The Void Within - plot coverage guide at SunnyNeo


We've archived the FAQ for this plot from the Neopets Support website. These questions were retrieved on July 17th, 2024 and could change in the future. As always, check the support website for the latest information.

How do I earn plot prizes?

You can earn prizes in a number of different ways!

1 - Chapter rewards are given out for actively following the story along with the rest of Neopia during the three-week time period over which each chapter is released.

2 - Some prizes are earned by playing and advancing through specific minigames or Battledome challenges (or donating your time to the Neopian Hospital)

3 - Hidden trophies or fearless deeds that can be acquired through acts of valour going above and beyond that of ordinary Neopets.

How often will new content be released?

There will typically be new content of some kind appearing weekly! However, since many Neopians live busy lives, you won’t be penalized for not visiting every single day new content is released.

Content will be released in the form of Chapters spread over three-week periods, during which everyone can still catch up on content and collect full rewards! It’s only after each chapter ends that you will lose out on exclusive prizes. So you’ll want to make sure you are all caught up on the last day of every chapter!

Will there be any trigger warnings for sensitive content?

We understand that certain themes may be triggering for some individuals, and never want to make anyone feel uncomfortable. For this reason, we want to preemptively highlight that this plot will involve some potential triggering topics. Instead of shying away from them, we have chosen to let our own experiences with these themes steer us in incorporating what we feel are meaningful and important topics into this plot and the larger Neopian world. For your awareness and personal curation, we’d like to inform you that some of the themes The Void Within will explore include: mental health, abandonment, identity, community, family, and exclusion/inclusion.

Although some of these topics can be difficult to address, our team feels it is crucial that our stories and characters come from real places and real people. This is how truly powerful stories latch onto each of us. Why they linger with us. How they connect us. We’ve done our utmost to approach these themes thoughtfully and responsibly through a Neopian lens while focusing on telling a captivating tale that everyone can relate to in some way. This story is born of our shared values and experiences, and it relentlessly chases after our longstanding goal of ensuring that Neopia is a place where everyone feels seen and represented.

As we delve deeper into the void throughout the course of this plot, there may be some dark corners waiting around the winding path to come. Please remember that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, and keep in mind Neopia is a place of passion and hope. This is a digital world built on Neofriends and Guilds that spawned a sometimes chaotic yet always beautiful sanctuary of both escape and belonging for a vast community. We hope you will stick around with us to the very end of our tale, as we will need every person who has ever called this world home to band together if we are to truly restore Neopia to its former colourful glory!

This is a work of fiction. All the names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the products of the narrative team’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

POTENTIAL TRIGGERS: Mental Health, Abandonment, Identity, Community, Family, Exclusion

Do I have to participate in the Battledome Challenges?

Heavens no! Some of us are pacifists, born without a violent bone in our body, better suited to helping than hurting. This is why all Battledome challenges will also be accompanied by the option to instead have your pets donate their time to the Neopian Hospital’s efforts to treat those injured in the ongoing scuffles. You can learn more about the details of donating your pet’s time to the Neopian Hospital once the battles begin!

Can I catch up on Chapters I may have missed after the three-week period during which they were playable?

Yes! Even if you miss multiple chapters, you can always jump back in and catch up with the rest of Neopia. Whether they may have contained minigames or Battledome challenges, you can still participate in all of the fun that comes along with a plot. You might miss out on some exclusive prizes, but you will still be rewarded for your efforts in other ways.

What if I accidentally skip through dialogue or am confused about where to go next?

No need to fret! If you missed dialogue or forgot an important detail, you can always access the handy-dandy story tab of the plot hubpage to review previous scenes or chapters.

If you are still having trouble figuring out where to go next, check the plot hubpage! Characters and hints there might help point you in the right direction. Dialogue will often appear on the hubpage, but sometimes you might need to travel somewhere specific in Neopia first before it starts!

How long does the plot last?

Following the greying out prelude, the plot officially began on June 17th 2024 when Meridell was greyed out overnight. Some seers have predicted it will end around a year later 2025, but no one really knows for certain!

What exactly is a plot?

Plots are expansive storylines that unfold on a grand community-wide scale. These narratives are usually centred around character arcs and momentous developments, sometimes with the potential to alter the course of Neopian history itself…

Since plots are long-running global affairs, they coincide with seasonal events (which can be related to the events of the plot). As the steadily evolving story progresses through comics and the dialogue system, you will also encounter new:
Community activities!
Battledome challenges!