The Void Within - plot coverage guide at SunnyNeo

Tea Time with Tavi

On October 22nd, 2024, the Tea Time with Tavi activity became available! Tavi needs an extra hand in brewing a special recipe of tea. She needs certain items to help make a special tea to lift the spirits of her team. This quest-style activity has you searching Neopia for specific items that Tavi needs for her special tea. Completing this activity can earn you 5 points an a special item. As of October 22nd, 2024, you can also unlock the achievement, Tea-riffic Job! (1/3), earning another 10 points.

Tea Time with Tavi Walkthrough

Tavi happily would take your offer in helping him!

A lot has happened in the last little while. My friends and I are all tired, upset, and frankly we could all use a little comfort! It's nothing a hot cup of tea can't fix though, so would you mind helping me gather some supplies so I can brew my special recipe? I've got a list right here of what I need, but I can't leave right now - I need to make sure everyone's okay. Can you help me out?

Making tea is more involved than you think! If you can help me balance everything, I've got a nice reward for you.

Tavi will also share with you the type of tea she is brewing for her team. Below are a list of his special recipes that Tavi likes to make. You can help Tavi with her quests 5 times per day.

  • Mountain-Foraged Tea
  • Soothing Zesty Herbal Tea
  • Bright Mint Tea of Fortitude
  • Chilled Black Tea of Comfort
  • Charming Sweet Rooibos Tea
  • Fortifying Foamy Mint Tea
  • Sleepy Black Tea of Invigoration
  • Restorative Creamy Black Tea
  • Rooibos Tea of Invigoration
  • Calming Flavor
  • Soothing Honey Green Tea
  • Dreamy White Tea of Strength
  • Serene Green Tea of Charming
  • Soothing Zesty Pu-erh Tea

Once you've accepted to take on the task, you are given a series of items to find with a certain amount of time. You are still able to use Shop Wizard or Super Shop Wizard to find your items. All items tend to have keywords such as "fire" or "tea" in them along with various food items, and some items from Cosy Campfire can be requested for the quests.

Alert! There have been some items requests that are either not in circulation throughout Neopia, retired, or even unreleased! We are hoping TNT will be fixing this glitch soon!


Completing one of Tavi's quests can earn you 5 points, NeoPoints, and an item prize. You can do up to 5 quests a day, earning a total of 25 points per day. When completing 5 quests, you can also unlock the first part of the "Tea-riffic Job" achievement, earning an extra 10 points. The second part can also be unlocked when completing another 5 quests, earning another 10 points, as quests are accumulative.

If you see an item that is not listed in our prize pool, please contact Bloom (xharryxpotterxluverx) the item to add!

The Void Within: Tea Time with Tavi Prize ItemsA list of items that Tavi rewards for helping him brew his special tea for his team.