting anything stop them this year! Team Roo Island faced-off the support game-heavy Team Tyrannia and casually strolled in to take wins in Yooyuball, Slushie Slinger and Shootout Showdown. Captain Loryche from Team Tyrannia gaped. “That was stunning. Team Roo Island managed to best us in the support games. Well played!” Team Tyrannia still had avid concert-goers in the stands as their fans rallied home a win in Make Some Noise for them.
Pens won’t work underwater as the Petpet Protection League insist time and time again and yesterdays result just proves that. Team Maraqua soundly defeated Team Brightvale in Yooyuball, Make Some Noise and Shootout Showdown. The scholars managed to recover a pencil just in time to scribble a win in Slushie Slinger.
The sun burned high across the scorching desert but was blocked out by a cloud of sand in the sky. Team Lost Desert took wins in Yooyuball, Make Some Noise and Shootout Showdown, leaving Team Altador to fight for a Draw in Slushie Slinger. Lyvon Cibaire from Team Altador insists that a Draw was hard-fought for against a powerhouse like Lost Desert.
And finally Team Mystery Island went up against Team Haunted Woods where Island Mystic Magic went against the Dark Arts yesterday. The spooks had the upper-hand as they won Yooyuball and Slushie Slinger. Not to be outdone, Team Mystery Island did the limbo and forced Draws in Make Some Noise and Shootout Showdown.
Is your team going to win the Altador Cup? Only you can make that a reality by doing your part for your team. Follow our Altador Cup Coverage for all the latest goings-on and goodies.
This report has been brought to you by SunnyNeo’s Rank Calculator – helping you to estimate how close you are to your next or desired personal tournament rank.

The knights raided Neopia’s core yesterday as Team Meridell entered the fray with Team Moltara, taking the Steampunk Squad by surprise. As quick as they entered, the Meridellians left victorious with a clean-sweep! Team Moltara are doing their best to remain optimistic but they have much to accustom to in the ways of the tournament.

Neopia’s moon tried to cast a spell of lunacy upon the Darigan Citadel, but Team Kreludor could not beat the power of the orb. Team Darigan Citadel resisted by taking wins in Yooyuball, Slushie Slinger and Make Some Noise. The Kreludans redeemed themselves with a victory in Shootout Showdown.

The Rooligans really aren’t letting anything stop them this year! Team Roo Island faced-off the support game-heavy Team Tyrannia and casually strolled in to take wins in Yooyuball, Slushie Slinger and Shootout Showdown. Captain Loryche from Team Tyrannia gaped. “That was stunning. Team Roo Island managed to best us in the support games. Well played!” Team Tyrannia still had avid concert-goers in the stands as their fans rallied home a win in Make Some Noise for them.

The sun burned high across the scorching desert but was blocked out by a cloud of sand in the sky. Team Lost Desert took wins in Yooyuball, Make Some Noise and Shootout Showdown, leaving Team Altador to fight for a Draw in Slushie Slinger. Lyvon Cibaire from Team Altador insists that a Draw was hard-fought for against a powerhouse like Lost Desert.
And finally Team Mystery Island went up against Team Haunted Woods where Island Mystic Magic went against the Dark Arts yesterday. The spooks had the upper-hand as they won Yooyuball and Slushie Slinger. Not to be outdone, Team Mystery Island did the limbo and forced Draws in Make Some Noise and Shootout Showdown.
Is your team going to win the Altador Cup? Only you can make that a reality by doing your part for your team. Follow our Altador Cup Coverage for all the latest goings-on and goodies.
This report has been brought to you by SunnyNeo’s Rank Calculator – helping you to estimate how close you are to your next or desired personal tournament rank.