Daily Dare

What is Daily Dare?
Daily Dare is a recurring Neopets site event that takes place in the Games Room. It was first introduced in March of 2007, when it ran for one month. If you did not participate in previous years Daily Dare challenges, don't worry! This new round of Daily Dare is independent of the one that took place previously, and it is very fun and easy to participate in. In 2007 Daily Dare was mainly hosted by sponsoring companies, while in 2008 Daily Dare was themed off of a more intricate story (read the story or watch the video).

The event is mock-hosted by Aristotle A. Avinroo, better known as AAA and his little sister Abigail. Daily Dare takes place in the form of challenges that run 30 days in a row. Starting on the first day, a Neopets flash game is chosen daily to be in the challenge. Much like in the game Better Than You, you must then play the game and send a specified score set by TNT. This event is unique though, as there are two different scores that you can choose to try and beat. The preferable score to beat is AAA's. He is better at games than his little sister, so his score will be set higher. Beating his score is a little difficult though, so you can also chose to beat Abigail's score, which is considerably easier. You get to decide each day if you want to challenge AAA or Abigail for the different games. You can only challenge one of them for each game, so chose wisely!

If you want a prize, whichever opponent you challenge is the one you need to beat. However, unlike the 2007 Daily Dare, if you accidentally challenge AAA but are unable to beat his score, you can still get credited for beating Abigail! If you send a score that is higher than Abigail's while trying to beat AAA, it will automatically count as a win over Abigail unless you eventually are able to beat AAA's score for that game. If you challenge AAA but only beat Abigail you will not get your prize until the end of the event. You have unlimited tries for the day, even if you already send your score three times that day, you can still complete a daily dare challenge, you will not rewarded any more neopoints though.

Remember that the cutoff time for sending scores is 12:40AM NST. If open your game window before 12:40, then you won't be able to send your score after 12:40- you'll just get an error message. To prevent this, make sure to close your game window before 12:40 and then reopen it after 12:40. TNT put this cutoff time in place so that people can't just keep the same game window open for days at a time. This cutoff time effects every game, every day, all year round.

SunnyNeo Daily Dare Goodies
We have created some cool Daily Dare goodies for you to use. If you're into Daily Dare, be sure to check out this page for sweet stuff such as adoptables, a userlookup, icons, and a challenge completion counter.

Winning Prizes
Of course, this event wouldn't be as awesome without the prizes. This challenge rewards you generously with different game related items. You can obtain a item prize each day by beating either AAA or Abigail. Beating AAA gets you a better item prize than from beating Abigail. Aside from that, the prizes are the same for everyone for each game. Everyone gets the same prizes though, depending on who you beat. Once you beat either AAA's or Abigail's scores, you have to manually go back to the main Daily Dare page to manually collect your reward. Simply click the little image of the giftbox adjacent to where the score you just beat is listed, and a prize will be rewarded to you. If you send a score and the gift is still faded and therefore you can't click it, you've done something wrong. Make sure you didn't forget to click the button to challenge either AAA or Abigail for the day, and also make sure you sent the right score. At the end of the challenge, extra prizes are also awarded depending on the manner in which you completed the event.

The Extra Prizes
If you're truly elite gamer, there is an extra prize that you can win at the end of March when the event ends. Don't fret if you're not that good at games though, as long as you at least beat Abigail at every game you will get something. Depending on how you did overall, you will be given one of the following trophies:

  • Grandultimate Scoretacular - Beat or match AAA's score on the launch day of all the games and complete all Double Dares.

  • Ultimate Scoretacular - Beat or match AAA's score and complete at least one Double Dare on the launch day of all the games.

  • Ultimate - Beat or match AAA's score on the launch day of all the games.

  • Super Uberiffic - Beat or match all of Abigail's scores or a combination of AAA's and Abigail's scores (including at least one Double Dare) on the launch day of every game.

  • Uberiffic - Beat or match all of Abigail's scores or a combination of AAA's and Abigail's on the launch day of every game.

  • Super Megasuperb - Beat or match all of AAA's scores by the end of the event and complete at least one Double Dare.

  • Megasuperb - Beat or match AAA's scores for all of the games by the end of Daily Dare.

  • Super Spifftastic - Beat or match all of AAA's or Abigail's scores and complete at least one Double Dare by the end of the event.

  • Spifftastic - Beat or match Abigail's scores and at least one AAA score by the end of the event.

  • Spiffcredible - Beat or match all of Abigail's scores by the end of the event.

  • Participant - Beat or match at least one Abigail score by the end of the event.

Mainly, your goal is to beat AAA's score the day the game is released, for Grandultimate Scoretacular, Ultimate Scoretacular or The Ultimate Prize. If you can't beat his score for every game, you can at least beat his score for some and then Abigail's for others to get the Super Uberiffic or Uberiffic prize, or just all of Abigail's. If you miss a day, you'll automatically only be eligible for the Megasuperb or Spifftastic prizes, even if you can beat AAA at every challenge. Try to get on Neopets every day! Remember, to get a better extra prize, it's better to beat Abigail's score at every game the day it is released rather than skipping a day but still beating every one of AAA's scores.

Important Tip:
If you're not sure if you can get the AAA score, do not challenge either Abigail or AAA right away. Play the game first and then if you do manage to get AAA's score, minimize the game window, click the button to challenge him, and then send the score.

What are the Prizes and Challenges?
By using the navigation below you can view the challenges and prizes of the different Daily Dare events that Neopets has hosted. For the current Daily Dare, if you need help with getting a score to beat either challenger this section also contains tips and game codes if there are any for each day's game. If you are looking for game related items for your gallery or good items worth investing in due to retirement, be sure to check out previous years for the prizes.

[ 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 l 2012 l 2013 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 ]
[ NC 2012 | NC 2013 | NC 2016 | NC 2017| NC 2018| NC 2019 ]

The Roothless Challenge
For the Daily Dare 2008, Neopets released a bonus challenge for those who have completed all of the previous challenges on March 30th. You can participate in this challenge if you have beaten the other 29 challenges that were released prior to March 30th.
This challenge is sort of seperate from the other Daily Dare challenges, as you are not trying to beat either AAA's or Abigail's scores, but you need to defeat their captor by finishing the game Dungeon Dash. You must beat all five levels in Dungeon Dash by scoring 5,000 points to complete this additional challenge. Dungeon Dash has not yet been released to the games room, so this is probably the grand opening for the game. As of this moment, you are not awarded any challenges for beating this challenge. However, if you complete this challenge it is counted as a win over AAA, so this challenge might be related to any additional prizes, trophies, or avatars that are awarded at the end. Below you can find a table with some information on the challenge, and in addition there is a walkthrough for the game Dungeon Dash.

Basic Information

This challenge will show up on your page on or after March 30th after you have completed all of the other challenges, beating either AAA or Abigail. It does not matter when you did the challenges, as long as you have done them all. If you meet this requirement, you should be able to view the challenge at the Daily Dare page by clicking here.
Score exactly 5,000 points on
Dungeon Dash

The following prizes have been released on April 15th for the Roothless challenge.

Finished Dungeon Dash
Beat Roothless in Dungeon Dash
(5,000 Points)

Destruct-o-Match Shirt

(Click to Preview)
Roothless Action Figure
Roothless Action Figure
How to be Roothless
How to be Roothless
Did not finish Dungeon Dash
Did not beat Roothless in Dungeon Dash

Roothless Tilt Maze Game

(Click to Preview)

I Lost to Roothless Sign

(Click to Preview)
At the beginning of the game, you have an option to pick either Abigail or AAA as your character. Abigail and AAA are slightly different characters, so it does matter which one you pick! When you're playing with AAA the game is slightly harder, for instance AAA has trouble running up the steep hills while Abigail does not. You are credited with an AAA win, if you've beaten AAA at every other challenge. If you have beaten Abigail at at least one challenge, you are credited with an Abigail win.

The game is composed of five levels themed off of different games; Snowmuncher, Turmac Roll, Destruct-O-Match II, Ice Cream Machine, and Stowaway Sting. Each level consists of your character automatically running forward. Your score constantly and quickly goes up; you do not need to collect any items in this game to score points.

Your goal is to survive in each level until you get 1,000 points on the level you are in, which takes about 45 seconds. There are tools that you must pick up and use along the way to keep moving forward. There are two ways that you can lose the game; firstly if you lose all your lives by being hit by objects, secondly if the bad guy that is chasing you catches up to you. Don't think that the game is easy because there is only one bad guy though; he's fast! You need to beat all five levels, scoring 5,000 points to win.

Before You Begin:
Your challenge will be counted as being completed if you send 5,000 points on your first, second, or third score! Previously there was a glitch that only allowed you to get it on your first score send, but this has now been fixed. Also, if you are having trouble with the game lagging too much, play using this link, which will start the game in low quality.

Level 1, Snowmuncher Tunnel:
Run along and use the spacebar to jump if need be. Run over the shovel to pick it up. To use it, either click on its image on the bottom left of your screen, or use its key shortcut, 'X'. Now you will be able to break through block walls with your shovel that stand in your way. You'll want to use the shovel about a second before you actually hit the block wall though, which will allow you to break through the wall while still running (press X when you're about one block away from the wall). Continue to use jump when you can though, as digging is a little bit slower. Be sure to jump very last minute, as you do not want to hit the sealing, this will slow down your running. You may even get the bubble in this level, but you don't need it until level 2.

Level 2, Turmac Plains:
Right away you will be able to pick up the bubble. Its key shortcut is 'C'. Use it when you need to pass puddles of mud, it also makes you go faster when you go down hills. Don't use it on flat grass or when you're running up the hill, you will be faster without the bubble. Eventually you will also get the spring. The key shortcut for spring is 'V'. Use the spring to jump over high stumps and hills. If you chose AAA as your character, he will have trouble running up most hills, so make sure you use the spring.

Level 3, Destruct-O-Match Valley:
Keep rolling until you get to a column of blocks. You can shovel through it, but it is much faster to use your spring to get on top of it. From there, spring from column to column. Eventually you will pick up a helmet. Its key shortcut is 'B'. As soon as you receive the helmet, it's best to contiously press B, since you never know when the blocks will fall down. If you get hit by one of the blocks you will slow down a ton. It is possible that you may pick up the shield in this level too, but you do not need it until level 3.

Level 4, Ice Cream Land:
Pick up the shield if you haven't already. Its key shortcut is 'N'. Use the helmet for objects aimed at your head, and the shield for objects that come flying at you aiming for your body. In this level, you'll have to use either the helmet or the shield to protect yourself from scoops. You will need to use the bubble (the C key) to get past the puddles of ice cream. It's best only to use the B and N key when ice creams are actually heading towards you. An important and very good reason not to use them like crazy is that you can not use certain key combinations at the same time. For example you cannot use B/N at the same time as V, you'll need to pick one over the other. If you come to a high ledge, use the spring.

Level 5, Stowaway Docks:
Use your helmet to repel Kougras and your shield to repel Skeiths. Use your bubble to get past holes in the dock and piles of rubbish, though in some cases you can use the spring or spacebar too.

March 31st 2008
Score 2,000+ points on
Meepit vs. Feepit

Score 200+ points on
Meepit vs. Feepit


Tattered Meepit Plushie


  • There are five rounds in each stage. In order to maximize your points early on, you should aim on losing the first two rounds and winning the next three in the first and second stage, as you get points for fighting. It's easier to get points in the first two stages, so you want to fight as many rounds as you can in the beginning! Be sure to allmost defeat your opponent in two rounds, but not entirely, mind that points are also deducted when your opponent hits the ground. After those two times defeat him all the way of course.
  • Learn how to do combos and use them a lot. Not only do they do more damage, but they also get you more bonus points at the end of the stage. There are two special moves, xzxz being the Feepit Roll Of Death and zxzx being Flight of The Feepit. You can't just press these keys like crazy, you must wait for your feepit to preform each move, and then end the special move with the z or x key. Then your feepit will preform the special move earning you 19 points.
March 30th 2008
Score 7,500+ points on
Ice Cream Machine


Ice Cream Scoop Hat

(Click to Preview)
Score 750+ points on
Ice Cream Machine


Ice Cream Cone Plushie
  • The game code strawberryvanillachocolate gives one extra life. One use per game.
  • Try to stay in the middle of the screen. This gives you more freedom when it comes to moving around and avoiding the scoops. Though a corner may seem safe for a bit, eventually you might get trapped and hit by a scoop.
  • Don't move around too much. You can usually stay still most of the time in the first few levels, only making slight movements left and right.
  • Go for all the bonus items if you can except for the Strawberry Bomb. The Strawberry bomb is worthless, it essentially makes you have to survive longer. Don't go for a Cherry or Fish scoop bonus if it looks at all risky, they aren't worth that much.
  • Don't right click on your mouse during the game. For some reason, right clicking causes the game to end!
  • Watch out for the plus sign scoops and the scoops with the large chia on them. While in most cases a plus sign is usually a positive thing, in this game a plus sign scoop speeds up the game! A minus sign scoop slows the game down. The large chia scoop will make you bigger; you don't want that! Look for the small chia scoops.
March 29th 2008
Score 1,000+ points on
Dubloon Disaster

Score 100+ points on
Dubloon Disaster


Row Boat Play Set
  • The game code scallywags creates a whirlpool. One use per game.
  • Once the first ten mines appear, do not do anything that could cause them to explode. If there are not 10 mines, new mines appear after every dubloon you get in random spots, and they might even appear on top of you.
  • Don't use the scallywags code unless you are cornered by the mines and will die otherwise.
  • Try to herd the mines into a circle by rowing constant circles around all the mines. This makes them easier to deal with.
  • Another strategy if you are really bad at the game is to get two dubloons and cause the first two mines that appear to collide. You can get two mines to collide by positioning your boat angled out between them, so that they both move towards you but blow up before they hit you. This is a fairly safe strategy, as there will never be more than two mines, but be prepared to be playing for a long time.
March 28th 2008
Score 600+ points on
Jubble Bubble


Maraquan Shoyru Bubble Blower
Score 125+ points on
Jubble Bubble


Maraquan Munch Cereal
  • Always target the Jubbles before the dubloons or shells, which are the bonus items. You will lose a life if you do not catch the Jubbles.
  • Whenever you have the chance, go for the dubloons. They are worth five times the amount of the shell bonus item, and more than twice as much as the Jubbles.
  • It is actually easier to send the bubbles on up to the items and Jubbles the higher up they are! Shoot the bubbles up as high as possible. As soon as you fire one bubble, instantly begin charging up a second.
  • If you have a break, swim to the middle so you are equidistant from both sides.
March 27th 2008
Score 400+ points on
Ready to Roll


Spike Ball Plushie
Score 75+ points on
Ready to Roll


Sunshine Perfume
  • Relax! This game is all about patience. Make small movements by only moving your mouse a little. Large, unorthodox movements will cause you to lose.
  • Go for as many sunnies as possible while avoiding the spikes. You only need to get to level four to win, even if you miss a few sunnies on previously levels.
  • Keep playing level 1 until you can get all the sunnies. It's not that difficult, and you can quickly restart if you mess up.
March 26th 2008
Score 650+ points on
Stowaway Sting


Guide for Stowaways
Score 100+ points on
Stowaway Sting


Crate of Fish
  • The game code scrap restores health to full. One use per game.
  • Play using Internet Explorer browser if you have it. The timer goes faster using some other browsers like Mozilla Firefox.
  • Collect all four swagbags of Neopoints on level one before finishing the level. Don't worry about the time. In level 2, also collect all five swagbags of Neopoints before finishing.
  • Play the game with patience and practice a good strategy for beating each level. Since each level is the same aside from where the bad guys and swagbags appear, you'll get better with practice!
March 25th 2008
Score 2,000+ points on
Attack of the Gummy Dice


When Gummy Dice Attack
Score 200+ points on
Attack of the Gummy Dice


Gummy Dice Blumaroo Cards
  • The game code explode turns dice into a bomb dice. One use per game.
  • The game code delightful turns dice into morph dice. One use per game.
  • The game code gummydice turns dice will turn into another colour. One use per game.
  • Clear as many dice as possible in each level, as you lose points at the end of each level based on how many dice you have left.
  • Once you get 2,000+ points for AAA, click quit the game. Do not try to keep playing by going to the next level, as you will lose points if you still have dice left on the playing surface, and that might bring you back under 2,000!
  • For at least the first 7-9 levels, try to destroy the columns from the bottom up.
  • When you get to the later levels, focus on taking out the highest columns of dice first.
  • Have plenty of time to play the game. It takes a long time, and the dice start to appear very fast in the later levels.
  • The game codes really aren't that helpful, especially once the dice start appearing faster. Use them on the easier levels at the end to get rid of as many remaining dice as possible.
March 24th 2008
Score 3,500+ points on


Snow Wurm Socks

(Click to Preview)
Score 400+ points on


Snowmuncher Cereal
March 23rd 2008
Score 650+ points on


Spilt Plant

(Click to Preview)
Score 125+ points on


Gnome Wobble Toy

(Click to Preview)
  • If you get a ball through a level on your first try, you get 25 bonus points. Do this in as many levels as possible
  • Play the game a few times so that you know how to beat each level, as they are the same each time you play. This will allow you to get more bonus time points.
March 22nd 2008
Score 600+ points on
Cooty Wars


The Cooty Avenger
Score 75+ points on
Cooty Wars


Nearly Microscopic Crossbow
  • Try to shoot the parachute of a Mootix when it as far down as possible on the first few levels. Aim to earn 7-10 points. In the later levels don't wait to shoot the mootix, they drop so quickly you'll end up missing them.
  • Don't bother shooting the bugs flying by that give you bonus points unless you have a good amount of free time. The bugs are hard to hit, and you could miss a Mootix while you are trying to hit one of the little devils.
  • Play on the largest screen size. This will make it easier for you to target the parachutes when they get smaller.
March 21st 2008
Score 900+ points on
Turmac Roll


Annoyingly Hard Tree Stump

(Click to Preview)
Score 75+ points on
Turmac Roll


Basket of Assorted Berries
  • Play the game on hard. It gives you three times as many points for each berry and for each second you survive.
  • Jump on each hill and each tree, as they may be followed by an obstacle. It's better to be safe than sorry
  • This game takes a lot of tries and a bit of luck, so you might have to take a break after awhile.
  • Try to get the Unguberries and Aquaberries; they're worth many points
  • Make sure you use the right arrow key to speed up; it's especially useful after jumping on obstacles.
March 20th 2008
Score 600+ points on
Snowball Fight


Parachuting for Polarchucks
Score 100+ points on
Snowball Fight


Terror Mountain Snowglobe
  • The game code snowghettiandmeatball gives you 10 extra snowballs once you have room. One use per game.
  • There is no time limit to this game, so relax! Try to never get under 3 big snowballs. If you're running out, aim only for Dieter the Polarchuck until you're packed with snowballs again.
  • Only aim for Dieter if there isn't a faerie close by. Be careful, or you might end up losing snowballs rather than gaining them!
  • Track the wind direction by watching how the snowflakes fall. If the wind is blowing to the left, you're going to want to aim more to the right for a straight shot.
  • Try to hit the neopets in the middle of their face. This will give you 10 points instead of 5.
  • Go for the Meepit whenever it appears, it gives you 10 points for hitting it, or 20 points if you can get it right in the face.
  • Don't use the game code unless you're at a stage where you have to or you will die. Aiming for Dieter is better, the game code should function as your backup option
March 19th 2008
Score 500+ points on
Space Fungus


Space Vessel Action Pack
Score 50+ points on
Space Fungus


Asteroid Puffs Cereal
  • You are allowed to make the circles go through the walls and astroids. When you hit the walls or astroids you will simply bounce off them and go in the other direction.
  • Don't try getting all the bonus items. It is more likely that you will lose by running out of circles. Only get them if they're on your path anyway.
  • You only need to get to level 4 or 5 to beat AAA. Since each level is the same, practice each level until you can beat it in one try, then restart and cruise through it.
March 18th 2008
Score 2,500+ points on
Maths Nightmare


Sleeping Imiya Plushie
Score 200+ points on
Maths Nightmare


Serene Nightscape Snowglobe
  • The game code letimiyasleep gives you extra time. One use per game.
  • Playing the game on division mode with the difficulty at and potato counter. This will give you 20 points per problem you solve, and then at the end of the game your score will be doubled. So, in order to get 2,500 points you only need a score of 1,250! It's relatively easy, the majority of the numbers in the problem are single digit, and an answer is rarely over 10.
March 17th 2008
Score 1,000+ points on
Faerie Bubbles


Toy Faerie Bubble Launcher
Score 150+ points on
Faerie Bubbles


Faerie Bubble Balloons
  • The game code bubbles turns every bubble into the same colour. One use per game.
  • The game code faerieland gives you a rainbow bubble. One use per game.
  • The game code stardust gives you a nova bubble. One use per game.
  • The game code slumberberry resets the rows to the top of the screen. One use per game.
  • Clearing the screen with one bubble gives you 250 bonus points. You can combine the 'bubbles' code with the 'faerieland' code if needed at level 1 to accomplish this, but if there are Air, Dark or Earth bubbles after you use the 'bubbles' code, restart the game.
March 16th 2008
Score 225+ points on
Hasee Bounce


Checkered Doughnutfruit Plushie
Score 50+ points on
Hasee Bounce


Slightly Nibbled Orange e
March 15th 2008
Score 850+ points on
Kass Basher


Unlocking the Bat: A Masters Guide
Score 150+ points on
Kass Basher


Ripped Kass Plushie
  • First you need to unlock the level where you have the bat. The bread and the stick will get you nowhere. To do this requires that you play in all three modes. You'll have to first send a score playing with the bread to unlock the stick, and then with the stick you will have to get a score to unlock the bat. Make sure you only send one score per mode, so that you have one more score you can send while using the bat.
  • Only hit when the wind speed is at 9. To get it at 9, simply play and restart the game over and over again until you start with it either at 8 or 9.
  • When you hit, keep the space bar pressed untill Kass reaches the highest point. Then let the space bar go as he begins to fall, enabling him to flap his wings. If you quickly press the space bar at the exact same time Kass hits the ground, he will bounce and your distance will increase.
March 14th 2008
Score 400+ points on
Bumble Beams


Endangered Millipod Plushie
Score 75+ points on
Bumble Beams


Pile of Loose Gears

(Click to Preview)
  • Tap your left and right keys very softly. If you press them too hard you will lose control.
  • Try to balance your petpets on the edge of the beam until the chart is on the exact spot to make your petpet land in the middle. You will then receive 10 points instead of 5.
  • If you need time to think stay on the top beams longest; once you get to the bottom beam you have no room for error.
  • On the orange beams that appear on level 3 and 4 you can stop your petpet by holding down the key in the opposide direction of where your petpet is going.
March 13th 2008
Score 5,000+ points on


Secrets of Goparokko
Score 400+ points on


Goparokko Sugar Cubes
  • Play the game on the easiest mode. It may reward less points than hard, but unless you're an expert at the game it's much easier to get to 5,000 on this mode. Slow and steady wins the race.
  • Try to combine the 4x and 2x blocks together for extra points.
  • Try to form the squares in the least amount of time possible, saving you time.
  • If a block with a lock on it appears, try to get rid of it as soon as you can, as more will appear, and you don't want to appear with multiple locked blocks later on in the game.
  • Always look for new block squares you can form. If you're about to solve an easy combination, first look around for a few seconds for some combinations. In easy mode, the timer refills itself basically all the way to the top every time you solve a puzzle, so there's really no rush.
March 12th 2008
Score 400+ points on
Sophie's Stew


Sophies Hut Background

(Click to Preview)
Score 75+ points on
Sophie's Stew


Dancing Meowclops Music Box
  • The game code hungrymeowclops gives you an extra life. One use per game. Type the game code in pieces, first type hungry, then the next time you have time type meow, and then finally type clops. This will allow you to get an extra life without losing one.
  • Try to use the right edge of your wand, which will cause the items to bounce further.
  • If you see a Droolik fly over, bounce the items with the middle of your wand so they go up very high. If you hit the Droolik, chances are it will drop a green item which is an extra life you can catch. The blue token increases your wand size, so be sure to catch those too.
  • Remember the meowclops is there to help you. If you are dealing with too many ingredients, drop the one directly above the meowclops, and he will catch it and eat it for you so you don't lose a life.
March 11th 2008
Score 500+ points on
Ugga Smash


Tyrannian Racing Goggles

(Click to Preview)
Score 75+ points on
Ugga Smash


Collectable Tyrannian Car Set
  • You should score the most points of any level on level one. Go all out.
  • Try to stick to a certain car, and keep ramming it as much as you can until it gets away from you. Then go to the next nearest car and repeat.
  • If the Grarrl comes and destroys too many enemy cars, restart the game because those cars were a lot of potential points.
March 10th 2008
Score 1,200+ points on
Crisis Courier


Yooyu Mittens

(Click to Preview)
Score 150+ points on
Crisis Courier


Yooyu Yoyo
  • The game code kingaltador gives you an extra life. One use per game. Type the game code at the beginning or start of the level so you don't get killed while you're doing it.
March 9th 2008
Score 2,400+ points on
Destruct-O-Match II

Score 400+ points on
Destruct-O-Match II


Destruct-O-Match Eraser
  • The game code destroyboulders destroys all boulders of one colour without rewarding points. When used on a level with no boulders left, this code gives you 250 points bonus points. One use per game.
  • Play in normal mode.
  • Use the 'destroyboulders' game code after completing the first level to get an additional 250 bonus points. Don't use it while you're playing.
  • Don't continue playing if you do not sucessfully clear all the boulders in the first two levels, thus earning 250 bonus points from each. It will be too hard to bring up your score later on.
  • Aim on clearing four to five levels total for the bonus points during your play. If you can do that, you will be able to get the score required to beat AAA before level nine when starts getting very difficult.
March 8th 2008
Score 700+ points on
Meerca Chase II


Meerca Negg
Score 100+ points on
Meerca Chase II


Negg Candy Bracelet

(Click to Preview)
  • The game code superextrahypergravitymode unlocks the secret Gravity Level when typed on the main screen.
  • The game code ferociousneggsareontheloose unlocks the secret Ferocious Level when typed on the main screen.
  • Read the SunnyNeo Meerca Chase II Guide!
  • Play in Gravity Mode. The neggs are all worth the most points in this version, and therefore even if you aren't good at the game, all you need is a bit of luck getting a Power Negg or Fish Negg to get a good score!
March 7th 2008
Score 85+ points on
Ultimate Bullseye II


Ultimate Arrow Hat

(Click to Preview)
Score 15+ points on
Ultimate Bullseye II


Ultimate Bullseye II Crispie Rice Treat
  • The game code catapult gives you a random powerup. One use per game.
  • Read the SunnyNeo Ultimate Bullseye II Guide!
  • Practice playing without moving the position of your catapult at all. Ideally, all you have to worry about is the speed at which you fire. The only exception to this is if you get a balloon that is higher than what you could hit no matter what your speed is set at.
  • If you get a fair amount of bullseyes, save one inverterted target powerup for your last try, as if you get another bullseye on it you will be allowed to keep going.
  • Don't bother using the moving target or growing and shrinking target powerups unless you know what you are doing. If you're not used to them, they are simply a guaranteed miss or low scoring hit.
  • Unless you are uncannily good at shooting bullseyes, always go for the balloons when they appear, even if it means missing the target just to hit them. They are easy to hit, and they are therefore a free five points to your score.
March 6th 2008
Score 1,200+ points on
Volcano Run II


Lava Fountain Toy

(Click to Preview)
Score 150+ points on
Volcano Run II

  • The game code glubgar gives you an extra life. One use per game. Type this code at the begin of the level, when you are just starting out, be sure not to fall down or crash as you type though!
  • Use the keys to speed up and slow down as much as possible. When you see a fireball coming through a cave, slow down until the fireball is as much out of the narrow space as time allows. Then speed up, which makes you smaller, to get by it.
  • The game will spawn strings of bonus gems until you have 450 or more. All you have to do to get more than 450 bonus points is aim to get your bonus count to exactly 440. You may have to dodge some gems to do so. Since the gems appear in sets of three, this will then allow you to get 470 bonus points the next time a set appears! Also, you could be lucky on your last set, and you might get two sets in a row quickly for 500 bonus points, or one of them could be a red gem.
  • It is better to restart the game than go onto using different lives. The game is actually easiest on the first life, as the fireballs don't start appearing in sets of two until you reach a distance of 500. If you can get at least 450 bonus points, you only need a distance of 750. Simply keep restarting the game until you can get the distance and gems on your first try!
  • It may be easiest to first fly 750 metres without collecting the gems, and then collecting all bonus gems. Reason for this is that the game gets harder once you've collected all gems.
March 5th 2008
Score 700+ points on
Kiko Match II

Score 75+ points on
Kiko Match II


Kiko Match II Card Game
  • The game code ineedmoretime gives you 15 seconds extra time. One use per game.
  • In the main menu turn off animations, and you'll be able to click faster.
  • Use a pattern when trying to find matches, such as starting from the four corners or the middle.
March 4th 2008
Score 500+ points on
Edna's Shadow


Ednas Shadow Background

(Click to Preview)
Score 80+ points on
Edna's Shadow


Ednas Cookie
  • The game code edmoretime gives you 25 seconds extra time. One use per game.
  • Kill all the baddies in each level. They are worth more points individually then the items.
  • When the rocks with glowing cracks on them begin to appear simply zap them, and there might be a 5 point apple core underneath.
March 3rd 2008
Score 1,000+ points on
Itchy Invasion


Itchy Invasion Background

(Click to Preview)
Score 125+ points on
Itchy Invasion


Petpetpet Crackers
  • The game code pest restores your Pest-B-Gone to full. One use per game. Type 'pes' at the beginning of level 1, then you'll only need to press 't' when you need the code.
  • You can shoot 10 times before needing to recharge your lazer by shooting the green robotic petpets. Count to 9 petpetpets and make sure you hit a green robot before you reach 10!
  • Always get the screen robots when they appear.
  • Try not to get too focused on the petpets that are worth more. In order to get 1,000 points you need to make it through the 6 levels, so focus on surviving instead.
  • If you see a pink robot, don't shoot anything. Wait for a new row of petpetpets to appear behind the pink robot, then shoot it to clear them all.
March 2nd 2008
Score 200+ points on
Wicked Wocky Wobble


Wicked Wocky Wobble Helmet

(Click to Preview)
Score 40+ points on
Wicked Wocky Wobble


Wicked Wocky Wobble Sandwich
  • The game code wocky gives a magic ball when you type this code after catching three or more items. This ball freezes your items for three seconds when you catch it. You can type part of the code ('wock') during the start of the game, and when you've catcht the third item and are ready press the 'y'.
  • Stay in the center of the screen ignoring all of the items that are out of your reach. Moving around too much will mess up your balance. It's also good to stay in the center because it gives you room. Below is a chart of the items and their value. If you put more effort into going for the good items than the bad ones, you'll be able to beat AAA's score fairly quickly with some luck.
    • Green Fruit = 11 points
    • Orange Fruit = 11 points
    • Hearts Book = 22 points
    • Golden Shell = 22 points
    • Spotted Jetsam Plushie = 35 points
    • Mutant JubJub Plushie = 35 points
    • Garlic JubJub Plushie = 35 Points
    • Snow Faerie Plushie = 50 points
    • Illusen Plushie = 50 points
    • Grey Ixi Book = 50 points
    • Sun Tan Lotion = 80 Points
    • Illusen Snowglobe = 80 points
    • Golden Sun Book = 80 points
    • Flaming Coconut Head = 111 points
    • Orange / urple Flashing Fruit = 111 points
  • If your pile moves to the right, make a tiny movement to the right until your pile moves to the left. Then you move to the left until the pile moves to the right again. This is how you keep balanced.
March 1st 2008
Score 2,700+ points on
Meepit Juice Break

Score 250+ points on
Meepit Juice Break


Meepit Juice Break Ice Lolly
  • The game code juice-o-matic restores all time meters to full. One use per game.
  • The game code meepits: Gives you an extra life. One use per game. Type the meepits game code before you press space to start level 1, so you don't lose time typing it.
  • In the first levels you have plenty of time to try and get all the pieces to connect. Use this time for extra points. If you manage to connect all pipes you get an extra bonus of 50 points.
  • If you have 2 or more meepits of the same colour, join them together to save time and earn more points.
  • If you are running low on time, join the meepits together, even if they have different colours!
  • In the higher levels don't be too bothered with getting the colour right, especially for the mixed meepits. You simply won't have time.
  • Get the Rahketmelon and Blue Rambus, they give 10 or 25 points! Try to stay away from the Rotten Wormy Apples, they will deduct 10 points from your score.
  • Yes you can get the score on Zen Mode, but this will take your hours, it may be faster to practice on normal mode
  • Try connecting the pipes starting from the meepit(s) instead of from the flow.

Extra prizes
On April 15th, TNT released the 2008 extra prizes for all ranks. You can see them below:

Prizes per rank

Tyrannian Army Math Tools
Battle Magic

Beat AAA's Score On Launch Day For All Games

Battle Magic

Beat Abigail's Scores OR AAA's and Abigail's Scores on Launch Day For All Games

AAA Gumball Machine

Beat AAA's Scores By End of Daily Dare

Abigail Gumball Machine

(Click to Preview)
Beat Abigail's OR AAA's and Abigail's Scores By End of Daily Dare

AAA Daily Dare Badge

(Click to Preview)
AAA - Tried and Failed
Attempted to but did NOT finish Beating AAA

Abigail Daily Dare Badge

(Click to Preview)
Tried and Failed
Attempted to but did NOT finish Daily Dare

There are also trophies given out along with the prizes listed above.





AAA - Tried and Failed

Tried and Failed

On March 26, 2007 around 1:40 pm NST TNT activated the avatar you can see below for participants in the March 2007 Daily Dare. The avatar was not reactivated after that.

Released in 2007 for beating AAA or Abigail in 15+ Daily Dare challenges.

The avatar was awarded again during the 2018 Daily Dare for beating AAA's score for 15 or more times.
(TNT announced that they plan to keep releasing it for future Daily Dares as well!)

Tip: Check SunnyNeo's Daily Dare page for more information about Daily Dare.

Games Master
A R I S T O T L E A. A V I N R O O

Inviting a friend
Newly released is the option to send a friend a NeoGreeting about Daily Dare. You can see the card by clicking here.

For more information about AAA and Abigail you can check out either of their articles in the Neopedia.

Neopedia: Daily Dare
Neopedia : Aristotle A. Avinroo
Neopedia : Abigail

https://images.neopets.com/games/aaa/littlesister_siteimage.gif https://images.neopets.com/games/aaa/aaa_siteimage.gif

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