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Ah, nothing like the smell of hotdogs and Altadorian architecture to look at in the afternoon... Another batch of interesting results! SunnyNeo brings you our match report for Day 23 (June 17th) of the tournament...
There were mixed results from the Team Faerieland versus Team Moltara match, where Moltara really kicked up a fuss against the stronger Faerielanders. Fyora's Fighters had the upperhand as they wished themselves wins in Yooyuball and Shootout Showdown and wins they did get! The Moltarans had put their new-found support game experience to use by winning Make Some Noise and forcing a Draw in Slushie Slinger. The Steampunk Squad should not be underestimated! But it was a close match.
Kiko Lake found their watery home saturated with sand yesterday as Team Lost Desert almost swept the floor with their opponents in Team Kiko Lake. The desert squad managed to cause a storm by winning Yooyuball, Make Some Noise and Shootout Showdown. The plucky Kikos did not like floundering around in a ridiculous amount of sand yesterday and clawed their way back with a Draw in Slushie Slinger. The Kikos will not let their guard down enough to be swept!
An epic battle in space occurred when Team Virtupets took on the slightly stronger Team Kreludor in one of those historically important matches (all relevant to the villain Dr. Sloth of course). There were Yooyus, players and lasers zooming around everywhere - although without the lasers because the Altador Cup Committee won't allow them in matches - until a result had been generated... Team Virtupets honourably won Yooyuball and Slushie Slinger (not Sloth's influence at all! *shifty eyes*) whereas Team Kreludor won Make Some Noise and Shootout Showdown. A fine split down the middle of the results!
Apparently a Meridellian sword is able to cut through a beam of Altadorian sunlight! Well, not really, it's just a pretty myth I made up right now but it sounds awesome. One thing that is not a tale of myth or legend is the match results for Team Meridell versus Team Altador yesterday! The gladiators were not equipped enough to handle the war-experience Meridellians as the knights swept the board and took home four wins for their King. But don't let this dampen your mood, Altador, there is always today's match to pull yourselves back up.
Feuding neighbours Team Mystery Island and Team Maraqua came knocking on each others' door yesterday and gained a police warning for neighbourhood disturbance. They were arguing over whose squad was better in the Altador Cup was and one thing led to another and... yeah that story isn't as important as the match results! Team Mystery Island proved their worth as they won the main event of Yooyuball, but the Maraquans let the tides in on the Island beaches to gain a support game sweep. Now, send each other a muffin basket to make up, neighbours!
Pirates don't like cold weather, it messes with their ship, and no one messes with their ship! This is why Team Terror Mountain experienced a slight complex when Team Krawk Island took wins in Yooyuball, Slushie Slinger and Make Some Noise yesterday. Terror Mountain have had its own share of thieves to deal with in the past, it didn't need more in the form of piracy! So the mountaineers sent one last gust of icy Northern win to chill the pirates in their boots, allowing Terror Mountain to win Shootout Showdown.
Not ones to back down after hard trials, Team Shenkuu recovered themselves yesterday when they went up against the support game-heavy Team Tyrannia. The ninjas managed to take the important Yooyuball win from the prehistoric squad along with a much-needed win in Shootout Showdown. The Tyrannian squad had not lost their reputation, though, as they succeeded in Slushie Slinger and Make Some Noise once again. A fun day to witness, nevertheless.
Two of the most daunting teams in the tournament went head-to-head and left the match with... a Draw. The two opposing squads, maginificent in their own intimidating way, equalled each other perfectly in Yooyuball and Make Some Noise! A Slushie Slinger win was later declared for Team Haunted Woods and Shootout Showdown was given to Team Darigan Citadel. The Team Captains weren't too happy about this but at least none of them lost fully!
And last of all, we come to the Team Roo Island versus Team Brightvale match, where the Rooligans kindly swept the scholars' study... Four beautiful wins were declared for the happy-go-lucky Roo Islanders. King Hagan said that his team really needed to review their tactics if they were going to become the powerhouse they almost were at the start of the tournament this year. King Roo chuckled saying that the Brightvalian's powerhouse illusion was just a bygone fluke. Hagan disapproves of that remark.
The match report is over already? I hope you enjoyed reading it! You can keep updated with all the latest tournament updates and fun stuff in our Altador Cup Coverage (when you're between Altador Cup games, of course).
This report has been brought to you by SunnyNeo's Match Schedule page, because it's handy to know which teams you will be facing or have faced in earlier days.

Kiko Lake found their watery home saturated with sand yesterday as Team Lost Desert almost swept the floor with their opponents in Team Kiko Lake. The desert squad managed to cause a storm by winning Yooyuball, Make Some Noise and Shootout Showdown. The plucky Kikos did not like floundering around in a ridiculous amount of sand yesterday and clawed their way back with a Draw in Slushie Slinger. The Kikos will not let their guard down enough to be swept!

Apparently a Meridellian sword is able to cut through a beam of Altadorian sunlight! Well, not really, it's just a pretty myth I made up right now but it sounds awesome. One thing that is not a tale of myth or legend is the match results for Team Meridell versus Team Altador yesterday! The gladiators were not equipped enough to handle the war-experience Meridellians as the knights swept the board and took home four wins for their King. But don't let this dampen your mood, Altador, there is always today's match to pull yourselves back up.

Pirates don't like cold weather, it messes with their ship, and no one messes with their ship! This is why Team Terror Mountain experienced a slight complex when Team Krawk Island took wins in Yooyuball, Slushie Slinger and Make Some Noise yesterday. Terror Mountain have had its own share of thieves to deal with in the past, it didn't need more in the form of piracy! So the mountaineers sent one last gust of icy Northern win to chill the pirates in their boots, allowing Terror Mountain to win Shootout Showdown.

Two of the most daunting teams in the tournament went head-to-head and left the match with... a Draw. The two opposing squads, maginificent in their own intimidating way, equalled each other perfectly in Yooyuball and Make Some Noise! A Slushie Slinger win was later declared for Team Haunted Woods and Shootout Showdown was given to Team Darigan Citadel. The Team Captains weren't too happy about this but at least none of them lost fully!

The match report is over already? I hope you enjoyed reading it! You can keep updated with all the latest tournament updates and fun stuff in our Altador Cup Coverage (when you're between Altador Cup games, of course).
This report has been brought to you by SunnyNeo's Match Schedule page, because it's handy to know which teams you will be facing or have faced in earlier days.