Story: Prologue
Several events have had interesting bits of information and development in the storyline to build up to the plot in the form of comics and dialogue. We've listed these in chronological order and provided brief analysis and a summary of each one.
Festival of Neggs 2023
The Festival of Neggs in 2023 was held on Virtupets Space Station when Mira, the space faerie, discovered a strange unknown object in deep space. It's difficult to determine how much of the dialogue relates to the plot, so we've only included parts we deem relevant. You can read the full dialogue in the Festival of Neggs guide.

Mira! Major Tippens has recommended someone who he thinks can help determine Magon's theory...
That's great! Why did you trail off like that?

I really think he could be helpful, but I'm worried you may not like his tactics, that's all. But please just promise me you'll give him a chance!
I will make no such promise...but if you really think we can trust him I will at least hear him out.

Great! Orion, you can come in now!
Hello, it is a pleasure to meet you, oh wonderful Space Faerie. I am Orion O. Ophiuchus, my family and I have been great admirers of yours for generations.

Oh, um, the pleasure is all mine...and please call me Mira. Did you say your last name was Ophiuchus? That sounds very familiar.
Yes, my family has been a big name in the business of stars for many years, but sadly, nowadays, it has lost most of its familiarity around Neopia. Which is one of the reasons I am here! My family has passed down to me the great power of divining! Through my tarot cards I believe I can show someone as great as you the usefulness and power of my family's legacy!

Please take no offence, but I am already wary of the less scientific path we have been going down to identify these objects. And now that there is a possible safety risk if these do turn out to be spores, I don't know how comfortable I feel allowing someone who not only has something to prove handle these objects but someone who could possibly turn us down a path that is completely away from science.
I assure you that is not my intention! I am also a man of science! You see, my family has shunned me for my scientific beliefs, but I believe that my cards can be a device in which we can be pointed in the right direction and then let science lead us the rest of the way! I strongly feel that as long as one does not reject the facts of science then there is no harm in looking towards other devices to help you! Isn't that how most scientific discoveries are made? By pushing the known limits!

Mira, I promise I would not have asked him to come all this way if I thought he would lead us down the wrong path! He's shared with me that he believes Magon's theory is not fully correct, and that there is still a way to safely find the answers we need!
Indeed! I do not even need to handle the objects, so there is little risk involved. Please just give me and my cards a day or so, and I believe I can help!

Alright fine! But the objects aren't leaving my site!
Scene 7
Dr. Landelbrot and Magon failed to identify the object. Orion was introduced as a new character with a family legacy known for their business in the stars and harnessing the power of tarot cards. Orion is a man of science and was shunned by his family for his beliefs. Orion then proceeded to use his tarot cards to analyze the objects without direct contact.
Even though they discovered the object to be containing Bythons, it is indeed interesting that Orion was first introduced as a new character to help identify these objects, then mysteriously encountered a magical Lyre that gave him disturbing dreams and visions several months later. Without too much speculation, it’s possible that Orion’s tarot cards could’ve set off a chain reaction that have led up to today’s events, either intentionally or by accident.
At the end of the festival, Mira brought up having to discuss a potential pollution problem with Illusen.
Back to TopFaerie Festival 2023
Both Illusen and Jhudora hosted the Faerie Festival in 2023 and had Neopians help recycle items to tackle the pollution problem affecting Neopia.
Malkus Vile
Longer lasting and better looking than stamps - coins are a must for -

Drop the act Vile, I finally found you. I'm surprised it was so hard given your stench.
Malkus Vile
Ahh Jhudora, how lovely of you to drop by.

Save the formalities. I already know you've been funding McTaggart and bribing officials across Neopia to keep all these fancy new machines running on obsidian.
Malkus Vile
Bribing? No, no, you've got it all wrong. In the technological boom of Neopia, I saw opportunity. What I've been doing is called lobbying, and it's perfectly legal for some reason.

So, what's in it for you? I know you always have an angle.
Malkus Vile
Well, Monty owes me quite a bit you see, which means I own him. Ergo, I own Moltara Obsidian Company. But I prefer to stay behind the scenes. Easier for me to grease the wheels when it comes to officials and convince competition to close up shop.

Figures, slime like you would prefer to stick to the sewers.
Malkus Vile
Come now Jhudora we aren't so different. You know it's not easy to get by when you aren't one of the elite. You either have to rub elbows with the likes of Queen Fyora's entourage and King Skarl's royal court, or you have to strike out on your own.
We both chose the latter because neither of us could endure kowtowing to those insufferable prigs. Most faeries, like say Illusen for instance, have no problem playing those games.

You can skip through all the banal cajolery you prepared. There's a reason you're so smug. Tell me, what's stopping me from hitting you with a curse that would make your worst nightmares seem like daydreams?
Malkus Vile
I know something you don't. About Illusen.

What makes you think I care?
Malkus Vile
No need to play coy with me, no secrets escape these sharp ears. I know all about your… complicated history with her. So, I thought you'd be interested to know that despite her posturing, Illusen has been significantly weakened.

Wa- What do you know about that?
Malkus Vile
A little Weewoo told me that Illusen started weakening right around the same time the pollution began spreading. It seems the smog choking the Neopia air and clouding the forests has been affecting all of the Earth and Water Faeries. She's vulnerable, and… if you wanted, could be out of your way for good.

The pollution… Vulnerable? No. No, I couldn't. Part of me does still hate her for what she did to me, but I couldn't do that… Uh, not while she is in such a pathetic state that is!
Malkus Vile
That's the beauty of it, you don't have to lift a finger. I already have a professional on the job, so you can go back to your little Faerie Festival and enjoy total deniability.

What do you mean a professional?
Malkus Vile
Illusen's been running her mouth about that renewable energy nonsense for far too long, it was starting to cut into my profit margins. Besides, the enfeebling of all the Earth and Water Faeries was always part of the plan. It came from the very top.

Plan? Tell me when this is happening before I blast a hole in the middle of your ugly mug!
Malkus Vile
Woah, woah, relax! Look, tell you the truth, Illusen's probably being bottled as we speak.

Arghhh I'll be back for you Vile!
Scene 6
The Faerie Festival was hosted by both Illusen and Jhudora, they both worked together to clean up an ongoing pollution problem in Neopia. Illusen previously expressed her concerns about Monty McTaggart, Moltara’s Magnanimous Obsidian Magnate, for his unsustainable and pollution-causing practices in burning obsidian. Jhudora was left alone with Monty to have a private chat and out of fear he gave up the name of Malkus Vile.
When Jhudora tracked down Malkus, he mentioned he saw an opportunity to do some “lobbying” during the technological boom in Neopia. He also revealed that he technically owns the Moltara Obsidian Company but prefers to stay behind the scenes. Malkus told Jhudora that Illusen became weaker when the pollution was spreading, affecting the air quality and both the Earth and Water Faeries. Since Illusen is weak and vulnerable, Malkus essentially tempts Jhduora to deal with her “for good.”
While Jhudora considered this opportunity based on her hatred for Illusen, she didn’t want to do such a thing because Illusen was in “such a pathetic state.” Malkus then explains how she didn’t have to do a thing because he had a professional to take care of Illusen. When questioned by Jhudora, Malkus explained that he did not like Illusen’s renewable energy ideas and how it’d affect his profit margins, however, he hinted that there was a plan to weaken all of the Earth and Water Faeries, which came from the very top. Rather than revealing what the plan was, Malkus mentioned Illusen was probably being bottled as they spoke to which Jhudora leaves to rescue Illusen.
Back to TopIllusen
My legs, I can barely feel my legs. I'll just take a moment to rest here against the wall.

Oh, Illusen, you were once one of the few faeries I dared never approach. But look at you now, withered up and weak just like your precious Glade. Even this measly bottle can hold you now!
Balthazar? Stay back! I won't warn you again!

You can stop pretending now. We both know you barely have any magic left at this point.

I know Vile will pay top Neopoint for you, but part of me just wants to keep you as a paperweight. You faeries are much better in bottles, but I still think you were best as statues. Oh, what a glorious few months that was when you were all stone!
I was really hoping it would be permanent, but of course, I end up with a house full of angry faeries right in the middle of my bottled faerie opening party. You don't mind that I'm rambling on Illusen, right?

*Muffled yelling*

What's that? I can't hear you, AHAHA!

You know, now that I think about it, why let the chance to rid Neopia of such a powerful faerie slip through my paws? Maybe I should just save Vile the trouble and end you right no -

Paws off! If anyone is going to end her, it'll be me.

I still have enough magic to break free of your bottle Baltha… Jhudora! What are you doing here? I had him just where I wanted him!

Oh, were you in there? I just happened to be in the neighbourhood um… shattering random bottles.
And spontaneously blasting Neopets?

Only those who deserve it.

I don't know if he deserved quite that much. That blast of yours sure packed a wallop, will he be okay?

Yeah, sure… probably. More importantly, we need to inform Queen Fyora of Vile's location before he gets too far. I found him hiding out in Collectable Coins.
Let's return to Faerieland. We will tell her, together.

Scene 7
Balthazar was hired by Malkus Vile to put Illusen in a bottle because her magic has weakened due to the pollution. He reminisced the days that faeries were best when they were statues for a few months. As Balthazar was contemplating on ending Illusen, Jhudora arrived and blasted Balthazar and freed Illusen from the bottle.
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Well, I can't thank you two enough. Your efforts have helped root out corruption and start us on a path to restoring balance in Neopia.
Speaking of which, I've actually been working on a special spell to help restore the soil of Neopia!

Well, I've been preparing a powerful potion that should cleanse the air and oceans of Neopia!
Look at you! And here I thought you gave up after my festival-goers were able to collect even more junk than your cronies.

It's working! I can feel the Meridell vegetation breathing easy again… thank you Jhudora.

I am so proud of you two! Working together seamlessly to clean up Neopia. You'll be pleased to hear we picked up Malkus Vile trying to make a run for it on the outskirts of Neopia Central. And Captain Brynneth is scraping Balthazar off the cobblestones at this very moment.
Malkus Vile
Lock me up for whatever you want, it won't matter.

Vile, earlier, you said you had orders “from the very top”. You like to put on a show, but you aren't the one running it. So, who's at the top?
Malkus Vile
You won't get a peep out of me.

Whoever orchestrated this entire affair scares even Vile?

It narrows it down considerably… But that is a matter for another day. For now, let's celebrate your success, together.

Ugh, I think we've done the whole “together” thing long enough today.
Could you at least pretend to be respectful in front of the Queen?

*Jhudora and Illusen continue bickering as they walk back to the festivities together*

*Jhudora and Illusen continue bickering as they walk back to the festivities together*

*sigh* Well, at least we made some progress...
Scene 8
Illusen and Jhudora returned to Queen Fyora, after she thanked them for rooting out corruption, they revealed they’ve been working on a special spell and powerful potion to clean the soil, air, and oceans of Neopia.
Queen Fyora mentioned that Malkus Vile was picked up on the outskirts of Neopia Central. Jhudora asked Malkus to clarify what he meant by having orders “from the very top,” but he did not respond potentially because they scare him. After this dialogue a mysterious comic was displayed, featuring Vira talking to an unknown Dark Faerie.
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Faerie Festival Comic
Vira and the Dark Faerie are scheming, knowing that Queen Fyora suspects something terrible will happen, causing her to be full of anxiety, cursing Fyora with sleepless nights. Vira points out that Queen Fyora may have sufficient time to “warn others and fortify their defences.” The Dark Faerie suggests that Queen Fyora will only prepare mentally, without warning anyone else until she is certain about what is to come, causing her to let her fears take over her mind.
In the last section of the comic, Vira and the Unknown Dark Faerie are walking towards a light (or leaving the cave), and we see a mysterious dark purple and glowing paintbrush inside a glass container with mysterious glowing bubbles surrounding it. This paint brush is later seen during the Advent Calendar, where another mysterious character is holding it in front of Brightvale with a long dark/grey shadow casted upon the pathway towards the castle. The Dark Faerie tells Vira, “the seed they planted long ago has finally sprouted and is ready to bear fruit,” with a caption “there is much to do.” It is not clear what or who the seed refers to and when it occurred, but it is obvious that Vira and this Dark Faerie have been scheming for a while to directly weaken Queen Fyora and the other faeries.
Back to TopAdvent Calendar 2023
During the Advent Calendar in 2023 several teasers were dropped in character dialog (featuring Queen Fyora, Orion and Reina) and plot related comics.
Reina, please we must stop the Advent Calendar!

Hold up! Orion? What are you doing here?
I know we don't know each other well, but this is important! Something terrible is about to happen!

You aren't making any sense. Why do we need to stop the Advent Calendar?
There isn't any time, we need to prepare as soon as possible. I...I don't know how I am seeing these things but I know it can't be good!

Take a deep breath, Orion! Now please start over. I don't understand what you are talking about.
I'm sorry. A...a few days ago, I was consulting my cards as I walked when...a tender and resonant plucking came to me, and moments later I tripped over this Lyre in the snow! Since then I have had terrible visions. Visions that I fear will soon impact all of Neopia greatly!

Orion, you look like you haven't slept in days. I admire your determination, but I think you need to go home and get some rest.
Please Reina, you must promise me you'll stop the Advent Calendar. Now is not the time for fun and games, something horrible is coming to Neopia, something we must prepare for.

For your own sake, go get some sleep. You look unwell! If you are still worried, we can talk more about this later.
December 6th
Orion interrupted Reina and her Advent Calendar. Out of fear, Orion warns Reina that something terrible will happen and wants her to stop the Advent Calendar. Orion was consulting his tarot cards when he tripped over a Lyre in the snow. After this he's been having terrible visions of a dark future.
Back to TopOrion
Reina, what are you doing? You promised me you'd stop the Advent Calendar!

Orion, you're back? Did you get any sleep? You still look exhausted!
I...I tried, but the sound of the Lyre torments me every night, never allowing me a moment of silence…wait that isn't the point! This all needs to stop right away, you promised!

I didn't promise anything, Orion. I'm sorry for what you are going through, but Neopians rely on the Advent Calendar to bring them warmth and cheer during the most frigid time of year. I can't shut it all down over nightmares.
They aren't just nightmares!! They are premonitions! We all need to prepare! Please just listen to me!

Orion stop! The Advent Calendar simply means too much. I can't just shut it down without proof.
Fine, you want proof. I'll get you proof!

December 15th
Orion told Reina the sound of the Lyre he found torments him every night. Orion tries to end the Advent Calendar again, but Reina refused to do so without any proof.
Back to TopOrion
I have found a way to show you my visions! The Lyre...it...if...

Orion, this has gone too far!
These may be the final days of the Advent Calendar, but I need to show Neopia the visions that keep tormenting me. I don't know why they are coming to me, but I know they are important... somehow.

You really are serious about this, aren't you?
Please Reina, this is the only thing I can think to do.

Okay...how can you show us?
The Lyre! I discovered that when I play it, those who hear it share in my visions. Before, they came to me choppy and distorted... but with this, I can see the visions clear as day. And I can share them with you all as well! Please just listen!

December 26th Dialog
Orion returned back to Reina after finding a way to share his visions. Orion warned Reina that these may be the final days of the Advent Calendar. He then explains his recent discovery, whenever he plays the Lyre, anyone who hears it will see his visions.
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December 26th Comic
Orion plays the Lyre and shares his first vision. Somewhere in the universe we see a blue Aisha, named Nyx, with their friendly Faellie in a backpack. Nyx appears to be unconscious in the void of space, with tools and equipment scattered around her and a broken space helmet. Nyx might be travelling through some worm-hole like tunnel with dark blobs surrounding her.
Nyx awakens on an unknown planet or celestial body and saw some strange shadowy monster with tentacles. Afraid, Nyx and her Petpet run for their lives.
We also see an interesting sword stuck inside a rock floating in space at the end of this comic.
Advent Reward

December 27
In Orion's second vision, he shows us Nyx's Faellie Petpet is trapped and surrounded by the unknown tentacle monster, with Nyx reaching out to help her Petpet. The monster grabs and wraps a tentacle aroudn the scared Faellie. Nyx was able to reach her Petpet, breaking them free, but one of the tentacles grabs Nyx's left hand which was missing a glove. As they run away, we can see a red marking on Nyx's hand and on her Petpet's forehead, where the monster touched them.
We also see what this monster is: a large purple glowing monster, resembling an eye, with more than 7 tentacles. Nyx and her petpet hide in a cave, and the Faellie appears injured and unconscious laying on the ground.
Advent Reward

December 28
In Orion's third vision, Nyx appears to be asleep and her Faellie wakes up. Nyx is no longer wearing her Virtupets jacket and appears to be broken in the second section, with her Faellie leaving the cave (with something in their mouth) looking at Nyx with concern.
Nyx's Faellie returns to the surface and finds Nyx's tools and equipment and brought it back into the cave. The Faellie, appearing distressed and tired, repaired an unknown electronic device that is worn on the wrist.
In the last comic section, Nyx awakened to the surprise of the device on her wrist beeping, beside her unconcious Faellie, covered in a dark-purple glow. Nyx's left arm is almost completely covered in the same thing.
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December 29
In Orion's fourth and final vision, Nyx is bursting into tears and holding her injured and unconcious Faellie. Confused how her Faellie saved her and could leave her all alone, the electronic wrist device continues to beep louder and louder.
In the very last section of the comic, Nyx is holding her Faellie and somehow sees Brightvale with a long dark shadow along the path towards the gate of the castle. An unknown grey figure is holding a grey paint brush with a skull and curled horns on the sides, looking towards the Brightvale castle.
Advent Rewards

That...that was...
I told you I'm not crazy!

We need to do something! We need to tell someone!
That someone is already here.

Queen Fyora! But how did you...

That instrument you found has been emitting an incredible amount of unknown magic. I've been investigating it for weeks and your prolonged playing led me right to its source.
Unknown magic?

Yes, you seem to have stumbled upon a powerful artefact imbued with magic even I am unfamiliar with. Yet another troubling development...
Does that mean the Lyre is dangerous? Should we have even played it?! What if-

Easy Reina. You were right to let Orion share his visions. It's too soon to tell what exactly this artefact is capable of, but playing it only seemed to clarify and project the visions Orion has been experiencing.
Phew! What a relief... and here I was worried I brought doom to Neopia after just my third time organising the Advent Calendar!

Nonsense! You handled the situation quite well. I have no doubt your grandmother will be proud to hear of the compassionate Aisha you've become.
Oh! I- um- well thank you Queen Fyora... That's too kind.

I owe you both an apology as well. I'm sorry it took me so long to find the source of this strange magic. It seems to have taken quite the toll on you already Orion.
Yes, well, I suppose I have been better...

Come, you and I must discuss this all at once. After we find a way to get you some sleep that is!
December 30th
Orion had finished showing Reina the visions he saw and Reina seems very concerned. Queen Fyora appeared and told Orion his Lyre emits an incredible amount of unknown magic, after spending weeks investigating the source of this magic.
Queen Fyora is unfamiliar with this magic and is concerned with its unknown powers.
Back to TopFestival of Neggs 2024
Kari turned grey prior to the start of the 2024 Festival of Neggs. Orion showed up to help Kari out with the festival.
I...I'm sorry for yesterday. I just can't seem to get myself together. Just give me a moment here, and I'll be ready with a decent clue today. I promise.

Hello, Kari. May I bother you for a moment?
Orion? What are you doing here?

Mira asked me if I could stop by. She said she would do it herself, but you already told her "Under no circumstances should she busy herself with the festival when the world needs her right now." And when she went to protest, you said if she even tried to stop by you'd "make her regret it". Which she refused to elaborate on.
Yes, I know that last part. I was there.

Right. Of course. My apologies.
No, no. I'm sorry. I don't mean to be so curt. I'm just...well, you know.

No need to apologise. I fully understand.

It is to that point that I have come here. I would like to accompany you and aid in another year's festivities. If you will have me that is.
Thank you for the offer Orion, but I heard about what happened during the Advent Calendar. Are you sure you are feeling well enough?

Yes! I admit I was in rough shape there for a time, but the intense dreams and visions subsided soon after. I was plagued for a bit once again during the month of Awakening, but neither I nor Queen Fyora could make sense of those visions. And ever since then not even the playing of the Lyre has brought forth a revelation.
So you're doing better? You still look rather...tired.

Now my studies for answers is what keeps me up most nights, but no need to worry about that. Let's get back to the matter at hand.

I heard you were struggling to hide the neggs and provide adequate riddles for them? I shall happily take up those tasks for you, and all you need to worry about is seeing the smiling faces of those who find them! Sound good?
...I don't know what to say.

Just say today's riddle. I already have it written out for you!
April 26th (Scene 2)
In Scene 2, Orion was asked by Mira (the Space Faerie) to help Kari out with the festival. Kari was concerned for Orion's health, but his visions had subsided snce the Advent Calendar. During the month of Awakening (February) Orion had more visions, but neither Orion nor Queen Fyora could make sense of those visions. Orion then helps Kari with hiding neggs.
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Kari...I, I had another dream last night...a strong one.
Oh no, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?

Yes...I'm sorry. I shouldn't be bringing this up during the festival.
It's okay, if there's one thing I know about my festival-goers, it is that they are often happy to help out whenever needed.

So, if you feel comfortable doing so maybe you can tell me about your dream.

It was strange, it was the first one I've had that has so clearly been about some place in Neopia.
Oh, yeah? Where was it?

I suppose I can't be certain, but the dream was dark besides that of the glow of molten lava. That has to be Moltara, right?
Seems like it. What does that mean though?

I don't know. I guess I can travel there tonight after I hide tomorrow's neggs.
Do you want me to come with you?

No, that's okay. You stay focused on the festival! I'll be back before you know it.
April 29th (Scene 3)
In Scene 3, Orion had another dream, it was dark, beside the glow of molten lava. Orion is suspicious this vision involves Moltara and travels there to investigate.
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Hi, Kari. I've got news on my mission.
Did you go to Moltara?

Yes, but I couldn't find anything.
Have you tried playing the Lyre again?

It hasn't done much since the intense visions of the Advent Calendar, and Queen Fyora has advised me to refrain from playing the Lyre whenever possible. But...yes, I did.

However, I had barely started when there was a big quake in the city. After that, I was bombarded by multiple visions!
Oh my! Was everyone okay?

Yes, luckily the shaking didn't last long and wasn't too intense, but now I can't seem to see the original vision from my dream.

These new visions are far too weak for me to make much out, and they are all so scrambled together that I can't make any sense of them. However, the small parts I can see seem as though they are flashes of places all around Neopia!
So what now?

I'm not sure. Even if I wasn't helping with the festival, I don't think I could possibly travel all across Neopia in hopes of answers. I can already feel the drain from the visions starting to affect me.
If you need to focus on this I would understand!

No, I gave my word to the great Space Faerie that I would help. Besides, I would not abandon my friend in her time of need!

Hush now! Not another word on the matter. Besides, the festival may be just what I need for these circumstances.

I can't manage this search on my own, but perhaps your festival-goers can help out!

I can keep an eye out as I hide the neggs, but if they could also look around as they search for them, then we would cover a lot of ground fairly quickly!
That's a great idea, but only if they feel up to it!

Of course! All that is needed is for them to keep an eye out for anything odd around Neopia and to report back to me if they happen to see anything. The festival can still go on like normal, and I can preserve energy. As well as look into why the visions are back and what they could mean!

The visions are too jumbled for me to pinpoint a starting place, so please don't overwork yourself. Even if you can only report back one strange occurences a day that would be enough to help me out!
April 30th (Scene 4)
In Scene 4, Orion returns from Moltara to deliver news to Kari. Queen Fyora told Orion to refrain from playing his Lyre and when he did, there was a "big quake" in Moltara city. Afterwards he had several visions, but they were too weak and scrambled to understand them. Orion was able to see small parts of these visions being flashes throughout different places in Neopia.
Orion then asked Kari to have the festival-goers report any strange anomolies throughout Neopia.
Back to TopOrion
(April 30th) First Discovery Response: So you saw something strange around the same time my visions got slightly clearer? But you didn't get a good look at it? Okay, well, that is something to work off of! Keep an eye out for more; maybe we can figure out how it's all connected

(May 1st) Second Discovery Response: Hmm, so the strange thing is some sort of creature but it disappeared before you could get too close? Well, I suppose it's only a theory at this point but this seems connected. Maybe try and figure out if there is any sort of connection between the places it shows up.

(May 2nd) Third Discovery Response: Okay, this strange creature you keep seeing has to be connected to my visions. It seems like each time you chase it away my visions dwindle. It's almost as if the creature is being chased away for good. But why would it go there in the first place?

(May 3rd) Fourth Discovery Response: It seems like this creature appears in warm places, often at places that have food as well. That doesn't narrow it down too much, but it is certainly something! Keep up the good work!

(May 4th) Fifth Discovery Response: The visions of places around Neopia are too hectic for me to really take in, no matter the number. Yet, one place is getting clearer and clearer as we progress. Perhaps, once we eliminate all the other locations, I'll be able to make sense of it all.

(May 5th) Sixth Discovery Response: I can't help but think that this creature is lost or something...maybe once we figure out what is going on we can help it. For now, though, we are almost there, I can feel it!

(May 6th) Seventh Discovery Response:These visions have taken a lot out of me, but I get the sense that this is all for something important. Please keep searching a little bit longer!

(May 7th) Eighth Discovery Response: Thank you for all your hard work! It seems like my visions followed the creature wherever it went, I wonder how it travelled so fast. But I suppose it must be done moving now, as most of the visions have stopped. I know we may be short on time, but I need a little while alone to hone in on what is left! Please come back soon, and I'll have more information, I promise!

Eight Neopian Discoveries
During the Festival of Neggs, Orion had several vision fragments that made no sense. He asked Neopians to report any strange anomalies to him. There were 8 strange observations of a brown tentacle and claw/paw in several shops.
Orion tells us that the strange thing we saw was some creature, disappearing before we got close. He reassures us this creature is connected to his visions, and each time it’s chased away, his visions dwindle, as if it’s being chased away for good. He believes that this creature appears in warm places, usually with food, and may be lost.
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Kari, if I may ask. How are you doing? I know there isn't much known about...what is happening, but I thought you may want to talk about it anyway.
I'm sorry Orion, I'm not sure I'm up for talking about me...but I do worry for the rest of Neopia.

There have been a few well-known cases, but everyday citizens are starting to be affected at random. So there's no way to figure out how everyone could be connected.

I've talked with Naia and nothing seems to be able to help. Not the fountain, paintbrushes...nothing.

If something isn't done soon, I don't know what it could mean for Neopia.

You might actually be one of our best hopes, Orion.

What do you mean?
Those visions of yours had you convinced something terrible was coming to Neopia. Perhaps they were meant to warn us of this grey curse?

I...I don't know. The things I've seen...they didn't really show anything useful.
I'm sure they did. In some way.

I don't even know why or how they happened. Or why they are back now...I'm not sure I can take much more of this.
I believed in your abilities back when we first met, and I believe in you now. You'll figure something out!

Alright, if you can smile even through all this. Then I suppose I can keep pushing on as well.
May 3rd (Scene 5)
After the fourth place was discovered, Orion checked in on Kari. Kari tells Orion that she’s concerned for Neopia and its citizens because citizens are randomly being affected by the curse and turning grey. Kari reveals nothing appears to help, not the fountain nor paint brushes. Kari tells Orion that he might be Neopia’s best hope to help Neopia.
Kari is convinced that Orion’s visions could have meant to warn Neopia of the grey curse in some way. Even though Kari is grey and gloomy, she manages to smile for Orion, believing in his abilities to figure something out.
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What you said to me the other day, about believing in my abilities back during last year's festivities. It got me got me thinking.

Ever since I found the Lyre I have consulted my cards many a time, but never garnered much information from them when it came to anything pertaining to the Lyre or my visions.

But during last year's festival, I was able to gather more power through the help of a festival-goer.
So do you need them to interact with your cards again?

No, sadly I think even with the help of many festival-goers, we would not be able to crack the secrets behind the Lyre with just my cards alone. But the premise behind the help I received is what struck an idea in my head.

The strongest visions I've had happened during the Advent Calendar, one of the biggest events of the year. Tons of Neopians gather together to celebrate it.

No visions I've had yet have matched the ones during that event, but I did encounter another bout of dreams and visions during the month of Awakening. They weren't nearly as strong, but they lasted for some time. And what was happening that entire month?
The Neopies?

Exactly! Another large gathering of Neopians!

Just like I needed to gather power from another to make my card readings stronger, I think the Lyre must need the power of all of us gathered together to power it enough to send these messages!
That seems a little farfetched...

I know...it's just a theory. My other is that since it's a musical instrument, maybe the Lyre likes having a crowd to put on a show for. However, that one mainly seems silly.
Well, either way, if your theory on crowds of Neopians triggering your visions is correct, I'm afraid we are running out of time. There are only a few days left until the Festival of Neggs ends.

Yeah...if it ends so might my visions, and we won't know why I am receiving them once more.

In that case, we all need to get back out there! I can feel that we are close to answers!
May 5th (Scene 6)
After the fifth place was discovered, Orion had some time to reflect on Kari’s kind words in believing his abilities. Orion had a sudden realization that his tarot cards never revealed much information about the Lyre or his visions, however, he noticed he gained more power during the previous Festival of Neggs.
Orion mentioned that his visions were the strongest during the Advent Calendar. During The Neopies in the month of Awakening (February), his visions lasted for some time but weren’t as strong as those during the Advent Calendar. Orion noticed that he can gather more power from his tarot cards during large Neopian gatherings, which could allow him to understand those 7 fragmented visions.
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Now that the visions have calmed down, the original one of lava returned. And this time, much stronger. I was able to play the Lyre to intensify it for myself and saw what looked like a crevasse next to a very tall building.

This is the last time I'll ask this of you I promise, but could you please take a look around anywhere that may fit this description and report back to me if you find anything?

This creature seems fairly large for your average petpet, and who knows how old she must be if she was trapped below the surface until now...

With how you described the crevasse it seems like the construction of the Obsidion Co. building made the cave she lived in no longer structurally sound. Breaking it open and allowing lava within once again.

I'm no petpet expert but she seems to thrive off lava, perhaps that is how she travelled around. Going all over in search of food?

Whatever the case is, I am unsure why my visions would have led us to her...
Wait, Orion what is that in the spikes on her back?

It...it sort of looks like a musical cylinder. Like the kind music boxes use to play songs, but it's a rather odd shape.

And made of lava.

Yes, and made of lava. I have no clue what sort of music box could play this.

But as soon as I touched it it was like a weight lifted off my shoulders. I think this must be what the visions were leading me to.
And this little, big gal must have had it stuck on her while she ran all over. But how did she get it?

I don't know...I suppose we are left with more questions. For now!
May 8th (Scene 8)
All eight of the places were discovered, allowing Orion to piece together his original vision. By playing his Lyre, his vision intensified and noticed something beside a tall building. When we investigated Moltara City, Monty’s Obsidian Mining Company building appeared. When we clicked this building we noticed Tuffala, a new Petpet.
Orion tells Kari this Petpet is larger than average and wasn’t sure how old it was. He suggested it used to live in a cave, but the building made the cave unstable and allowed lava to enter the cave. He also suggested this Petpet thrives off lava, possibly how it could travel quickly in search of food. Kari notices the Petpet has spikes on her back, resembling those music boxes that played music from a musical cylinder but Orion wasn’t sure what could play this.
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