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As the Second Round Robin has only just begun, SunnyNeo have got another special report for you! Today we have interviewed the Altador Cup Commentators...
The results for Day 17 have now been posted! Our match report will be coming soon.

Hi, everyone! SunnyNeo have kindly asked us to do an interview. So we agreed on the terms that we got all the slushies we wanted for the duration of the chat. We're just that cool!
Thank you for joining us today. How does it feel to be back commentating for Altador Cup V?
Disco Ixi: Ah, it's great. I missed the free slushies during lunch breaks.
Red Grarrl: Oh and the egg cress sandwiches are to die for!
Disco Ixi: Oh! But commentating the matches is so much fun. Nothing beats shouting "GOOOAAAALLLLL!" at the top of your voice several times a day, it's such a thrill.
Red Grarrl: Absolutely, I've been practicing my "GOOOAAAALLLLL!" shout all off-season.
Do you often find that you get sore throats from screaming into the microphone every now and again during a match, especially when you talk non-stop?
Red Grarrl: Nyeh... we have voice coaching.
Disco Ixi: I'm thinking of becoming a lead singer in a band to pass the time during the off-season, but it's only a fleeting thought.
Red Grarrl: You can't sing!
Disco Ixi: Shut up, I can dream.
Red Grarrl: Be polite, we're in an interview.
Disco Ixi: Whoops, sorry. Is that off the record?
Interviewer: No.
Disco Ixi: Eh... oh well.
So, as famous Altador Cup Commentators... Do you have your own fans?
Disco Ixi: Yeah we get a lot of fanmail.
Red Grarrl: Once some scary girl sent me an Usuki Doll dressed in commentator gear o_O...
Disco Ixi: I've had weirder... I got mail off Dr. Sloth.
Red Grarrl: What? When?
Disco Ixi: A few years ago. He said; "Keep saying nice things about Team Virtupets and I'll give you a good report." It was weird.
Red Grarrl: I was once mobbed by fans when I was on my way to the food stall.
Disco Ixi: They were thieves, not fans, dude.
Red Grarrl: Oh yeah. My Neopoints went missing that day.
Disco Ixi: *Facepalms*
Do you have favourite teams?
Disco Ixi: We aren't allowed to show bias in our line of work.
Red Grarrl: Yeah, the Altador Cup Committee won't allow us to do that. If we breach our contract we'll have to spend ten days cleaning the stadium. Not my idea of fun.
Disco Ixi: But we're allowed to show bias to slushies.
Red Grarrl: Mmm... slushies.
Have either of you ever tried practicing a game of Yooyuball?
Red Grarrl: Yeah!
Disco Ixi: Ha, you know, we actually have! During our induction week when we first landed the jobs as commentators, we were allowed to practice a game of Yooyuball. This was back in Altador Cup I though when there were less Yooyu types to use, but I was good with the Normal Yooyu.
Red Grarrl: I was better as a Goalkeeper than a Forward player.
Disco Ixi: I rocked as a Forward player!
Red Grarrl: *Unimpressed* You scored against me ONCE.
Disco Ixi: *Pouts* Just ruin my fun.
You both seem to love slushies. Have you played Slushie Slinger before?
Disco Ixi: Gosh no! And spill all of those slushies?!
Red Grarrl: Next question please.
How about Make Some Noise?
Red Grarrl: We're commentators, we ramble enough as it is.
Disco Ixi: Nah, we have no need to partake in Make Some Noise, it's already in our profession by default.
And... Have you ever tried Shootout Showdown?
Disco Ixi: No! That Jelly Chia scares the wits out of me.
Red Grarrl: That Chia has sparkly teeth though, I'll have to have words with his dentist.
Have you ever met the Techo Super-fan before?
Red Grarrl: Uh, yes... we went deaf temporarily. It was back in Altador Cup III.
Disco Ixi: Nice chap, but he never shuts up.
Red Grarrl: Worse than us.
Disco Ixi: Yeah, worse than us.
Red Grarrl: The Techo Super-fan won a competition to come an visit us in the commentator booth. We never did that competition again.
Disco Ixi: Not worth it.
Have you ever met any cool VIPs in your line of work? Any of the top Neopian celebrities?
Red Grarrl: Loads of celebs visit the stadium during the tournament but we've only met a few of them.
Disco Ixi: Like King Altador. He's a cool guy.
Red Grarrl: The Shenkuu Warrior Princess was very charming. She even taught us how to us a grappling hook.
Disco Ixi: We've met the Altador Cup Committee but they're our superiors in our contracts so technically they don't count for us.
Red Grarrl: Hannah the Brave from Krawk Island is a lovely lass. She wouldn't tell us any treasure locations though.
Disco Ixi: Then there was that letter I received from Dr. Sloth...
Red Grarrl: We've met all of the participating teams. They're awesome Neopians.
Disco Ixi: Yeah, we see a lot of VIPs.
Would you ever own a Yooyu as a petpet?
Disco Ixi: I have one! A Normal Yooyu called Roberto. He's a cute little fella.
Red Grarrl: Nah I don't want one. Too stubborn to keep as petpets.
Any words for the Altador Cup Fans before we end this interview?
Red Grarrl: Uh... avoid sitting near the Techo Super-fan. Take earplugs with you just in case you do end up getting a seat next to him.
Disco Ixi: Have fun and give your favourite team some love. You could end up leading them to victory!
Red Grarrl: Don't drink our slushies.
Disco Ixi: Yeah, have all the slushies you want from the Slushie Stand but don't take ours from the lunch room.
Red Grarrl: Our slushies!
Disco Ixi: But yeah... Other than that, long live the Altador Cup! Have a ball.
Thank you, commentators, for your brilliant interview!

See you back in the colosseum, everyone!
Stay up-to-date with the latest tournament stuff in our Altador Cup Coverage for news, guides, goodies and more!
It's the Second Round Robin - do your teams proud!
The Commentator speech bubble images are from our Altador Cup Speech Bubbles page. Now you can have your own little commentaries!
The results for Day 17 have now been posted! Our match report will be coming soon.

Hi, everyone! SunnyNeo have kindly asked us to do an interview. So we agreed on the terms that we got all the slushies we wanted for the duration of the chat. We're just that cool!

Disco Ixi: Ah, it's great. I missed the free slushies during lunch breaks.
Red Grarrl: Oh and the egg cress sandwiches are to die for!
Disco Ixi: Oh! But commentating the matches is so much fun. Nothing beats shouting "GOOOAAAALLLLL!" at the top of your voice several times a day, it's such a thrill.
Red Grarrl: Absolutely, I've been practicing my "GOOOAAAALLLLL!" shout all off-season.

Red Grarrl: Nyeh... we have voice coaching.
Disco Ixi: I'm thinking of becoming a lead singer in a band to pass the time during the off-season, but it's only a fleeting thought.
Red Grarrl: You can't sing!
Disco Ixi: Shut up, I can dream.
Red Grarrl: Be polite, we're in an interview.
Disco Ixi: Whoops, sorry. Is that off the record?
Interviewer: No.
Disco Ixi: Eh... oh well.

Disco Ixi: Yeah we get a lot of fanmail.
Red Grarrl: Once some scary girl sent me an Usuki Doll dressed in commentator gear o_O...
Disco Ixi: I've had weirder... I got mail off Dr. Sloth.
Red Grarrl: What? When?
Disco Ixi: A few years ago. He said; "Keep saying nice things about Team Virtupets and I'll give you a good report." It was weird.
Red Grarrl: I was once mobbed by fans when I was on my way to the food stall.
Disco Ixi: They were thieves, not fans, dude.
Red Grarrl: Oh yeah. My Neopoints went missing that day.
Disco Ixi: *Facepalms*

Disco Ixi: We aren't allowed to show bias in our line of work.
Red Grarrl: Yeah, the Altador Cup Committee won't allow us to do that. If we breach our contract we'll have to spend ten days cleaning the stadium. Not my idea of fun.
Disco Ixi: But we're allowed to show bias to slushies.
Red Grarrl: Mmm... slushies.

Red Grarrl: Yeah!
Disco Ixi: Ha, you know, we actually have! During our induction week when we first landed the jobs as commentators, we were allowed to practice a game of Yooyuball. This was back in Altador Cup I though when there were less Yooyu types to use, but I was good with the Normal Yooyu.
Red Grarrl: I was better as a Goalkeeper than a Forward player.
Disco Ixi: I rocked as a Forward player!
Red Grarrl: *Unimpressed* You scored against me ONCE.
Disco Ixi: *Pouts* Just ruin my fun.

Disco Ixi: Gosh no! And spill all of those slushies?!
Red Grarrl: Next question please.

Red Grarrl: We're commentators, we ramble enough as it is.
Disco Ixi: Nah, we have no need to partake in Make Some Noise, it's already in our profession by default.

Disco Ixi: No! That Jelly Chia scares the wits out of me.
Red Grarrl: That Chia has sparkly teeth though, I'll have to have words with his dentist.

Red Grarrl: Uh, yes... we went deaf temporarily. It was back in Altador Cup III.
Disco Ixi: Nice chap, but he never shuts up.
Red Grarrl: Worse than us.
Disco Ixi: Yeah, worse than us.
Red Grarrl: The Techo Super-fan won a competition to come an visit us in the commentator booth. We never did that competition again.
Disco Ixi: Not worth it.

Red Grarrl: Loads of celebs visit the stadium during the tournament but we've only met a few of them.
Disco Ixi: Like King Altador. He's a cool guy.
Red Grarrl: The Shenkuu Warrior Princess was very charming. She even taught us how to us a grappling hook.
Disco Ixi: We've met the Altador Cup Committee but they're our superiors in our contracts so technically they don't count for us.
Red Grarrl: Hannah the Brave from Krawk Island is a lovely lass. She wouldn't tell us any treasure locations though.
Disco Ixi: Then there was that letter I received from Dr. Sloth...
Red Grarrl: We've met all of the participating teams. They're awesome Neopians.
Disco Ixi: Yeah, we see a lot of VIPs.

Disco Ixi: I have one! A Normal Yooyu called Roberto. He's a cute little fella.
Red Grarrl: Nah I don't want one. Too stubborn to keep as petpets.

Red Grarrl: Uh... avoid sitting near the Techo Super-fan. Take earplugs with you just in case you do end up getting a seat next to him.
Disco Ixi: Have fun and give your favourite team some love. You could end up leading them to victory!
Red Grarrl: Don't drink our slushies.
Disco Ixi: Yeah, have all the slushies you want from the Slushie Stand but don't take ours from the lunch room.
Red Grarrl: Our slushies!
Disco Ixi: But yeah... Other than that, long live the Altador Cup! Have a ball.
Thank you, commentators, for your brilliant interview!

See you back in the colosseum, everyone!
Stay up-to-date with the latest tournament stuff in our Altador Cup Coverage for news, guides, goodies and more!
It's the Second Round Robin - do your teams proud!
The Commentator speech bubble images are from our Altador Cup Speech Bubbles page. Now you can have your own little commentaries!