Daily Dare

What is Daily Dare?
Daily Dare is a recurring Neopets site event that takes place in the Games Room. It was first introduced in March of 2007, when it ran for one month. If you did not participate in previous years Daily Dare challenges, don't worry! This new round of Daily Dare is independent of the one that took place previously, and it is very fun and easy to participate in. In 2007 Daily Dare was mainly hosted by sponsoring companies, while in 2008 Daily Dare was themed off of a more intricate story (read the story or watch the video).

The event is mock-hosted by Aristotle A. Avinroo, better known as AAA and his little sister Abigail. Daily Dare takes place in the form of challenges that run 30 days in a row. Starting on the first day, a Neopets flash game is chosen daily to be in the challenge. Much like in the game Better Than You, you must then play the game and send a specified score set by TNT. This event is unique though, as there are two different scores that you can choose to try and beat. The preferable score to beat is AAA's. He is better at games than his little sister, so his score will be set higher. Beating his score is a little difficult though, so you can also chose to beat Abigail's score, which is considerably easier. You get to decide each day if you want to challenge AAA or Abigail for the different games. You can only challenge one of them for each game, so chose wisely!

If you want a prize, whichever opponent you challenge is the one you need to beat. However, unlike the 2007 Daily Dare, if you accidentally challenge AAA but are unable to beat his score, you can still get credited for beating Abigail! If you send a score that is higher than Abigail's while trying to beat AAA, it will automatically count as a win over Abigail unless you eventually are able to beat AAA's score for that game. If you challenge AAA but only beat Abigail you will not get your prize until the end of the event. You have unlimited tries for the day, even if you already send your score three times that day, you can still complete a daily dare challenge, you will not rewarded any more neopoints though.

Remember that the cutoff time for sending scores is 12:40AM NST. If open your game window before 12:40, then you won't be able to send your score after 12:40- you'll just get an error message. To prevent this, make sure to close your game window before 12:40 and then reopen it after 12:40. TNT put this cutoff time in place so that people can't just keep the same game window open for days at a time. This cutoff time effects every game, every day, all year round.

SunnyNeo Daily Dare Goodies
We have created some cool Daily Dare goodies for you to use. If you're into Daily Dare, be sure to check out this page for sweet stuff such as adoptables, a userlookup, icons, and a challenge completion counter.

Winning Prizes
Of course, this event wouldn't be as awesome without the prizes. This challenge rewards you generously with different game related items. You can obtain a item prize each day by beating either AAA or Abigail. Beating AAA gets you a better item prize than from beating Abigail. Aside from that, the prizes are the same for everyone for each game. Everyone gets the same prizes though, depending on who you beat. Once you beat either AAA's or Abigail's scores, you have to manually go back to the main Daily Dare page to manually collect your reward. Simply click the little image of the giftbox adjacent to where the score you just beat is listed, and a prize will be rewarded to you. If you send a score and the gift is still faded and therefore you can't click it, you've done something wrong. Make sure you didn't forget to click the button to challenge either AAA or Abigail for the day, and also make sure you sent the right score. At the end of the challenge, extra prizes are also awarded depending on the manner in which you completed the event.

Double Dare
In 2009 a new type of challenge was added to Daily Dare called Double Dare. Each week on a random day there would be such a challenge with the total of five. Basically Double Dare means all or nothing. If you choose to do a Double Dare Challenge you will win both AAA and Abigail's prizes if you are able to beat AAA. Should you fail, you receive nothing.

The Extra Prizes
If you're truly elite gamer, there is an extra prize that you can win at the end of March when the event ends. Don't fret if you're not that good at games though, as long as you at least beat Abigail at every game you will get something. Depending on how you did overall, you will be given one of the following trophies:

  • Gold - Beat AAA each challenge day.

  • Silver - Complete all challenges before the end of Daily Dare, beating AAA at least once.

  • Bronze - Beat Abigail each challenge day.

  • Participation Medal - Complete one or more challenges.

Mainly, your goal is to beat AAA at everything so you can get the Gold Prize. If you can't beat his score for every game, beat him at least once so you can get silver.
In previous years you had to beat Abi and/or AAA to get the gold trophy, but in 2011 TNT decided that everyone should have the option to get the top prize.
From the Neopian Times Editorial:

The gold trophy will be awarded to players defeating AAA at all the challenges, regardless of the day on which it is done. This year, instead of having multiple trophies for such things as beating the challenges on their release days, there are bonus prizes each day for completing the challenge on the day it's released.

Remember to try to beat either AAA or Abigail every day to earn the daily bonus prize of beating them on the day of the challenge.

Important Tip:
If you're not sure if you can get the AAA score, do not challenge either Abigail or AAA right away. Play the game first and then if you do manage to get AAA's score, minimize the game window, click the button to challenge him, and then send the score.

NC Mall Challenges
For the NC Mall Challenge Daily Dare 2012 Lulu goes on an adventure to find King Roo in The Case of the Missing King. You can read all about Lulu's travels in our Guide.

Team Challenge
In 2011, a new feature was added to the Daily Dare, Team Challenges. To complete the Team Challenge, you'll need to visit the Team Challenge hub. Team Challenges will be made available each Friday through Sunday, beginning Friday. From the Team Challenge hub, follow the prompts to choose your opponent, pick your Neofriend partner, and send an invitation. You must challenge AAA or Abigail from the Team Challenge hub in order to accept the Team Challenge. You might also be asked to accept an invitation from a Neofriend. Once you and your partner beat or match AAA's or Abigail's score (depending upon whom each of you has agreed to challenge), you will be awarded a Team Challenge bonus prize in addition to the regular AAA or Abigail prize for that day. You and your Neofriend will have to best AAA's or Abigail's score prior to midnight the following Monday in order to qualify for the Team Challenge bonus prize. You can visit the Team Challenge Rules or FAQ for more details.

What are the Prizes and Challenges?
By using the navigation below you can view the challenges and prizes of the different Daily Dare events that Neopets has hosted. For the current Daily Dare, if you need help with getting a score to beat either challenger this section also contains tips and game codes if there are any for each day's game. If you are looking for game related items for your gallery or good items worth investing in due to retirement, be sure to check out previous years for the prizes.

[ 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 l 2012 l 2013 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 ]
[ NC 2012 | NC 2013 | NC 2016 | NC 2017| NC 2018| NC 2019 ]

At the end of the Daily Dare trophies were given out along with the extra prizes listed below and last year's Daily Dare site theme.


Site Theme

Site Theme

Site Theme
Participation Medal


Extra prizes
At the end of Daily Dare extra prizes were handed out to everyone who participated in the event. The prizes given to a player are based on their preformance at the games. The table below shows the prizes given to the different trophy levels. Gold gets all of the prizes, Participation only gets the last prize.

Prizes per rank

Silver and up

Roo Island Pier Playset
Bronze and up

Daily Dare Through the Years
Participation Medal and up

Abigails Compact

March 26th 2012
Day Five of Lulu's Bug Hunt
March 25th 2012
Score 976 points on
Faerie Bubbles


Faerie Bubbles Cannon

(Click to Preview)
Score 304 points on
Faerie Bubbles


Faerie Bubbles Brew
Day Four of Lulu's Bug Hunt

Roo Island Bug Wings

(Click to Preview)

Bonus Prize:

Avoids Air Combos Award
Tips for Faerie Bubbles:
  • Check out our Faerie Bubbles Guide!
  • The game code bubbles turns every bubble into the same colour. One use per game.
  • The game code faerieland gives you a rainbow bubble. One use per game.
  • The game code stardust you a nova bubble. One use per game.
  • The game code slumberberry resets rows to the top of the screen. One use per game.
  • Restart until you get mostly fire or water bubbles.
  • Make fire and water combo's (made out of 4 bubbles or more) where possible. Try avoiding any air, earth or dark combo's.
  • Try avoiding any air, earth or dark combo's.
  • If you are needing a really high score, you can use the code bubbles on level 8. If you use the faerieland code to get a matching bubble right after, it will give you 250 bonus points at once (if you get Fire, Water, Light or Air bubbles) and clear a difficult level for you. This works especially if you've got a bad combo of bubbles here (many Air, Green or Dark).
March 24th 2012
Score 390 points on
Meerca Chase II


Negg Tail Belt

(Click to Preview)
Score 158 points on
Meerca Chase II


Gumball Negg Machine
Day Three of Lulu's Bug Hunt

Bonus Prize:

Meerca Chase II - The Game
Today is a Double Dare!
Tips for Meerca Chase II:
  • Check out our Meerca Chase 2 Guide.
  • superextrahypergravitymode: Unlocks the secret Gravity Level when typed on the main screen.
  • ferociousneggsareontheloose: Unlocks the secret Ferocious Level when typed on the main screen.
  • Play in Gravity Mode. The neggs are all worth the most points in this version, and therefore even if you aren't good at the game, all you need is a bit of luck getting a Power Negg or Fish Negg to get a good score!
March 23th 2012
Score 3,574 points on
Sutek's Tomb


Geeky Geb
Score 548 points on
Sutek's Tomb


Suteks Tomb Rubber Stamp Set
Day Two of Lulu's Bug Hunt

Bonus Prize:

Shoe Full of Sand
Island Merchandise
AAA Team Challenge prize:

AAA vs. Abigail Stamp
Abigail Team Challenge prize:

Guide to Restoring Roo Island
Today is a Team Challenge!
Tips for Sutek's Tomb:
  • The game code pyramibread displays next possible move. Multiple use per game.
  • The game code plzsutekcanihavemoretime gives you 30 seconds extra time. One use per game.
  • Play on hard mode to get more points in a quicker time.
  • Try to get 4 or more tiles in a row; this increases the points you make.
  • There are various special tiles throughout the game which act as bonuses.
    • bomb tile - when this tile drops down three or more spaces it will detonate and it knocks out all the tiles ABOVE the bomb in that column. Handy for sneaky points.
    • golden coin tile - is a wild card. Can be used in any combo.
    • ankh tile - when this tile reaches the bottom of the game screen it will knock out the entire column it is sitting in and the entire row it is sitting in. So it will launch a horizontal and vertical attack - knocking out twice as many!
    • scarab tile - When this tile reaches the bottom of the game screen it will knock out the column it is in.
    • TPOSG tile - a VERY RARE tile. If you happen to see this during the game try your hardest to make it go to the bottom. When it does it will knock out every single tile on the screen and you'll be awarded 500 points. Also your timer will be refilled.
  • With the special tiles, if the game board is reshuffled, the special tiles will disappear
  • If you absolutely feel like you can only play zen mode to obtain this score heed this warning, if the board is reshuffled your score will be reset to 0
  • Try to create your combos at the bottom of the game screen. It makes it easier for tiles to fall from above and gives a greater chance of more combos being made available.
  • Clicking the hourglass pauses the game. While the game is paused you can type in plzsutekcanihavemoretim, and then when you unpause the game, type the final e. This way, you don't have to waste time typing the entire code while the timer is going. The game can only be paused up to 3 times so save those pauses for when you really need them. Also, pausing the game just to give yourself extra time to find combos won't work. The screen will be hidden with an anubis sitting on top.
  • Sometimes there are several possible matches close to each other. If you make the "wrong" match first, then the tiles may be moved in away that ruins your chance of making the other possible matches. Try to make the matches in the "right" order so that you can actually make all the matches without ruining any of them. Also try to make matches that will cause other tiles to fall and automatically make mathes for a chain.
  • Try to make vertical matches as opposed to horizontal ones, because they give you a better possibilty for chains.
March 22th 2012
Score 527 points on
Trouble at the National Neopian


Gold Bars Chair
Score 230 points on
Trouble at the National Neopian


Jail Meal
Voted on 21th March for the thirteenth step of the The Case of the Missing King

Lucky Dice Dress

(Click for Preview)
Day One of Lulu's Bug Hunt

Roo Island Bug Cardigan

(Click to Preview)

Bonus Prize:

National Neopian Log
Tips for Trouble at the National Neopian:
  • If a thief gets away before you can jail him, the thief will steal points from you, and you'll also lose a life. Points are also subtracted if you hit a key corresponding to a door where there is no thief, or if you try to convert your points into a bar of gold when you have less than 100 points.
  • Every time you get 100 points, hit the space bar to convert your points into a bar of gold. Once you convert your points into a bar of gold, those points are "safe" and can't be subtracted from your total if you make a mistake.
  • Once you reach 527 points (5 bars of gold and 27 points), hit Q to end your game. Otherwise, you're in danger of falling below 527 points when you make mistakes and points are subtracted.
  • Alternatively, keep playing until you've got 6 bars of gold (worth 600 points.) That way, when your game ends, you can't possibly have less than 600 points.
  • This game is based largely on visual recognition, so playing the game on a larger size may make it easier to see and recognize everything.
  • Occasionally, a guy in an orange shirt holding money bags (known as The Phantom Orange Shirt Guy, or TPOSG) will appear. Let him pass and he'll give you 25 points.
March 21th 2012
Score 556 points on
Smug Bug Smite


Smug Bug Spots

(Click for Preview)
Score 476 points on
Smug Bug Smite


Thieving Guide for Coleopterans
Voted on 20th March for the twelfth step of the The Case of the Missing King

Albot Helmet with Goggles

(Click for Preview)

Bonus Prize:

Suspicious Perfume
Today is a Double Dare!
Tips for Smug Bug Smite:
  • Use your mouse to aim and left click to shoot the bug as soon as you see it.
  • There is no difference between the three weapons choices.
  • There are only two bugs to shoot per level and only 3 levels so getting a good time bonus is crucial to beating AAA's score.
  • The bugs appear at a fixed random location so familiarise yourself with their possible spots and get ready to strike to earn the maximum time bonus.
  • Be alert to the surrounding as there isn't much time to catch the bugs in level 3, watch out for their feelers as they are coming out.
  • Sometimes 2 bugs will appear at the same spot so watch closely as the bug in front may be giving cover for the one behind.
  • Try playing the game on the small setting so you have less area you need to cover.
March 20th 2012
Score 336 points on
Ghost Bopper


Cobweb Shoes

(Click for Preview)
Score 94 points on
Ghost Bopper


Haunted Dream House Playset
Voted on 19th March for the eleventh step of the The Case of the Missing King

Flowering Vine Staff

(Click for Preview)

Bonus Prize:

Ghost Bopper Cake
Tips for Ghost Bopper:
  • The number keys you'll have to use are those of the numberpad of your keyboard! If your keyboard doesn't have a numberpad (like many laptop keyboards) you can change the setings to letter keys by going to the 'setup' menu before the game starts.
  • Read the instructions on the screen when a new level starts carefully. You'll need to whack the Faellie ghost twice before it'll be gone, and whacking the skull will make you loose a life.
  • If after wacking a ghost, neopoints or a heart will show up, you'll have to whack those too. Neopoints will give you more points, the heart an extra life.
  • At level 4, the controls will be rotated! if you're fast and have the luck of getting a neopoint power-up, you'll be able to get the required score just before the rotation. Otherwise, if the rotation is giving you problems, rotating your keyboard in the same directing can be a great help (even though it might sound silly).
  • If you don't have a numberpad and are finding the letter setting awkward to hit the right keys, try using two hands - your right hand on the middle row that also can reach up to the top row and your left hand on the bottom row.
March 19th 2012
Score 69,543 points on
Shenkuu Warrior II


Shenkuu Cloud

(Click for Preview)
Score 19,234 points on
Shenkuu Warrior II


Cloud Shake
Voted on 18th March for the tenth step of the The Case of the Missing King

Lovely Shenkuu Gazebo

(Click for Preview)

Bonus Prize:

I Made it Past the Loading Screen!
Tips for Shenkuu Warrior II:
  • Beginners should play on "training" mode, it is far easier to earn points on this mode.
  • In "training" mode, just like the old version, your progress is saved at the beginning of each level.
  • Use your mouse to collect the coins.
  • Collecting all the coins in a pattern (circle or diagonal) will give you a 2x bonus. If you find it hard to collect coins, try swirling your mouse over the pattern as many times as possible and still have time to catch onto the next ramp.
  • In the third level of "training" mode, broken/tattered ramps can be used by clicking on it once, breaking it, and then clicking on it again.
  • In "zen" mode, purple clouds will disappear once you grapple onto them, forcing you to use a balloon ramp
  • Kites and Kazeriu are very useful, especially the latter, however, pay attention as to when they run out.
March 18th 2012
Score 262 points on
Sophie's Stew


Deadly Treasure Chest
Battle Magic
Score 85 points on
Sophie's Stew


Sophies Stew Gummies
Voted on 17th March for the ninth step of the The Case of the Missing King

Dark Thieving Jacket

(Click for Preview)

Bonus Prize:

Meowclops Dietary Guidelines
Tips for Sophie's Stew:
  • Type hungrymeowclops for an extra life. One use per game.
  • Type the game code in pieces, first type hungry, then the next time you have time type meow, and then finally type clops. This will allow you to get an extra life without losing one.
  • Bounce the items off of the right side of your wand in order to make them go towards the right and into the cauldron.
  • You can use either the mouse or the arrow keys to move the wand. Using the mouse is much easier.
  • If you drop an item, you lose a life. However, if you drop an item right above the Meowclops, the Meowclops will eat it and you will not lose a life.
  • A Droolik will fly overhead and drop powerups from the top of the screen. Grab the green powerup for an extra life. Grab the blue one to increase the size of your wand. Avoid the red powerup, as it decreases your wand size.
  • If you move the wand to the right as you bounce the items off of it, it will make the item go farther, allowing you to get them into the cauldron faster.
  • If an item bounces off of the side of the cauldron, sit by the cauldron and let the item bounce back off of the right side of your wand. This should cause it to go into the cauldron.
  • As the game goes on, Sophie will throw the items more quickly, and you may have to juggle several items at once. Different items are worth different amounts of points, so if you have multiple items in the air and have to choose one to drop, drop the one with the lower point value. The point values are as follows:
    • Grape Gummy Rat: 5
    • Pile Of Dung: 5
    • Glaring Eye Wrap: 6
    • Brain Ice Cream: 6
    • Spooky Doughnut: 6
    • Twirly Fruit: 7
    • Octornapie Tentacle: 7
    • Red Scorchiopepper: 8
    • Hot Worm Hot Dog: 8
    • Tongue Wrap: 8
    • Spoc Spoc Grub: 9
    • WooWoo Grub: 10
    • Blue Fish Pop: 10
    • Mau Codestone: 12
    • Ghost Marshmallow: 15
March 17th 2012
Score 6,045 points on
Ice Cream Machine


Adee Plushie
Score 1,765 points on
Ice Cream Machine


Adee Usuki
Usuki Doll
Voted on 16th March for the eighth step of the The Case of the Missing King

Clockwork Wings

(Click for Preview)

Bonus Prize:

Congratulatory Book
Tips for Ice Cream Machine:
  • The game code strawberryvanillachocolate gives you an extra life when typed before the start of a level. One use per game.
  • Extra lives are important- the pink scoop with the heart on it will give you an extra life, so collect it whenever you can.
  • Don't move around too much. You can usually stay still most of the time in the first few levels, only making slight movements left and right.
  • Attempt to stay around the middle of the screen so that you don't get trapped against a wall.
  • The yellow scoop with a cherry on top is worth 100 points and the blue fish scoop is worth 250 points. A large amount of your points will come from collecting these scoops, so try hard to collect them any time you see them.
  • Collecting the red scoops causes the ice cream to slow down. This powerup will stack- the more you collect, the slower the ice cream will go. This can be helpful, but make sure not to slow things down too much, especially in later levels, or you're likely to get stuck behind walls of slow-moving ice cream that you can't escape from.
  • The purple scoop which has a small outline of a chia on it will cause your character to shrink down, making it easier for you to dodge ice cream. It's very useful to have, and this powerup also stacks, meaning your character will get continually smaller as you collect more of these purple scoops.
  • The green scoop causes the ice cream to speed up- you don't want this! You also don't want to collect the light blue scoop which has an outline of a chia on it- it will make you larger, and therefore it will be harder for you to dodge the ice cream. Both of these powerups will also stack.
  • If you collect the cherry scoop, the fish scoop, the strawberry bomb, the shield, or the extra life, it will cancel all of your stacked powerups, so be aware of this. The strawberry bomb is fairly useless, and the shield only lasts a short while, so you may not want to collect either of these two scoops if you're under the effects of good powerups.
  • Be careful not to right click with your mouse, as this will cause your game to automatically end!
March 16th 2012
Score 493 points on


Lovely Shenkuu Fan

(Click to Preview)
Score 156 points on


The Kou-Jong Strategy
Voted on 15th March for the seventh step of the The Case of the Missing King

Bonus Prize:

Bamboo Flute
AAA Team Challenge prize:

Exploding Die
Battle Magic
Abigail Team Challenge prize:

Traveling Game Food
Today is a Team Challenge!
Tips for Kou-Jong:
  • If you want to beat AAA, you can play the game on medium or on hard. If you play on medium, you need to be fast!
  • Being fast gives bonus points. Those will help you with getting the required score
  • If you don't have any more matching tiles, you can click reset without losing earlier scores
  • When clearing the tiles, try to clear the top tiles and those around the edges first. In this way, more other tiles will become free or available.
  • The game will tell you when there are no more possible moves. If you can't find any and the game hasn't stopped yet when you click, you can use the hint option twice to preview a move. Only use this when you really need it!
  • Trying to remember how all the different tiles look will help you spotting the tiles you need more easily.
March 15th 2012
Score 840 points on
Super Hasee Bounce


Hasee Stripes

(Click to Preview)
Score 386 points on
Super Hasee Bounce


Hasee Cake
Voted on 14th March for the sixth step of the The Case of the Missing King

Curly Dark Wig

(Click to Preview)

Bonus Prize:

Collecting Letters
Today is a Double Dare!
Tips for Super Hasee Bounce:
  • Instead of trying to aim, focus on where your Hasee is landing, so as not to lose any lives.
  • Collect any bonus point items (doughnutfruits) before you collect all the letters, as this finishes the level.
  • The closer to the egde of the seesaw, the higher the Hasee will bounce. This can be helpful when aiming for specific balloons.
  • You need to make use of the 2x, 3x and 5x powerup bubbles. If your Hasee gets one of them you have a few seconds to also get letters and doughnut fruits which will then double in points (or more depending on the powerup).
  • Restart the game until your level 1 starts with at least one or two multiplier powerups.
  • Playing on normal mode is fine, you don't need to play on hard mode.
March 14th 2012
Score 186,472 points on
Wrath of the Snowager


Loot Bag

(Click to Preview)
Score 18,964 points on
Wrath of the Snowager


Cheeky Chia Action Figure
Voted on 13th March for the fifth step of the The Case of the Missing King

Alien Abduction Background

(Click to Preview)

Bonus Prize:

Frozen Spardel Plushie
Tips for Wrath of the Snowager:
  • Play the game on hard to get more points.
  • You can only use the left and right arrow keys to move the Snowager around, not the up and down keys.
  • The most important powerup is the green heart, which gives an extra life. Make sure to get it whenever you can.
  • If you're having trouble beating the game normally, then hang out in level one for a while until you've collected a lot of extra lives. (You can stay in a level for longer by hitting the -4 powerup, which will make you drop 4 of your items.) Once you've got a lot of lives, go on to level 2. Then play level 2 over and over, killing yourself on purpose once you've collected 19 items. Keep doing that until you're on your last life; then pass the level and progress through the game. If you collected enough extra lives in level one, you can beat AAA without ever having to pass level 2.
March 13th 2012
Score 890 points on
Gwyl's Great Escape


Personal Meowclops Statue

(Click to Preview)
Score 324 points on
Gwyl's Great Escape


Patched Balloon
Voted on 12th March for the fourth step of the The Case of the Missing King

Bonus Prize:

How to line a tunnel with Spikes
Tips for Gwyl's Great Escape:
  • At the start of the game, choose to Continue Game, do not select New Game. Then type in the code gwylsgreatestescapeever, which will bring you to a bonus level with lots of gems. After you finish the bonus level, you'll go to the regular first level and continue the game as usual.
  • If you're quick, you can get a time bonus at the end, but don't rush too much and lose all your health.
  • If you land slightly to the right of center on the statue at the end, your time bonus can be doubled or even tripled.
  • On level 3 (catacombs 3), as well as level 7 (lava caves 3), you'll start out right by the statue, have to go through the level collecting all the gems, then go all the way back to the statue. In either of these levels, if you still have 2 lives, you can die after collecting the last gem. Then you'll start right next to the statue, with all your gems, so you can land on the statue immediately for a big time bonus.
March 12th 2012
Score 670 points on
Cooty Wars


Cooty Wars Lamp
Score 286 points on
Cooty Wars


Parachute Mootix Plushie
Voted on 11th March for the third step of the The Case of the Missing King

Giant Plate of Jelly

(Click for Preview)

Bonus Prize:

Petpetpet Slippers
Today is a Double Dare!
Tips for Cooty Wars:
  • Try to shoot the parachute of a Mootix when it as far down as possible on the first few levels. Aim to earn 7-10 points. In the later levels don't wait to shoot the mootix, they drop so quickly you'll end up missing them.
  • Don't bother shooting the bugs flying by that give you bonus points unless you have a good amount of free time. The bugs are hard to hit, and you could miss a Mootix while you are trying to hit one of the little devils.
  • Play on the largest screen size. This will make it easier for you to target the parachutes when they get smaller.
March 11th 2012
Score 1,860 points on
Meepit Juice Break


Angry Meepit Eyes

(Click for Preview)
Score 521 points on
Meepit Juice Break


Happy Meepit Plushie
Voted on 10th March for the second step of the The Case of the Missing King

Bonus Prize:

How to Serve Meepits
Tips: Tips for Meepit Juice Break:
  • The game code meepits gives you an extra life. One use per game.
  • The game code juice-o-matic restores time meters to full. One use per game.
  • You get more points when the juice is the same color as the Meepit.
  • Meepits have a weird sense of colours. To get pink Juppie juice for the pink Meepit, combine all the three colours (red, blue and yellow).
  • To to put pipes with a fruit in your connection. The red fruit will give you 10 points, the blue one 25.
  • Rotten apples will take of 10 points of your score. Try to avoid those.
  • At the end of a level, when you've only have one Meepit left to feed, connect the pipes of both two Meepits, so you'll be feeding two instead of one. This will give you extra points.
  • On the lower levels, take your time to connect as many pipes as possible, this will give you more points
  • Connecting all pipes at once will give you bonus points. This can be done the easiest on the first level.
  • If you have 2 or more meepits of the same colour, join them together to save time and earn more points.
  • If you are running low on time, join the meepits together, even if they have different colours!
  • In the higher levels don't be too bothered with getting the colour right, especially for the mixed meepits. You simply won't have time.
  • Yes you can get the score on Zen Mode, but this will take you much longer, it may be faster to practice on normal mode
  • Try connecting the pipes starting from the meepit(s) instead of from the flow.
March 10th 2012
Score 1,547 points on
Destruct-O-Match III


Destruct-O-Match Frame

(Click for Preview)
Score 983 points on
Destruct-O-Match III


Destruct-O-Scorchio Plushie
Voted on 9th March for the first step of the The Case of the Missing King

Bonus Prize:

Destruct-O-Match Watercolours
Tips: Tips for Destruct-O-Match III:
  • Read SunnyNeo's Destruct-O-Match III game guide.
  • Play on Classic mode.
  • Restart the first level until you get an Overkill block (the one with the picture of a paint brush.) The Overkill block destroys all of the blocks on the screen that are the same color as the Overkill block.
  • Always wait to use an Overkill block until you've destroyed as many of the other blocks of its color as you possibly can. (This is because blocks destroyed by the Overkill block do not add to your score, excepting the blocks that are in the group that is actually touching the Overkill block.)
  • Near the end of each level, when you can't destroy any more blocks, use the Explode block (the one with the picture of the volcano) if you have one. The fewer blocks you have left at the end of the level, the more bonus points you will get.
  • If you get a Timer block (the one with a number counting down) make sure to destroy it first.
  • The more blocks you destroy at one time, the higher your score will be for that group of blocks, so try to make large groups of blocks.
  • Starting at the third level, you can get a Multiplier block (the one with a picture of 3 drumsticks.) Your score for a group of blocks containing the Multiplier block will be tripled, so try to make that group as big as possible.
March 9th 2012
Score 354 points on
Carnival of Terror


Hiding From Clowns Blanket
Score 245 points on
Carnival of Terror


Bit of Evil Clown

Bonus Prize:

Evil Clown Repellant
AAA Team Challenge prize:

Roo Island Pier Background

(Click for Preview)
Abigail Team Challenge prize:

Vintage King Roo Action Figure
Today is a Team Challenge!
  • Check SunnyNeo's Carnival of Terror guide for more info
  • Use the game code piecrust to restore your ammo to full, use once per game.
  • Use the game code custard to restore your health to full, use once per game.
March 7th 2012
Score 2,538 points on

Score 1,024 points on


I'm too full! The Dieter Story
Lulu's challenge has not yet appeared in the 2012 Daily Dare, please check back soon and we will keep you updated!

Bonus Prize:

Snowmucher Snowglobe
Tips: Tips for Snowmuncher:
  • Check SunnyNeo's Snowmuncher guide for more info
  • The game code buuuurrrrrrrrp (4xU and 8xR) decreases your bloat level by 50%. One use per game.

Something very strange is going on in the new Games Room where AAA is hosting the Daily Dare this year. Some weird bug creatures are popping up all over the screen.

Is this because AAA activated the Games Room, even though King Roo took it down because there were problems? Fore sure there are some bugs going on!

When you click on the bugs, they'll give out an item. You can click 10 bugs a day, after this, no more bugs will be showing up. The bug are everywhere in the Games Room, and can even show up on the screen of a game itself. If you click on such a bug, the game you are currently playing will restart. To prevent this from happening at the moment you've just earned your hard earned AAA score, make sure the game screen is free of bugs before you start playing.

Items given out by bugs


Ant Eaten Hot Dog
Hot Dog

Awesome Blumaroo Battles

Baby Blu

Baby Tomatoes
Healthy Food

Bag of Broken Neopoints
Broken Toy

Bag of Sugar
Medieval Food

Bagel and Egg Sandwich

Banana Blumaroo Biscuit

Banana Blumaroo Waffles

Black Cherry Pastry Wrap

Blue Blumaroo Jigsaw Puzzle

Blue Blumaroo Keyring

Blueberry Roll

Blumaroo Burrito

Blumaroo Gnome Making Kit

Blumaroo Gnome-in-the-box

Blumaroo Sugar Skull

Carton of Orange Juice

Healthy Food

Cheesy Baked Apple Core
Healthy Food

Chewing Dung
Gross Food

Chocolate Perfume

Gross Food

Day In The Life Of King Roo

Dicearoo for Beginners

Dirt Hole

Dirt Pie

Edible Smelly Gym Socks

Fleaf Plushie

Gooey Bug Soup
Spooky Food

Green Grapes

Half-eaten Candy Floss

Itsy Bitsy Tiny Snowball
Ice Crystal

Jam Scone

King Roo Painting
Roo Island Merchandise

Lemon Bumbluz Lolly

Lightmite Keyring

Mootix Farm

Mouldy Petpet Bed
Petpet Supplies

Mouldy Potato
Medieval Food

Purple Blumaroo Plushie

Petpetpet Eating Plant

Roo Island Magazine
Neovian Press

Roo Island Snowglobe

Rubbish Dump Background
Mystical Surroundings

Small Unidentified Skull
Island Merchandise

Spilt Coffee

Squeaky Larnikin Toy
Petpet Supplies

Stagnant Puddle of Water

Stale Bread
Medieval Food



Yellow Blumaroo Balloon

On March 26, 2007 around 1:40 pm NST TNT activated the avatar you can see below for participants in the March 2007 Daily Dare. The avatar was not reactivated after that.

Released in 2007 for beating AAA or Abigail in 15+ Daily Dare challenges.

The avatar was awarded again during the 2018 Daily Dare for beating AAA's score for 15 or more times.
(TNT announced that they plan to keep releasing it for future Daily Dares as well!)

Tip: Check SunnyNeo's Daily Dare page for more information about Daily Dare.

Games Master
A R I S T O T L E A. A V I N R O O

Inviting a friend
Newly released is the option to send a friend a NeoGreeting about Daily Dare. You can see the card by clicking here.

For more information about AAA and Abigail you can check out either of their articles in the Neopedia.

Neopedia: Daily Dare
Neopedia : Aristotle A. Avinroo
Neopedia : Abigail

https://images.neopets.com/games/aaa/littlesister_siteimage.gif https://images.neopets.com/games/aaa/aaa_siteimage.gif

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