News Archive

Posted by xharryxpotterxluverx on 22nd of October 2024 at 05:10 AM NST
Oct 23rd Update: Some of the unreleased items have been taken out of the requested items pool and it has been reported to have been seen in the Quest Log prize item pool. Tavi's requests have expanded and she now asks for some food items now aside from items that contain the words "fire" and "tea" in them. In addition, Tavi is requesting one item at a time rather than 2 to 4 items.
Oh Snap! There have been some items requests that are either not in circulation throughout Neopia, retired, or even unreleased! We are hoping TNT will be fixing this glitch soon! Check back for more updates.


A new TVW plot daily activity, Tea Time with Tavi, has been added to the mix as of October 22nd! This is a quest-themed activity where you search for items requested by Tavi. In return, she will reward you with items, neopoints and plot points! To get an idea of what items Tavi is asking for and what prizes she gives out, head on over to our Tea Time with Tavi Guide!